<br />I
<br />
<br />83- (}(J14i 7
<br />
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. !" connection wit? any
<br />condemnation or other takiog of the Property, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a tOlaltaking of the Property, lhe proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />with the excess, if any. paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial takin.g ('If the Property, unless Bo:rower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by thIS Deed of Trust such proporllon of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust Immediately prIor to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair mar'~et value of the P,operty immediately prio, to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to !'1a~e
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 3.0 days after th<: date such .notlce IS
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option. eIther to restoration or repan of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. . . . .
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any such apphcatlOn of proceeds to pnnclpal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and :2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of th~ sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest 01 Borrower shall not operate [0 rclea.se. In any manner,
<br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors 10 mterest. Lender. shall n~t toe req.U1r~d to .commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time tor payment or otherwise modify amoruzatlon ot [~e sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made hy the ongmal Borrowe.r _<lnd Bor~ower's successors in Interest.
<br />114 Forbearance bv tender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance bv Lender III exerclsmg anv nght or remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise ;\tforded hv a"'pplicabJe Jaw. shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise 'of any such right or remedy.
<br />The procurement of Insurance or the paymcnt of taxes or other liens Df charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the Indeh~edness .secured hy this Dc~"<I Of TrusL _ . .
<br />12. Remrdies Cumulative. All remedies provided In thiS Deed ot Tnlst are dlstlOct and cumulallve 10 any other right
<br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or .afforded by law l:)f equity. and may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />successivelv,
<br />13. Successors and Assigns Bound: Joint and Several l.iability; Captions. The ("Ln'cnants and agreements herem
<br />contained shall bind. and the rights hereunder shall Inure to, the respective \l1cccssors and ;.l<;slgns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject to the provisions. of paragraph 17 hereot All ~o\"en.HHs and dgrecments i.,f Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />fhe capllons and headings of the paragr.J.phs of this Deed \)f Tru'St arc tor cnn\'t.~nlencc onl", ;.md are not to be used to
<br />interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />14.. Notice. Except for any notICe reqUired under :Jpphcable law to he gIVen 111 another manner. (a) any notIce to
<br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trus.t shall be gwcn hy maihng such notice t-y_ t:cnified mall addressed to Borrower 3t
<br />the Property Address. or at such other address .tS Borrower may desIgnate hy nouce to Lendcr as provided herem. and
<br />(b) any notice 10 Lender shall be given by certified ,matI. return receipt req~estcd. tn Lcnder's address stat,cd herem or to
<br />such other address as Lender may desIgnate by notIce 10 Borruwer as pnwldcd herem. . :\ny notice prOVided for in this
<br />Deed or Trust ~hall be deemed to have been given to Borrower ~~r l.ender when gl~'en Ifl the manner designated here!n.
<br />IS. Uniform 1>eetI of Trust; (;ov~rnilll I..,,': St>u~rability. I hI' f(}rm ('I dt.~d \.)1 trust (:l}mhmcs UnIform covenants tor
<br />national use and non.umform covenants wuh limited variations hv JurisdiClIon 10 ...:onstltule a uniform security Instrument
<br />co\"ering real propeny. This Deed of Trust shall he governed hy the law 01 the IUflSdiLtlof! in which the Pr(lpertv 1\ .h\catcd.
<br />In lhe_ event that any pr\,vnton-,or ct,ause of Ihl~ Deed l:,j Trust pr ,the f'ott' conllie-Is with ~trphcahle law. sU,ch l'\,ntllct shall
<br />not atfec;t other p~lons of ~his, Deed of Trust nr the !\ote whIch L';lTl he !!'Ven clrcet without the CllntltctlOg proVISILHl.
<br />and to this end 4filt'ptbtilslltil-l.'Jitffhe Deed of Trust and the Note ar~ dedared 1.:' he severable.
<br />16.~ ____.............~3hall t'1c furnished a t.:tmtormed (l'PY nt the Note and of this Deed uf Tru""t al the time
<br />or eecuttmt,<>> '+I~. .c..u.dlllitm ~f.
<br />17. Traasfer of the Property; ASlumptioL it alll\f any part of the Propertv llr an interest therem IS sold Qf Irans.ferred
<br />hy Borrowe~ w..ihout Lender's V_rIor wfltten t:un~cnt. c.'\ctudmg i J,) the t.:rcall\)1l l)t a !ten \If encumbrance subordinale. to
<br />this Deed ot Trust. (b) the creation 01 a purchase. rmmey \e\.:ufny Interest tor h(luschold applIances, ((,) " transfer by deVise.
