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<br />I <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />83-00131':; <br /> <br />THIS INDENTURE, made thla_~_._16t~____ day of _Har~__,____ <br />LEOHARO L. SEBESTA AND JEAN L. SEBESTA, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />_._~----,-_._. <br /> <br />___.____, 19 _.~~._, by and between <br /> <br />of Ha 11 County. Nebraska. as mort}J.agor S . and Home Federal Sayings and LoanAssociation of Grand Island, a corporation <br />orpaiud and existing under the 1a~ of the United States of America with its. principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebrask~ as <br />-: <br /> <br />WITNESSETH; That said monsagor <br /> <br />s <br /> <br />. for and in consideration of the sum of <br /> <br />FIVE THOUSAND TEN <br />DoUattlS 5 , ala:. 00: <br /> <br />l. <br /> <br />DOLLARS AND NO/lOO ----------------------------:~----- <br /> <br />. . . <br />':.c. _.', _." <br />lhe-receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. do__ by these presents morLg4ge'and:wanaP:t-~~_~.~c~~--.i.~:~,~son and assil:flS. <br /> <br />forever. all the foHowing described rcai estate, situated in the Counryof __. Ha 11 <br />and State of Nebraska. lo.wit: <br /> <br />LOT FORTY ONE (41) IN ARGO FOURTH SUBDIVISION IN THE VILLAGE OF <br /> <br />ALDA, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />Together with ail beating~ air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing e'quipment and fixture5, includmg screens. awnings. s~orm windows and <br />doors. and Window shades 0" blinds. used on Of in connechon wlih said property. whether the samE' are now IOC8tl->d on said property or hereafter <br />placed thereon, <br /> <br /> <br />1'0 HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAMK t.oget.her with tt.lJ lino slhgular the tenements, heredit8Mt!fltS Dnd appurtenances thereunto he, <br />longing. or in anywise appertaining. forever, and warrant the title t.o the same. Said morgagor ,$___ hereby co,,'enanl with said <br />mort.gagee- that _ theY _ __~t~ __ . Ht t.....e de-overy herect. the luwful -owner S of the premises above (:onve-yt'd and described, <br /> <br />~~_" seized of. good and indefM8ible est.ate uf mhentance the.rein. free and cwar of all ern~umbr8nces. and that ----t. he)L_- will <br />warra:nt and defend the title t.hereto fonwe-r- BgatnSl the daims IiOct demands of aU P4':tSOns whomsoever, <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS. ""d t.hls ~t i. """,,utOO Md dclivenod '" """'''' tho payment of th. sum of F IVE JJ:lQlJ~{l.~~_ <br /> <br />,--+eN-OOkbARS--ANn--/lIOt'lOO------ -------------~ Dolla.. 1$5 'a:lO'TOO----. ----____ J. <br />with i.nterest t.he1'tlOn, tosether with such char-ges and udvances 8$ may tw due and paysbJt. t,,) said mortgah'ft' under the lerms and cunditions <br /> <br />of the promissory note of even date b.eftwtt.h and oocu..n>d hereby. executed by ,aid rnnr4(agor _, _S _ to said mortgagee. puyobJt:> 8!oO eXl>re~8-N.1 <br />in said note. .nd to secure the periOI11lllJlC@ of all the terms and t'onditWns contained therein, The wrms of said note are hereby incorporau>d <br />-.. by thla __, <br /> <br />It is the int.en.tion and agreement qf the pan;.iM ht-.relQ that this mo~ ~hall al~ secure any future advances mad~ to said mortgagor ,..$" <br />by said ~, and any ..nd all indebt.ed.ntlss in addition to the amount .Ilbov~ stawd whid, said mortgagur8, or any of them, may owe to <br />said mortga.gee.. howevv evidenced. whether by nou,. book account Of otht'lf"Wist>. This mortgage shall remain in fuU force Ilnd effect betwren <br />~ parties hereto and their h-elrs. pet'$OIl8l representatives. succ-essors and assign~. until aU amounts secured hen.-undt>'r, induding rulUn.' <br />advanc.'lBS. 8ft' paid in full with intereSt. <br /> <br />The mortgagor __L heteby &Mien ~_.. to said mort~ aU rertl$ and income ansing at any and ail times from said property and <br />hereby autho-rize satd-.mortc..- or ita agent. at Its Qp-tJon. upon default. l-o take ch~ of said property and coiled. aU rents and incum'" <br />UHirefrom Id1d apply the same to the- payment of interest. principal, insurance premiums. taxes, &stieSSments. repairs or imJ)r()Vt"ment;<ii <br />-...,.....~oaidp-"ylt>WIIlIDtilbIe _, or to 0\It0t eha_ or paymeIl1.8 provided for herein or in tIu> note """wed, This <br />rem. aseignmeAt abaIl COl\t.inue in foree until the unpaid ba.J.anee of said. n-ote- is fully paid. The taking of po~iC)n hereunder shall in no manner <br />_em", ..-rd ..w ~ in the _ <>1_ .""'" hy foreclusure or <>tne.-w..._ <br /> <br />The- fa1Nre: of tM- ~ \0' UMirt any of its rights hereunder at any time shall not be construed as 8 waiver of- its right to ~rt\ the <br />.me.t. any- ".t.ime;. and-tAl UWat. upon and et$)l"Ce .strict romp-ha.nce with aU .the terms and pro....isions of said note and of this mor4{age. <br /> <br />If _..-id~" S shall caua to be- paid to said ~ the ent.ire amount due it hentunder. Ilnd undec the tel'Dl8 and pro'o'ision~ <br />of _...w DOte hereby secu._. ~ futunr- adva.nces. and any extensions or renewals theroof in acoordaoct" with the l-erm:'l and ptOvision-l:i <br /> <br />thonof. _lfoaid~_ shalI<OIDply with aU the provisioos <>1_ note Md <>I this nwrtgall", u",.. thooe p",,",nt.s .hall b. void; <br />........... to__ iIofUII..... _ oI.loot. _aid ~ .hall bo entitled w tbo _ion of .11 of :said. property, and may, at .t.s <>pt ion, <br />..............,""'" _udall ,,-w'. 1 __ thenoby '" bo i~iately due Md pa},&ble, and mayforeckmeW. lno~. <br />..... _ Cllitor\ il.a ri&t>t, ~ waivod. <br /> <br /> <br />"'~"-_~vpoallllli.baD.-emIl'e to ~ beMflt 01 t.he beir&. Uef.."ULOl'H., adminil'ftntQrs. SUct:e890T'S and 'MSi~ of the <br />.......,.u"'Mt>oa harMo. <br /> <br /> <br />~~7~;::Z~ _have h__M <br /> <br />th~ir <br /> <br />hand .. ,~_ the day and yctJr first <tho:\,t, <br /> <br />:l . ,?'. c~. __ <br />r~~'-~i~'''''''~'. <br />, <br />