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<br /> <br />I <br /> <br />1;:;'1'A'1'J.; OJ!' N~;1:tRA::;KA, County of .....................,..,.. ........ <br />Filed for reeord uud entered in NlJJJ1erical Index on <br /> <br />..' , .,.,..........,.......,............,....,... at ....,.......,.. 0 'clock M" <br />;~d..~;;;;o;ded;u M~rtgl!geRecord ...,..,................" Page ..,............. <br /> <br />..~..-.h....._..h....................,.._................._0_ <br />CQunty Clerk; or <br />Reg;.ter' oJ" Deeds <br /> <br />By......"................................,.....",..,......,. <br />lleputy Cl>unty Clerk or <br />Deputy Register of Deeds <br /> <br />83- 001438 <br /> <br />REAL PROPERTY MORTGAGE <br /> <br />GeorgiaM. Davis, a single person <br />in consideration of Two Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Eight and 50/100($2,498.50) <br /> <br />. IH'n'iJl ('"Ih'd t.he mortgagor whether one or more, <br /> <br />reee;,;ed from mortgagile, does mortgage to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />a Municipal Corporation, the follOt-.ling" descri.bed real estate, to-wit: <br /> <br />Lot Two (2), Block Twenty-Nine (29), Original Town of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br />.\ud the mortgagor does herehy con'uant with the mortgagee und with mortgagee's heirs and <br />u.signs that mortgagor is lawfully sei.ed of said premises, that they are free from encumbrance, that <br />mortgagor has good right and lawflll allthority to convey the same, and that mortgagor warrants and <br />will defend the title to said preUllse.. agamst the lawfnl dailUs tlf 1111 person. whomsoever, <br />This luortgage is ~l\'m.l to seeun~ the J1a~\~IIl('nt of the- IH'ultU:i.'iory note of this date made by <br />IlIo.'tgagm' for *2,498.50 ----- pII)'aol~, in accordance \vith said note, <br /> <br />Mortf.{itgor shaH pa.). all taxt'~ null assessments It"rie,l apon ~ajd real prnl)erty amI all other taxes <br />levietl on I.hi:-; mortgage 01' tlw nute ,,,,'hich this mortgage is given to :\ecure hefore the salUe heeome delin- <br />!flwnt. ~wd ~IHd! HUliutain fir('~ windstorm am] t'xtendeti t'OVt'raJ!f: insurance with R m.ortgage clause on <br />Ih" hllildilll(' Oil >>aid l'remi~t,s ill the ~IIUl tlf * 20,000.00 ---- , If mortgagor fails to pay such taxes <br />autl as.o,;.e~JU~ut~ or procure such immrauce. murtgagee fUR)' pa.y sueb taxes and purchase Bueb insurance <br />ii.lul ,tHo auwullt so !tdViUlt~cd with int(>f't~st at nim~ I't"rl"t'ut Ju"r ann.un ~htlH hl' secured by this mortguge. <br />In "nSt' of (leCault in tbe payment \JC the priut'ipaJ SUIII or- any in:staHmc>:ut ther~uf or of any interest <br />tiwr~ou whell lhe same shall bt.(!olUt' Ilm_~ or in- N'~ oJ th~ non~pA,rment of any taxes or asse-~"imtwts or of <br />the failure to maintain insuralu,'e as Iwrl"iu flrovid~d. mortg-age-e may at the option of mortgagt."f", w~th. <br />out notice, at any time during the continllanee of slIch ,lefault or breacb, declare the whole debt secured <br />by tbia mortgage to be immediately tlu,-, and !,ayable and may foreclose this mortgage, <br />In the eVl'nt of ,Iefsuh ill till' "l'rformam'e of ..ny "f the terms snd conditions of tbia mortgage or <br />tbe nOI" seeur.." by it, tbe 1II0rtgage.. shall be elltitlNl to imlll<'tliate po"""...ion of the !,roperty above de. <br />scribed and all the rents, reVl'llll,' and ineom" derived Ih~I'I'frOlll during .ncb time aa tbe mortgage in- <br />tl,'btt'lln"... relllaill8 unpaid shall be applied by tbe .llurt\(llg.... to the paymen't of tbe note and all other <br />SUIllS "",nl'e.1 hereby afh'r tleduetion of any neee>;sar)' "08ls of eolh,ctioll, <br /> <br />Dated <br /> <br />~<-<..fv / 'l <br /> <br />19.1.6' <br /> <br />.~,~~~,~....,..'/21...rt.2~............... <br /> <br />.,.......................n_......................................U..h~.........~........ <br /> <br /> <br />""l'A,'l'k O:r.' NEIIRASKA, COllnty nf <br /> <br />, ",tJ,t\.I,L <br /> <br />-,/ . <br />~!~ <br /> <br />Defore me, a notary public 'Iualified for ",.itl o'm",ty, p<l"80nally "au". <br />m.&c~ <br /> <br />"'...... :lJ~ <br /> <br />hOWll 10 llU! to be the identical l'el'8Oll or pel'llOns who .iRlled tbe <br />forocoinc inatrulllent IUId acknowledged the execution tlu'reof to be his, <br />her or thei.. voluntary act IUId deed. <br />fJ1..a..-'r.A:.A.J /7 /1?,$ <br />Wit_ my bawl andn.tarial _Ion .......,....,............,...............,!,..................,.., <br />() ,. ---. j a. ,..,l{ aA t:Q:. , <br />Yl:.....4:(;'(,:~..,,,....~..~,...,~~...:.,.....<,..,.., Notary Publio <br />~' <br />,-...1; ~:h: II ,,\ '1 q J' ~ <br />M,. oOlfllllillllion ..."iNll.~;~~..:":(~,..., 19""..,. <br />. /1 <br />.Jtp.....w by Nt,,-hfu.~_4 {., H:1if' /\_"'" 'H~fHJj ........'fthMt>>.,~..,...... <br /> <br />