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<br />::ITA'!'!,; 01" N1,1.l1tA::IKA, COlmty of ...., <br />Filed for record and entered in Numerical l"lk" Oil <br /> <br />~~d"~;~~~d;d";~"M~;;~~'~~"i{~~'~~d ~,t..::,'::::,::::::::..~ '~;~~~ ,.......::::'.. M" <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />83- 001439 <br /> <br />County Clerk or <br />Regi~tc.. of Deeds <br /> <br />Deputy County Clerk or <br />Deputy Register of Deelb <br /> <br />REAL PROPERTY MORTGAGE <br /> <br />Michael and Marilyn J. Galvan, <br />husband and wife <br /> <br />. Ill)rt,ill l'allt'd the mortgagor whether on€'! or morel <br /> <br />in consideration of Nineteen Thousand One Hundred Ninety and 45/100 Dollars ($19,190.45) <br /> <br />received fronl mortgagee, does mortgage to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />a Municipal Corporation, [he following'descrLbed real estate, to-wit: <br /> <br />South 47.5 Feet of Lot One (1), Block Four (4), Wheeler Addition <br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br />And the mortgagor dues hereby COH'uant with lhe :mortgagec nnd with ,mortgagee's heirs and <br />assigns that mortgagor is lawfully ~:WiSl'd of said premises. that they arc free froUl encumbrance, that <br />mortgagor has good right liUO lawful authority to, (~onVt'Y the same, and that mortgagor warrant~ and <br />will defend the title to :iuid J.rclllise:i against t.he lawful dnilll=", of all p~rSOBS whomsoever. <br />This lJlOrtgugc is g:ivt~n h_1 Sel'llr~~ the pay IIIi'Ht of 1 11\. prnlHi~:-'OI'f note uf this (iat~ madc by <br />"hll'I~"I:"" fill' * 19,190.45 ----- payahl,', in :Jccord:JI1l'C h'i th said note, <br /> <br />~Ol"tg-ilgur shall pay .di tax,'s ilnd ~i:s.sC-S.."nllcut.s h'\-it'il UpOIl saitJ n'lIi property and all other taxes <br />lcvii.:'d 011 this mortgage 01" thl" !lote which thj~ mortgage i~ given to ~~eUrl' before the same become delin- <br />tpwut alld ~hall luuiutain fire, ",.iwlstorm aud t"xtt' i.'o\'~raKt.' insurnnl'c with Ii luortgage elau~ 011 <br />rlie hlllJd.lIgs inl ~lild flrcmi:ws, ill 1 ht, t>tlIl1 uf $ 40! 000.. 00 ----._ If mortgagor fails t.o pay ~uch laxes <br />t1htl usse~"SIIU"llr:-. \1r IJroetlrt sHeh insuriiU~c, HlOrtg-<1g' ".t' Iilay pay such tax.t~-S and purchaoo snch insurance <br />anti rlit' altWlIut so ad\'aut'cd with intt'rt':"it UUH' pt'J'('i'fH pt~r annum ~haH lH" securt~d by this mortgnge. <br />In t'.ht.. of ih~ralllt in tIn' paYllu'nt of tlit' SHIH Ilr an.)' iuslaHlHl"HI th{'rt"nf or of (ill.,\' <br />tih:'rt'uH WJH'H lilt' S.~lUt' ~dH-lH lW("OItlt' .jut.' nr in ('HoSt' of tllt, IlnH'pa.,\'m~Ht of any taxe., or assessments 01' of <br />tht' fai!url~ t~t HU1!Utu..iu insuraw:t' tt:i hl'n~in pru\'idrtL HiOrt~agt'e may at the option of lHottgagt'e, with- <br />out not.iee. at any tim~ liufHlg th~ ('ontilmHnct.~ of ~udl tlt.fault- Or hretu."h, deelart" tlw whole debt secured <br />by this mortgage to he imHit'tliatdy tlut.' onti Pllyablr and may foreeloNt.! this l1lOrtgage. <br />III th~ l>"t'lIt of deftlult in th~ pt'rfo'rIlHHh'f' of ~uy of th~ t"fIllS and cuntlitions of this mortgage or <br />tht' Iloh. !iel"ured by it, tltl' H10l't~al!tt.''-' :>o.hall ht.' t'Ulitlt"d to ilHJUl'' IH1S,\oo.t-li.'iion of the propert)" above de~ <br />sc-riltetl anti all the rents, rt~V(.lIl1f' aud inl'OnIt' dt~ri\'ett t!u,J"t'frulH duritl~ .MUt'" time 8S the mortgage in~ <br />lh'bh'du~.. relllllins uupllid shllll be lI(lpli~,1 b,\' tbe "")rl!(..!:,,~ 10 th~ payment of tbe uote and all other <br /> -St'('urt!tI herl~by aft..r lh.tluetiou uf au,)' n('t't'~"'W)ry l..'l...l:ils uf ..\tllt,ctioll. <br /> <br />Uated <br /> <br />w <br /> <br />~~/il <br />' oL <br />,.,. ,,, .......... ..u................~. ......,.........~2..u........"..........."'_..... <br /> <br />I i <br />~! " <br />,I,'! " .') 2%' !::' <br />~I . ,f.'/ ,',-)/:~;" :;-./ / - - ,. .....__... <br />J../..".a~,,.y;.'!..'r..o~' . c.1:: l.,..~f.,~....,..... <br />/' i/ '_.- " <br /> <br />~'..-\'J'I<: OI<' NIWUA8KA, ('Ollllly lIf <br /> <br />Befure: me, a notary publ.ic qualifit.'d for ~Hid t'OUltt)\ I_h~t":-;onnJly .'alu~' <br /> <br />lL <br /> <br />kllown (0 we to be the idemi,',\! persoll or pel"liOllll w bo siglled the <br />foregoing instrument and acknowiedpl the executioll thereof to be his, <br />her lIr their volunu.ry act and deed, <br /> <br />! 'OOI!:\t,\t ~TI,!1Y'_ oIlitOlmt <br />\ ~.' ltllENNl J GARROUrTE. <br />~Mvo.cua,htl,_n H. <br /> <br />-: ---- <br />My cOllu,,,..ioo upitlll'l ~~~:~':'~~&.<l.:..,::;l:~.., 19 <br /> <br />~t!:1':1(~".'k..., <br />{"'/ Ii <br /> <br />-';11 cVr-e~ / t,. / 'f.f .i3 <br />.<..^'...(.t-......~.,.."."......,...Jf.....,..,.........,. <br /> <br />~~~:~~~ NOI"ry Public <br /> <br />'Vitue... m)' hand and notarial _Ion <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />t'~:l.:t <br /> <br />~i,ifU"u"\-ed h~- N~,hn\}"..a :)t~t{' har A~->>(lt.t-;!I:Hl-H <br /> <br />F*",- . -..., c... u.... ,N.w. <br />