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_.. <br />~t~.,.....%t) Q 0-3 4 0.. <br />M~HTGAGE _ <br />Tltis Mortgage is entered into between. Aden Ens3,~y <br />- _ - - {herein "Mortgagor") and <br />- -_ E1VE 20ZNTS BAN24 - _ -{herein "Mortgagee").. <br />Mortgagor is indebtad to Moxtgagee in the principal sum of $ rn _ nt7[f _ nit eirtdeneed 5y bfortgagor's note <br />- dated 1[20!84 _ {herein"Note")providing for payments.of principat.and~interest,.with'the balance of the <br />indebtedness, if notsooner paid; due arid payable on 1120/1994' <br />- '1'DS,grxtre th~.~aymant a£the Note, with interest as provtded therein, ttie payment oEail other:sums, with interesi, <br />-- - advanced by Mostgageatoprmtectthesecurityof-this Mortgage, and the performanceot~thecovenantsand,agieementsof <br />the 11~4rt~go;, conttlit~d hereiprNtortgagor does hereby mortgage, and convey. to :Mortgagee the:foliowing -described <br />,property. located in - Hall County, Nebraska: <br />- A tract-of land-situated in the-W$ of the-SW$~ o£.-.Saction-4y-.Township-.11 <br />North;- Range 9 Wesfof the 6 P.M: described as beginning at a point 40. feet east <br />and 150.&`feet south of the Clorthwest corner of said SW3; thence riinitiny,. <br />southerly along a line 40 feet of and parallel to-the .west line of said SW#, <br />a distance of ?6 feet. thence runrirg easterly and paral el to the-north line- <br />of Rains Subdivision a distance of 289-feet: thence running northerly and. <br />parallel to the west line of said SW~ a distance. of i6-feet; thence ruhning <br />- - _ westerly and. parallel to the north line of Rains Subdivision-a distance-of- - - <br />289 feet to the point. of beginning. <br />Together with all buildings, improvements: txtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements; rights, privileges and: - - - <br />aprpurteaatrces located thereon or to mywise pertaining thereto, and the mnES. issues and.protts,-reversions and~remainders-: <br />-thereof; including, but. not tiinited t0.. heating and criol(ng equipment and such personal .property that-is attached to Lhe - <br />- alto constitute-a fixture; ail-of which,-including replacements and additions thereto, is hereby declared-, . <br />- to be -apart o£.the mat-estate seamed by the-Lien of this Mortgage and aEl of the-foragaing being referred. t9~bereinas the <br />"Property,> <br />Mortgagor.turther convenants and agrees, wish-Mortgagee, as fofiaivs. <br />_ _ 2. Payment - To pay the indebtedness and Ute interest tbererm as provided in this Mortgage and-the Note. - - <br />- - - 2. Title: Mortgagor is ttte owner of the Property, has the. right and authority to mortgage th¢ Property; and - - <br />wattauts. that the Lien created hereby is a 6rst~and pear lien on the Properly, except as :may otherwise be set forth-herein: - <br />®-The Property is subjecttoaMortgagewherein___iiome.~edexaL`;~tr;nnc ~_-!,par, - ,c >;;vP Pn;r,ts bank. <br />D c,?3 81-0058411 <br />is the Mortgagee; recorded at Rook __.___.__ , gage __~-._,.__, a[ tFie Mortgage Records-of _~. Hatt County; <br />Nehrtwka, whteh Mortgagre is a Lien prior to the lien created hemby. <br />L] Other prior liens orencumbrancr+s: ~_ ___--.-.._.____.__.__.___ ~_ ..~._______,_ _~-_ ^_~..~ <br />- ~ 8_'Troies,Ass~ttrents,'-Tapay-whendue.a{t_iacres;spe~ialassessmentsandaflotherchargesagainstthe-Property <br />end; upiut written t~mand by Mortgagee, to add to the payments required under the Nate secured hemby, such amount as <br />-m1tY ha~suftitdent to ermbte--the. Mortgagee to paysucb taxes,.assesvnents or:other charges as they become-due. - <br />4„,Ibattrance, To keep. the improvements novr or,hereatter located on-the real estate described hereioinsured <br />'$gainstdarstagetyftt~~nd.sucbotheritwardsasMortg~ageerFlay.mquire,inamountsand withcampaniesaeceptabieEol~Ytq <br />-- Mortgagee, and with loss payable-to-the:MorLgagee.. Ha.esae oflossupder such policies-the Mortgagee.-is autboriedto -. <br />~, _ ad}trst,.cdlect and compromise, tn..its dixret'ion, alt claims thereunder at its soleoptioa, authoriaedtoetttierappiy the- - <br />praveds to the restoration of.t{te Property vtupon the.indebtedaess secured hereby, butpayments hereunder-shall con- <br />- time until die sumssecured hereby are paid irr.ttdi~~. - - ~ - <br />5. O Facraw For Taxes and [nsurmrce,- Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraphs 3 and 4 hereotto the <br />coettrnry, Mortgagor shall pay to the Mortgagee.-at ttie-tame of payfng~the~monlhfy installments of:printupai-and interest, - <br />uiit-iwrfW` et the yearly taxes, assessments, haaard insunutce Premiums; and ground rents {if any) which may:atttiin'a <br />priarfty over iht: Matttprge; aA as reasonably esttntatad_frani time w tjtrie by the Mortgagee: The amounts sa paid%hat4 be . _ - <br />hatd by the Mortgagee without Interest end applied to Che payment of=tite ltett4t In respaet Ea.wfikhsttektamotrhtslwem- <br />da~roaitert. Tha soma paid to MortpQee hereunder are piedsed sa addittonal:sacurit5' for theipdebtadnead aeoumdby-this: <br />~,,,. , Mantaaur~hall pay to Marigagee the amount of any dehejeriey.betwean.tha aettulk;taxes, assespiftenta, ituar+taee - <br />Wt+rRtumaandgaound reuLi ahd tits dtp+.xits hereunder withSu 10 d~kva: aftoc daittaad~it-ntada uponMoitgagor-.iequeaUng- <br />pttymet.tihereot: -. <br />6. Rapatr, MiittWnatttx and Uaa. To promptly repair, matom or eebuiid any nuitdtnKa orimptavements nnw or <br />hirw;.ficroa:tbc.Prapcriy:+ukew~pthrprop~;ryingoudeonditianandrkpai;,'xU4hautwsate.eudfiea.Itmitcltaniu'sar - _ <br />aiaterfllrns tfoi xxprssciy xutyttdtnated to'.he fits hxtrwnf; Wotan male, softer 4rpermii an}~.nnisartt~ kv-eft, nar•torfimin- <br />- fah or intpait tbo ra-uN ot'.t1x Propertq ;~ zny set ar ri?nisstan tc,. axl'. compt3' wttb-ail ttHtuireruanu of.lavr.ivtth - <br />rerpact Ea the Property. - - - - - - <br />