<br />
<br />S3.- O(Jl~87
<br />
<br />A tract of land campi is i ng :l part of the 1\'ortllh'cst (~,lartcr oe
<br />flcvCll (11) North, RangcN'illc ('1) West of the 6th P .~l. inlLiji
<br />
<br />Ueginning :It ;1 point on the north 1 inc or said Southwcst Qtli1~"
<br />[("ct enst of the northh'cst corner of $<'lid SOllth\\'estQ\lnrtt~r'~
<br />Qttartcr (5\\'':,). a dist:1Ilc<.' of 1\'ine Ikmdred Se\'enty Fight :md'ff
<br />Quarter of tIlt,Southwest (~\IaTter (\'\'o\ ~1\t, 1; thence sour herl yfj
<br />Quarter b"l>\ Sl\",1), a distance or One Thoilsand 'l\,cnty-Threeal~>
<br />right :10' 13' 50" :md 1"\Umillg \\,estc1'I\', a dist:mce of SiX!![It!:
<br />thenccckf1ccting 1'1ght 9(f ill,l' :;5" aild running n'ortherly,;:r;j
<br />00' :;5" and numing hcsterly, a distance or Sixty-Six (lJl>.ot'l
<br />a distance of Five Hundrcd TI{ClltV-EiRllt (528,0) reet; thencl:;~
<br />'1'1'0 Hundred Eighty-c;ine (28~l.i:) 'reN'; thence ddlecting righ#
<br />Forty :md Sixt\'-Fivl' lIundredtl)" P,W,(>Si I'ecl to the pl:\ccofi
<br />
<br />Trner .\D. 2
<br />
<br />:\ tr:h..'r or l:Uld :..-ompri:-,in~}. a p~lrt of the \orthl\'cst (~l.;1rtcr -C~~_
<br />:JinL' l~n West of rhe (jth P.\!. in !klll rottnt~<, \('bras"ka-, li1ore_;~
<br />
<br />Be~~jnni_ng at ::1 point un th(~ :-=.outh 1 ine of :<lid \orth\\'cst- ~\R~~_
<br />:;out!n'd..-~:-;t corner ,')f :"::lid \orth\,.,('~t Qnal'ter (\1\'1_I-j, :l!~O bt..-jnR;~
<br />.\0. .2~1 ~ tht.....ni..~c norther-h' parallcl to the he~~t 1 ine or sa;id 5
<br />of Th-U rhou~alld I"lvc Hundred rifty..Foln' ,:IntI Lir:htv-S-CVCll Ifurl~
<br />;md nlllnine northeasterl\'. :1 dlSt:ll1cC nfl\m ik;fld~'Cd "ourtccN
<br />left "'so :)t:l- _H)H ;'Hld running northcTly, ;1 di:-=:tancc or Thii~t.,i~1
<br />then,'c t'as}:crh nlong till' !1orth I ine' or ..;aid Scctidn Four (41
<br />(142.S:d (e(~t; thence dC'flt'..:tiIl~ ri!~ht ~So .r:l ;uKI running ,s9i
<br />f300.SC,! [(-c.t; thence defkcting kft !'(),) 11' Sb" :lnd rllnuiiii
<br />dredths 1.3nS.O:i) fcet~ thenCe' dt~fl('cting H..-~ft' noo ~l,-tt :)~JfT -iint.{
<br />and li\'.' Tenths IS:7,;1 tcet; thf'licC Jefk<.'tir1\; left 'liP 0::;"
<br />Six and Six Tenths L~8t).{d r\,,(,t to the north I'tIll' or ~;tid' SOli;-
<br />Sectinn h:)tll' f.-:~~.. a .Ji.~tanl..'l' (If h'lrt\"-f!ne (;1 LO\ fC'ct- to thc_::~1
<br />(i\1j \\'/!:d;, tfH..'!lCe southerly ;ilong the ('a~t i inc uf s:lid \\C~t:'ij-
<br />drcd Th'il't:-'~Thrt'e (233.{'J feet; therh..-c defL_7L..tiHt~ l.cft S9<? H;r:
<br />feet; th(~ih:C Lie-electing left ~)no :=,!)t -,10H and nUlr\in~ nortbcr~
<br />nort); lllle of .;"itl S('t'1:ion Foul' (~); thence ('asterl).' along ,t~
<br />'l11Dll.;;md ;~inct('en and Thil'tv,SeVCll !kllltlredths 1.l,n19.:;:) ke~
<br />thenc(.~ :;-outhcrly ;11ong the ca~t Linc- of :,.'1id \ol'thh'{,,":-t (~tar~,~-
<br />mill lil'ty-Si~; lkmdrcdths (2,H3,:;(,) reet to the ,;ollthc;l,;t CO\')
<br />~Ju,~- ~~}tt-t~l l_iul' of ~aid Nprthh'~~~t f~\lart('r C\1\'14}, ;:') (li~t:llll'e n~
<br />12,:;:'L~)i fe<.'t to the ('hee of hegillJling :lIld nmtaining IHk~
<br />-;;
<br />
<br />
<br />~RVlYOR':': "--9 '!.<JJ~~\JT
<br />
<br />1 JJ('IThv n-rtify that to tht' hc'st 0[' El\' hn(,\ded~(' :md bdief,!
<br />desrrihed propcrty nade WIder 1:1\' .;uper;'.isiol), '
<br />
<br />""l
<br />
<br />\>',t
<br />
<br />>,{
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />-1
<br />