<br />
<br />J
<br />
<br />Kreiner~ (husband and , It...."i" ,:;db! lit" mortgagOr whether on~ or more,
<br />wife)
<br />Eight: Thous.andQrte Ru.ndred Sixty-Eight and 90/100 Dollars ($8,168..90)
<br />
<br />
<br />r~e\,ive,I.JromllH)rtgagee, doe~ llHll'tgllge lo the CityofGl'and Island, Nebraska,
<br />a/>1i;mitj:palCorporation, the following descri~bed real estate, to-wit:
<br />
<br />~Northerly Eighty-Five Feet (N 85':) of that certain lot fortned by the
<br />fOli~iJ.1gdescribedparce1s of ground; VIS: Fractiona;l Lot One (1), in fractional
<br />>>'locktlx;rteen (13) , in RusseU Wheeler's Addition and its complement to-wit:
<br />FtactiotlllItot One (1), in' fractional Block One Hu.ndred Forty (140), in Union
<br />Pa:cific.R4Uway Company's Second Adiition, both being Additions to the City of
<br />Grandls14nd, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />And the lHortgngol' d~H'S hereby CO"'t~!lant witii tIlt: wortgagee and with ,mortgagee's heirs and
<br />i1ssigns that mortgagor is hwfully ,'"eisr:d of sa it!. prcmi8t~s. that they arc free from encumbrance! tha.t
<br />ulorlgagor lias good right Hnd !.l\rful iwthuril)' to eOIl\'~} th(~ !lame, and that mortgagor warrants and
<br />will defeud the title to :i:lld l't"t~Hlt$e-:J .q;aillst the lawful ..blIH.... of all per~ons whomsoever,
<br />'fhhi mortgage i:-.; !,;-!V{:ll tn -ReClire the paYllh'Ht of th... l;rnlllis:-ioI'Y note of this date made by
<br />1I10"tg"gOI' fOI'$ 8,168,90 ----- .,,,y..G!e, III ;"'conld,,ci:' ."Llh said note,
<br />
<br />
<br />Mong-agul' ~hi.J.il iI,')" ;dl LI \I'~ lItid a:i"'t'SSHlCIl!s h'\ .i('d \Ipnu ;'\;ud ft.'a) prnpert)' and all other taxes
<br />levied vII lith> llIortguge 01' t!t~ Hllte whidl U11;:; mortgilge I" ~i\'t'n to <i~eHre before the sallle become delin-
<br />tit;t.~nt. !lwl ~hall muintain fire, \\'lttdstorln lUlll exttnttt'd {.'O\'l'fag'C ms.urnnce with a mortgage clause on
<br />llle building. Oil ~llid [>remises", tile sa,,, of *40,000.00 If mortgagor fails to pay "uch taxes
<br />and as....CS~ltl.Cllt." 0:- procnre snch lnsUranl:l..', mortg.~g\'e llIay p.l}" .su~h taxes and purchase sueh insurance
<br />aud tht' aUHlIIHt S(} advJl':ecd ,\~ith IHh~rC:it at Hin~' lh'rt:t'lit Pt':- DnnmH shall he secured by this mortgage.
<br />In t'Hse of default in tb' payml~nt of !la" pnn~'ipi\i sum or au)' illstaHment thereof Qr of any iuterest
<br />HH:rvnn \\'hen the same ~b~dl b~'i'O!lh,: ,IUi,' or Ul ca'it-' of UH' l~Otl.'pliymcllt of any taxes or assessments or of
<br />the fuihlre to HHuntnln iW..\.U'i.UH..' ,I::) hen.'ill pt"uvid,'d, mong'Il.~!'t' l!lUY at the Qptioll of mortgagee, with.
<br />out notiee, at any time during the eontinnnHCc oi' ~Hdt d,'L:l\dt or brea.ch. dee:lare the whole debt secured
<br />by thi$ lHortgu.ge to be iUllllcdlaldy du\: null pu.,Yi\ble and ma)' foreclose this mortgage.
<br />In the event of default In I hf" pt'rformmu'(" of un)' of d\(. tf.t'1H.'i ftnd conuitions of this mortgage or
<br />the lIote ~ceured by it, the IiHntgag.'e ,hall I". elllllld te illlm,'d<at,. po""~SSiOll of the property above de-
<br />~cribed and nil the rents, I'CVt~H1h' and incoHH' deri\'l",l tht.'n'fnWI during SHch time as the mortgage in.
<br />,h'bt...dne"" remain, unpaid "h~1I be ..pplied b)' the IlwrlJ.:a~,'" to the payment of the note and all other
<br />.'iUJU$ ~e(~\U'ed he-reh)' aftt'r dcdHi:UOH of allY nct~h--.ary Cvst~ uf ('olh.'dioH.
<br />
<br />Dated 1it ~'V l J"
<br />
<br />1!lJ'~
<br />
<br />.t?;/. ,~?:~.
<br />~'AA
<br />4< ~~ i
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<br />I/fiit:M:v.L,;c(/W:1U:b.,....,..,........
<br />
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<br />
<br />Before mc. :I. notary puhl~c qllajjfil~d for Silltl l."'ounty, personnlly eu1ltc
<br />
<br />WitllclI6W)'
<br />
<br />known 10 lUe 10 he the idelltical person or persona who signed the"
<br />rurecoinc instruUlent and a"t<llowledged the 6lleeuuon the~of to be his,
<br />her <>r. thelf ,'olllntar,)' aut and d"ed.
<br />
<br />bAnd aud Iloll\rilll _I <>" ....:21J..,:~:':':c,!'c.~~..:..t:!..f?,r~..
<br />.~:\<r,~:y~lt,,9(:.~:1.(1,~~{I!..;::.... Notary Publio
<br />My rm.ulni.~i't)n ~'.)t.pil'("'" k..~;J"):.i.,~t...,t-.;,,~.i.,;.1..3.. IH.Lt'.3,
<br />"
<br />
<br />~Sl,ftrtl""'>
<br />
<br />~4t~.h; .Hat" A~'t'';..H,'h.II.Li<l
<br />
<br />r.n.. .4 \1rH.t "'-,. l.!~ -.N_,"
<br />