<br />descent or by operation of law upon the death of a Joint tenant or ~ u) the granl of ~ny leasehold interest pf three ycar~ or less
<br />not containing an option to purchase. l.ender may. at l.ender"s Option, d~larc aU the sums sccured hy this nt..oed of Trust to be
<br />immediately due and payable, Lender :"Ihali have "".lIiVt~ such option W accei-crate If. pnor h' the sale l:\r transfer. Lender
<br />and the person to whom _the Property IS to be sold vr I ran~ferrcd reach agreement m wnung (hat (he credit of 'Hu.:.h person
<br />is satisfactory to Lender and thai the mterest payahle on the :<.ums secured hy Ihis. Deed of Trust shall he at such ratc a'l;
<br />Lender sball request. If lender has waived the t1plion h1 accelerate prOVided in this paragraph 17, and if Borrower's successor
<br />In inte.rest has executed a written assumption agreement accepted lf1 wrilm~ by Lender. Lender shall release Borrower from
<br />all obligallons under .his Deed of Trus. and th~ Note.
<br />If Lender exercises such option 10 act.:cleratc. Lender ..hdli mall Borrower nOtice \\f acceleration in accordance with
<br />paragraph 14 hereof. Such noUce shall provuje a period or ll\~t h::!lS than JO days (rom the date the nor ice IS mailed WIthin
<br />which Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If Borro.....er Luis III pay su\:h ~um), prior to the ex.pi~ilion lJf such pcrioJ.
<br />lender mAY, wilMot further notice or demand on Bornlwer. 1!1\i()Le any remedle~ pcrmlued hy par-dgraph I K hereof.
<br />NUN~USlfOltM C<WENAN'rs. Borrower and l cnlit:-f tuuhe-r COl,--enant and agree as tollows~
<br />18. Accelaatioa: R.me4les. Exttpt as proyidM in parae..... 17 h.....l. upon Borro...r'. bmocb ul .ny co,..DaDI ur
<br />.-1 01 Borrower in this l)eed 01 T....... i........... lhe ~o._ to pay when d"" any sums secund by this lJeed
<br />of Tnast. lAOader prior 10 atteIcntion shall IRlIil notice 10 Bono_ as pro.ided in JIIlnIC...... 14 h.~ .pedfyi...: (ll Ih.
<br />IMac:la; lllthe adIoII notlli.... 10 cllre SlId. brftlcla; III a d"e. not ..... lhan 30 doy. fro.. lhe date lhe nolice i. mailed to
<br />............. by ..laid. saada ....._ m.... be Cll....; ..... (41 I.... filii.... 10 clIre such breach on or before Ihe dnI. specified
<br />in lhe notice ....y mi'" in n<<cIeralion of "'" ..._ s<<wed by this 1_ of T nasi oud .... of the Property. The nolice
<br />sIulII furthe. inform Borro..... of lhe ria!at 10 ""-. niter lIC'.......lioa ond the riald 10 brina .. court oelion to assert
<br />tile noa-<'dstm<e of 0 defHll or o..y 0I1acr dcf_ of Borro_. 10 lICC'C1cnoIioa .nd...... If the breach is not ,'und
<br />0" or before the ...... sp<<ifiH in lhe notice, 1....... 01 1......... optioa mny dcc:1are all of the sums seeu.... hy lhis lJeed
<br />of Truot 10 be i-..fialdy d_ ...... paynlolc ..il....... fa.rt.... demnnd ..... ....y in.... lhe po..e, of .... aud nay othe. .....edies
<br />permitted by ..........Inw. 1...... shall be caIide4 10 colIcc1 all ~ c_ and ..pc-.. incllrred in pursninJllhe
<br />~ pro.1ded la I.............. Ill. iDdllllinl:. ..... not limll'" 10, ~..... onomey'. fees.
