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<br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />83-001374 <br /> <br />THIS INDBNTURE, made thiL _____E!t:!______,_ day of ____~_a!~t:!_ <br /> <br />___. 19 ____8~. by and between <br /> <br />RONAL.D O.-~nERSOti_AAO_Bf:OO_M.._P__H~-T~W,H:E------. <br /> <br />of Ha 11 County, Nebraska. as mortgagor S . and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation <br />organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island. Nebraska. as <br />morllagce; <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: ThaI said mortgagor.----5.-, for and in consideratioo of the sum of S I X THOll SAND TFN nOI I ARS <br /> <br />ANn NOll 00 ----------------------------------------i-'-'OOll"rs(S_ 6inl nna ), <br /> <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. 00________ by these presents mortgage and_~t!-~.~"'~~,-its--$~rs and assigns. <br /> <br />forever, all the following described real estate, situated in the County of <br />and State of Nebraska. to-wit: <br /> <br />- --Ha.U- <br /> <br />THE EASTERLY FORTY SEVEN FEET (47') OF LOT SIX (6) IN BLOCK ONE (1) <br /> <br />IN WINDOLPH'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br /> <br />NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />Together with all heating. air conditionm~, hKhlin~. and plumbmg of'qulpmt!nt wul fixtures. lIldudm~ scrt)t'ns. awnmgs. s.lorm wmdows and <br />doors. and 'Window ~hades or blinds. used on or m connectIOn with stud propen:,-., .....hl'the-T the samt'an" now 10c1\ted on stud property or hereaft('r <br />placed lbereon <br /> <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAMt-;, tOgetht~T ,,'jth all a.nd smgular tlw tenements. ht'retlilament.s and appurtenances thereunto hl:'- <br /> <br />longing, or in anY"'ise appertaining, iorever. and warrant tht' title {D tht' same S:lid mQr~a#Wr S. _ hereby t.~ovt'nant with !'aid <br />mortgagee c.hat t be ..Y-- . .are . at lht" t1ehvt'ry ~reoL the lawful H"'-'nt:'l'" S uf the premises ahQ\'f" cnnw.yro and described. <br />~____.q~~geUed of.. good and indefeasible e-slatt> of inhent8llCt' therem. free and clear of 1lH l!'ocumbrance.,>. and thOL.t heY .. will <br />wanant and defend the title thereto forever agains.L the claim~ and demands of aU pt:rsons whomsoever <br />PROV} OED ALWAYS. and this instrument L" ~eruted and dehverec:i lo secure the t>>iyment of the- sum of ____SlX.__IHOUSAND.~~~ <br />___ TEN QQ1L8R~At>lDr't()L100 -------------------------- Dollars 1$ 6__010,QO l. <br />., with-ln.tetest thereon. to~ with such charges and 8d\-'am~t:i as may tw due and payabl~ l.O said mortgagee under the tl'nns and conditions <br />of the pt'OIniasory note of even date hertlwith and securro hereby. ext:"CUted b~' 'SlUG monKagor .5, III said mortgag~. payable tl~ t~xpres:>e(i <br />in said -aote.. and to secure the performance of all th~ terms; IIno conditions contained lh~rem, The terms of said not~ are hereby incorporated <br />"-in by this ttl/_, <br /> <br />,{t is tIl.e intenUon .nd.ql"eemeat of the partlU hen.oto that ltus mort~ -shall aiso set':ure any future hdvllnt."t'8 made to said mort~at{or ,. ? <br /> <br />by __ mottPaw. and any and all indebtedness m addRion to the amount atleJ\'t' ~l.t.ed whie!. said murtJjtBgors. or any uf tht'm, may UWt' to <br />said tnOI"t.-gagee. hoWI(WeJ' evidenced. whethet- by OOW, book account or olherwl:itt. This mUf4(a,:c shall fl;'Ulaln In full foro' and t'fft->cl lwtwt>en <br />the p-arties hentLo and their heirs. personal repl1."St!ntatl"\!~. SU(,~S-5{1rs and aMilfO\~. unltl all amounts secured hereunder. induding (utun- <br />advances. are paid in full with intel"e8t. <br /> <br />The mof1.lM&'tN" ~..-, hereby assign ,__. ___ to said mortgagee all rents and meome Hnsing at any and aU tim~ from said property and <br />hereby authorize Aid ~ or its agent. at its optt-on. upon default. to take chargE of said property and c-ollOCl all nmlS and inconw <br />~ therdrom and apply the same t-O the payment of interest.. principal. insurance premiums. taxes. liS5e&."Ullents. repairs or ImproVl'tnenl~ <br />~ to keep.Aid propetty in lAIDUt.ebleamdition. or to other charges Of paymenus pn;wided for- h<<eio or tn the noW hef't.\'by st."Cured. Thj~ <br />rent ~t.shaU continue in fon:e unul the unpiiud halanC't'- ol81lid note is fully paid. The I.8.king of JX}~'uon hereunder shaH in no mannt'r <br />pI"8'VeI1t 01' retard mud ~ in the roUecUoc of 5&ld SUID$ by for\"d-osu~ or otherwl.<re. <br /> <br />'t'1it- f8Uure- -of ~ ~ to assert any of its rights nf!lnNndtor at any time- shall nut be construed as a WIlJ\tt!'r- (), it9 right to as...~ tht' <br />sauw .Ill Qy later "me. and to insist upon and enktrtt- ~trict compliaQ(':f' With aU the lerrn.~ and provisions of said nlJte and of t.his mortKagt" <br /> <br />lf said morf.IpaptS shall cauoe to be- paid to said mongagee the entire amount dw it }w.""under. hod under tla> t~mlS and pnwi~lons <br />of said. ftOte- S81tW'eCi~ i.nclucliAc futW"l!: advances. Bnd. any ext.ensMms or renewals t.he-r\!!O'f in tH.:coroan<-'t' wjth the ll~nns and provisions <br /> <br />thenof~ &ild:ifMid ~.s.._.".~ shaU~ wilhall the provisions of said note and of this murtgagtl. tht.-n these prenmt.s shaH be vu--id; <br />oliMnr_to~...luB.......4lftct~8daaid~a-haUbetmtiUed to tbe ~n of all of said property. and ma)'~ allts ()pt.Klo. <br />~. whole of Hid....aad aU i:ndlll't--.L......-~ ~ thtnby l.O be immedialel)' due UKi pay>>bk>, and may foreclose tbis mortgaxt.' <br />"" Ulke _ odoor lopl_ to pI'OWCt it> rOehl, A~nt ....>ed. <br /> <br />Irj!j. <br /> <br />Tl\Ia ~ thaU be biadiarr upon and 8haU Gun" 1.0- the ~fit ():( th.e hein. eXe\.,Uors, tldmlnlS~.r.tmS. -SU....'Ct\......ltit.S$..<,ji~!1 of I.hl' <br />....--....... ......" <br />r'l,) <br />" II'iWI~j:fUS .~H,JttyAlF,~}'~:~, 5., ldtIe. h.............." <br /> <br />-'4~lJ.'L~/t1m~\.. <br />L~~D D." PETERsON " <br /> <br />t,heir <br />) <br />,BliKY~~tER~A_--<'~/L <br /> <br />h,uld S <br /> <br />tht- dA)' and )'~r hr~t ab(tvt' <br /> <br />~ <br />