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<br /> <br />, ....,.....:.i.C..,-. .._. -.,'.~.lL. ','..,i,:.,.,..~c-. _:~>,,',,".'~;_._. <br />,":.-:::"-;-_" -;f--" ..__ _-'_ - - - - c:__ .::::;;::':'_7."::::-'::-::::~:';~-:::"~:-,,~:'-::::"~:;:""~~::;:;C::;::-:::'::;';::;;;;:;::;:::';';:;:~-';:;:;:;;::::;'_:<"~':':::":;';:::'~;;:::;~'..-:- <br />-=';;;~';";'~~;::'::':H-;;;::;~-:::-~~.".:.:;:-,:;:::.;>-~:-:-..:.:;- <br /> <br />: II !!lav_RltAL e:STATe:r.jORTGAGE-WlthT"" CI.un <br />-i-----~-~tt~t-~~----~_.,,~ - - <br />i <br />!~ i <br />,~ ! <br />I tHAT <br />11 ! <br />f I <br /> <br />if <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />.'....."~..,,",.,".......:'..,'.,,.,..~.,.,......:c.:., ''''=:'=''''-='''''"''~''~lf''''"'''' <br /> <br />The Hllftman General Su.pply Hou.lIe, Lincoln. Nebr. l]: <br /> <br />83-00142.11 Ii ..., <br />I ' <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />(Morlgagor ) ! <br />i <br />CO!:JJty, ~n~, Stole of ~vZ~ ,in consideralion of the sum ot I <br />"vU-CLtkAA:L. AL<.t./V--t€-'TQf~)~ 1<..P/ DOLLARS i <br />, ~/ /I&a--'::: i <br /> <br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and C;,?'~i~_;'~~(~(v:t;;;f~v ~ I' <br />~ / . 1, (MortgageeS) <br />C out;y,' and State of ~ ;',{{ {1J'-u;Z Iii if....: the foUowing described premises <br />County, and Stat.- of /f.,U 6->t,4/t.J9-~ to-'U~t: <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS <br />~"L-'1-''J'..;.~~ Cf-/ ( (4~'1/~~ <br /> <br />I~c <br /> <br />;: <br /> <br />of <br />situated in <br /> <br />I f-tt.-U2... <br />fH.i..f...- <br /> <br />..--} ,+ <br />. .. I").. ., <br />R,,- .....{t- C <br /> <br />I <; '7, 7' Y I / /::r--- i <br />." ( '-tip l.::L'-. . ' <br />/1 V1 I <br />, 9 {{.,c"-X ~.{,;t J-t--~c~~~~' <br /> <br />I ...., <br />.~ r KClh. <br />"L-<-::.,-t:<-~4:---=:-WL~~- ' C'L <br /> <br />'f{~4 ! <br />j <br />Cl . L. rfc. (i~o. {t: <br />'/- <br />1 i <br /> <br />JL(__ <br /> <br />/ ,t ""'7 f~ <br />, .. -~. _L "<.f <br />." ,f' <br />LL "-.<l./J2..~CL/ <br /> <br />),.' c1.' L ( <br /> <br /> <br />HGriftg ftHlI dafq wilh thue pesttlU, and shall ~y ollllU'u and assessments levied upon said reol estole, and all other <br />t/u'#s. II'liWs cutd ass~ kvWd ul'on this mortgage or tlte note v..hi.:h this mortgage is !}Wen to seewre, before Ihe <br />_ bee_" dninq_t, and hel' lite buil4ings 0.. said prnnius inn<redfor the sum of $ ~ (."-.-0 <br />It:Iu, if msy, /'G)lIJbU to the said mortgagee, tlten these /,ruettU to be void, otherwise to be and ,.~ i.. J1dl foree. <br />IT JSFURTHER AGREED (1) TItal if I/:e said nwrtgagor sholl fail to pay such taxes or pronwe such <br />___. .1'......'....~. . .. fMJ. poy.nICk /a$.es and prlXtlu.such i_.' e; and Ihe s..... so ad_ed, with iltlerest <br />oJ Iv tn' ,fill d4ll be./'lftIl by said _tgagar, and this _tgage shall stand IJ$ seetWily /01' tlte SO"", (2) Tlt4t <br />ajail!ru ;0 #4). msy (Jjsaid~, eitlur pritteipol or Uttwest wItm the sa",., becomes due, or a failU1'e to cO!lf.ply ttiith <br />",oftIV jor~ agr~, shall <'l1lUe 1M whok> $V" of mony herei.. secllred to become dIU and collectible <br />oJ ~.,tM o~oftlte ~'" . I ' <br />Spd this "'V. day of /~p..( .,19<;1' ';.... " <br /> <br /> <br />u ~~'~',~f1&?:~...... <br /> <br />1ft of <br />,11ft' <br />'4~ ~<Lo.." ,./-r' <br />.."'....""...."<-,!...,,..,,..... t'.....,~"."....,...."'......"..",..".".". <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />The mlentiox being to fOlttley hereby an absolut., title in f.-e simple i!lduding ail the rights of homestead and, <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pffmis<'S abtX,'f described, ttith all the aPl'urtenances Ihereunto belonging <br />"lito lite said mortgagee;r ond to "~t.:'" heirs O1Id assigltS, torn...." prOf-ided always, and lhese presents are U/'OfI <br />tile express conditiox tMt .} the aforesaid morlgagor?, "Tr;:-;:~:", heirs, erecutors, administrators or assign;; shall <br />~'J' or cavse to be I'aid to tlte said _mortgagerS, '~'l-:< heirs, ereOl.lors, administrators or assigns, Ihe sum ot <br />'-<4.. \.1-C.~l~C /Ji-<"L' ..{"{c { '1 ~ Dollars, payabk> as follows, lo-wit: <br />Dollars on 'rte doy of 0 V , 19 <br />Dollars on the do)' of , 19 <br />Dollars on lite day of , 19 <br />Dollars 011 Ihe day of , 19 <br />. Dollars 011 the day of , 19 <br />wilIt Mlnest Ih,..eOfl ol I ~ per "nl per ann.... payable .,,"""'-f' ~"'".ally all aecordillg to lite tenor and e Ded <br />of a cmaitt /,roMissory nole of said t -h'{'''VM..cL- L.,. ,il~-1<-';;d0 <br /> <br />',- ^.~,', ~>.~.-...__'.,'" .~~....~... ",., ,_~,_, h~,~,"", ,~__'M'''' ' <br />