<br />If lbe ....- of ..... is lay......... Tnastee shnlI rftOI'd 0 notic. of defoull in each counly in ..hich lhe Property or som~
<br />part tIacftof is .......... '""" shnlI .... copies of sudt -me in tbe .......... prncribed by applicalale I... to Borro...r nad to Ih~
<br />otllcr ~ ~rilacd by appIicaWc Ia... "h..."", Iaf!Oc of such Ii_ as may be notuiftd hy npplknbl~ Ia.., Tru5kc shall
<br />111ft poaWIc noticc of ..... 10 "'" _ ..... i.. lhe ma....r prncribcd by .ppIicabIe I..., Tmst... wilhoul demand on
<br />............ shnII MIl "'" I'ropotty nt p..wic ...._ 10 "'" hij:best bidder allM li_ ..... pIacc and onder Ihe I'nns cIaij:..ated
<br />la "'" aoIlce of _ iao ... 01' _ ~ ..... ia such -. .. T_ mny detc.....ine. Trustee may .....1pone .... of all
<br />Of My ~ of tbe Pmputy lay pooWic __ .. lhe Ii_ and pIacc of any preyiously ...hedulcd sale. Le..der or
<br />Le....... ......... _,. paurlIMe "'" I'ropcrty .. _ silk.
<br />U,.. receipt of ,.,._ of tbe priC'C .... T_ shnlI ....er 10 lhe purch.... T_'s deed connyl... Ihe Property
<br />..w.. Tk ndInio ia "'" T......"".. dcctI shnII be priIouI f.... ~,.idctau of the lruth of the ...1.......... made th.rela. 1'.....t..
<br />.... ....y "'" ~ of IlIe _ ia the followloac order: (olio all rc--"le c..... and ex........ of Ih., sale, includi..., bul
<br />_ u.lMll to, 1'_'. fen of not _ thaa . OS % of the 1'-" pri~e. rc-.ble ollomey's f.... .ud costs of
<br />::::..~ l..loaD_...........,. Ilolo Deed of T......;..... (eI lhe excess. If any. 10 the pe.- or pc""'''' ICJ:III1J entilkd
<br />19. .................. 1o~. N(ltWtth$t&nding Lender's acce~ratlOn i,J{ the MnnS secured ..,~. thl' (kw ()f rnl\t.
<br />Borrower shalt have the, rtJ.ht to have itny pfoceedi:ng~ hc'Mun by Lc-nder hi entor\.~c this l:k'cd IJ( Tru~1 discontinued at
<br />any ~Ime pnoI' ~o t-he: e:arbtf to vc.":Cur of (H the fifth uay befoft: the s;de: {If the ,Pn'lpeny pursuanr III the P\I~~..t'r 01 ...ale I.:onlaincd
<br />\6 this Deed. (tf Trust Of (u. e-ntl)' of I. jud,tneDl enfon-tn. !tns (lec:d of Tru~t I j' ii'll 8orro,,"cr pli)'S I ,(.'lltloeC all ~UHh "oll'h W\'lIlti
<br />be them due under thta l)oed uf TOlM, the- Note ;and ootn M!ClIflng future Advance"i., II ,H1\'. had no .,i":I."-clt'T-atu:m l)(.7;,,'Ufa"J:
<br />(b) ~ cures aU bracba ilf ailY other {'ovenanl~ or .tareefll('nts ~~f Uonowcr (.'(lfIh\l-M'1..i III tf-wr. l~d pI Tnl'C
<br />h,'J Rom,... pa~ aU tt~ ('~pe_1'l$e\ lfW:Ur-n.xl by I _cmief and Tnl'-tec- in enhlT-ctt1~ ihe t.'o\'\"nan(,\ and agr-ccmef1h pI
<br />Bot,.,.., t;QfM~ tf\ flUs llrc:ed \~ Tr\At and to enh'rcmg l.ender'!!; and Tru'l.tee''IO lC'll1't\he:\ a... p.f\l\'lded In par".I!raph ! K
<br />~t uw:ittd,ftC~ but tMl( l.m.kd In, r-e.-.wlabfe JlUot'm~:y', f<<1i: ii;OO to) Brn-n.1-\ifCf (d.:\.,"1; 'tKh 3...'1100 ~'\ 1 "'Odef may r~il'l\\m._hi\
<br />(~ttn: h) anufT lh-a-l: ttw hen \Jf thtl l~ uf I (U"t, l emkf.... ltlt('r("\l,1 It! the PHlpeny ..lUd U('fHH.\o'C"" \-,hhtllUWn h\ ".1"'-
<br />';;' r ,'1-'
<br />