<br />I
<br />
<br />
<br />83,.....001456
<br />~~tetlbY~8ecurltyh1stnul1entissubj~ toalawwhichset8~Ufl1
<br />. ". .~thl'Ittheintere$torotJierl(JlU1 cfuirgescollected or tobecollecl;ed'
<br />.'. .... ...'.. .. .........'...pertnif;t.ed'ljInif& Ift1iisis'tlie ~th.~n:. (~tllllY'.su.ch}Olln'
<br />. . 'aroount~.toillduce.tIiechiirgettr thepenmtt.ed<liniit;"and(B}..~
<br />.., ....collfllCtAl<l;... ,.J3briowerwhich~ceeded pennitted liniits will berefimdedtoB~rrower.
<br />'may'~~.nUifreJ;hi&refund.by reducingtheprin.cipalowedunderthe.Not& or by1l1ilkiil.g;a
<br />.~.toB6m!Wer.' .' . ."
<br />C. PItIORL!ENS
<br />
<br />
<br />nLender'~ thatallor any part of the sums secured by this security Th$trulllent lire sUbject
<br />to'an.enwllich'bas'priOrity over this Security. Instrument, LenderIIlllY send BorroweranoticeidentifYi;ng
<br />thatJie!1. BOrrowershallpmmptIy.act with regard 'to that Jienasprovidedinparagraph,4oftlie~ty
<br />Ill8~tor shaIlpmmptly secure an agreement in a fonn satisfactory to Lender subordinatingthB.tJien
<br />to thiS SecuritY lnlItnuneJ1t.F8ifure to provide evidence that Lender has first lien shall constitute a defaUlt
<br />under'tI1etemtlloftlliS Note.
<br />
<br />If there is a transfer of the Property. subject to paragraph 17 of the Security Instrmnent. Lender
<br />I!l'ly req\rlre (1) an increase in thecmrent Note interest rate, or (2) an increase in (or retDovalof) the
<br />limit on. the amount of /my one interest rate change (if there is a limit), or (3) a change in the Base
<br />~dex.figure, or allot these,.as a condition of Lender's waiving the option to accelerate provided in para-
<br />graph1'l,
<br />By signing this. Borrower agrees to all of the above.
<br />
<br />1
<br />'~ff~~'.ro?~e'/:;;-:!!::'0.~;:,..",..,...,.,.."..~
<br />
<br />,.J . () / ~b;';']
<br />~I/ L.d;d. Lo./' ,_/C~1'~k'::
<br />''S'iisaii"-C':-VOlTiniil'.....':-....,............... .., ~
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, .'m...h'........,.............................,J~J.l.........,....,.......,.... County ss:
<br />
<br />On this ...'..'.h'....'...f2,.............h' day of .....,........J,~.................., 19..~,:t. before me, the undersigned,
<br />al~~~T~f~ ~~c~Jlir::~ W~s~tr'~ came ..............,............--'......'.
<br />..............._..........._......'.,...........,............_,...............'.....m....'..'.........,.............,.....,.,...,.......'..........................,.............f
<br />toIIlll known to be the identical. peraon(a) ~ ~(s) are subscribed to the foxegoing instrument ana
<br />acJmQwledged the execution thenlofto be .,.......::,.=..5,.....,...,....................,. voluntary act and deed.
<br />WlTNESSmy hand and notarial seal at......,..G~.,;w..~...,.Nebr.aaka...........'m'...... in said county,
<br />the dateafOle88id.
<br />
<br />My Cnmlpi"'li91l expires:
<br />
<br />. ;;J
<br />
<br />.&:.a::.~~~-""''''--'<i''.4.,"",~"""...
<br />
<br />W._..Bquoi~~/__~MIF,
<br />
<br />
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<br />L
<br />
<br />
<br />
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