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<br />B3-!)u12
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<br />THIS INDENTURE. awIe tbis___ ___~_~~~____ day of _.__. March , 19 83 , by and betw..,n
<br />DAVID A. VACEK ANQ__KA.ll:l!J!:rtJJlCEK. hUSQ~-,]!;li!!l<!.l'!if~___________~____
<br />
<br />of _ HALL_ County. N<!braska. as mortgagor _~__. and Home Federal Sa'.ings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and exisling under the laws of the United Slales of America with its. principal office and place of business al Grand Island. Nebraska. as
<br />mortPI<<':
<br />WITNESSETH: That said mongagoLL__, for and incon"derahon of thesum of TWENTY F IV E THOUSAND AND NOll 00
<br />25,000.00
<br />
<br />------------------------------------------------------~------
<br />Dollan (S
<br />
<br />),
<br />
<br />forever. aU the following dcu.'l'1bed real estate. Sl(Uated in rhe County of
<br />and State of N.ebraJka. to.~.il:
<br />
<br />the receipt of 'A'h:ich is hereby acknowlcd8ed. do _~~~~_ by these presents. mong/!l,e and wanam-unlonid mortgagee. its successors and assigns"
<br />HALL '.
<br />
<br />
<br />Subject to a prior mortgage in the original amount of 545,000,00. in favor of
<br />Number 79-005759. of the Mortgage Records of Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />T~hef Wllh aU ....t~. alf c-o-ndJlMln111f[. h~ht~. <ind plumbm~ 1~iJ1pmt'f1t.mJ. hxtUfi'~, ;::Kiu-dm.~ "'~"N:"'n."'. ;t"nln...~. ...tnrm 'o\llUil)W"i antj
<br />doilOni. and w.ndl:aw $hacies or hhnd!!l, u~i (\n Of 10 .:onllf'("11un '11l.nl\ "'..IoU pnlJ:"l."nV .. lw>tht'T th.' ""'3mt' !in' n~'~ "~":b.lrti ll!'l ~ltJ j:UHJtt'f1.\' ur ht.ft'Ctht'r
<br />ltiaaod l~n
<br />
<br />TO HAVF. AN[) iO HOLt> THE SAMI":, t~I:X"f" "nth all..oo ~I~iar thoto t~~,~, h...r\:"t;htanM'"nb and a.pJ-lUnt'fUmCt"S tllt'n1.HlIO ht..
<br />
<br />~. vr m .nyw~ .ppert.&.Uu.nfC. i-')I'p"\.""fl'. and ...a.orant t~ tltk> t(.. 1~f' ~mt' ~W rnoll......."\Jf-S ~I~h,,- .m:~l'liInt 'o\lth ...ud
<br />~ that t hr Y are &!llh~ lit-il\t"O' IhKn'OL tfit:' ia"ldut ;;HI'OI:"r S "'~ ttw ;\""nu~s atxln. n,o\'t".\'t'(j ~md dt''t'oht''ll
<br />~ ~te ~ of. good and 1.DdeJ....!~ t"'!!!--t...tt> ul m.h.-rnaJk-':- tl'M-ft't.r. !!W aM d""., fIr ~U 1'l1t4umhranf."t5 and that t~. Y '<'Ill
<br />wUTant .nd d,...-... tM tatle l~ font..."'", ~~ t:w d..un.~.oo ~ma!!)li~.A.u ~~ .twm~t'I
<br />PROVI DEO ALW A YS. .nd tba. umtrumeJu IS N.Kutfti .nd {~tl"\,-ftN h" ~---u:re th"-I-_. ownt of trw ;,um 1.11 TWENTY F IV f THOUSAN.D
<br />AND NOjl 00--------------------- --- ------ -----------------'...110"'.. 25.000,00
<br />wt\b lIIU!nlat llwnlt:m. t-QCet-her "nth $ocb r-ha!'g\'*..nd 1Ol!"atl~ &..<;. m.~ iw U~ Jllld pol,.hw to, ~ ~.ln~-"~ UlMift ttw h.nw. dill! t~lmhtl1'lO,
<br />
<br />of the ~ now tit .,.... cia.... ~tth.oo Sit"l,~Ufl",-l !WfrlJ:- r,~.U~ t,\ ~.tll m';,.H~~uf S. tp "'lI.ll.1 murt~~w. j.lo:lIriilh1t. il~ t."I}n.s....'!
<br />III ___ aota. aDd t.o ~ the ~ of aU llw l<<ms .00 ..'(lntht-..a"!l n'lnt~ U:l'"W"U\ rlwo t...rm... ~,t ,""iUtl nt'4t'- an'- Noren', Int'\WI~v~U'(t
<br />........ by thio """"-'
<br />
<br />h ia 1M ~ &ad......... of t.blt pe,R.... ~ that Uu,'!' IfKvt~ ~M.U .u.~ .,-nut" .no, tututt' ..h.",,+_ .-...de tn Nlld murt.fitUalUf S
<br />
<br />b)"............. &nd MY _ad aU ~ ,n "W.h,d. to. Uw.nlltlu;t\l .t",.'ltlf" lOt.kOd .'ud. 'WI"'" "M.lf"'N:~'~. HI an,; ul thot<m. ml:ll~' ,~.." h)
<br />said 1ftOI'\P&'ltt, bo.-ev", tNlldMald, ..-bdlwf b) fMJW (,",'10" ...;;\-~nt t.: t4t\t'nHk nH~ n.""fI:~ ~haU f\'n~Ul lh tuU fut1:'" ~nd t'n~t tJot't ..t'Il'"
<br />l_l~ benco and t.bev ft4l:t.N, prtlnIOQ&i ~tatln~ ..Ut:-'n.''!i<,~.t,loN- And ll-....:lt-~.... untl~ .1llimoUl'lb ~..".mrd ht-n-unJw, lOduthJlt: tutUfl-'
<br />ad".... aR pud m full wlLh 1ft......
<br />
<br />T1w IIlOI'tPCOf _s.,._ hen!by..... w !t4I1I1 rfk\!1~ aU f'lt'nb -.nd tf\C'f;.Mn't' "'f\l!U~ .t .n~. tUNl .11 tlrl\f$ trum ~ld pml'~t'ft~ and
<br />ben!by aut.hof'i>> Mld r:noncacw.. Wi ltC'l'ftl. .\ ".s (lp:UOU, \JpoA tk'-twh tt, !oiIlltr d".ar~~ uj ~Jd Pf'Upt"l1.) at>>J nlU<<-t dil ".n(;'Io .anti lfl('HnW
<br />~ and apply the $UDt'! to U. .-ymetlt ,'lit mtftWiot, pnnupat m~~ p~nuutn'S. tU.t':'l!L .~.""Mrl14l'tlL~L n'fMlln t'r tmplU\.'rnwllb
<br />l'Ill!ll'lBUlIl to.... satd PfIlIPIfty .. ......... ClOOI:huan. Uf to ou.. ~ t.. ~~YtMtit" pto\'tdai lor ~ or U1 tmo hllt.. twn-by M"\:uwd Thu..
<br />................ aMll COIIUD&Ie iD force- Wll.Il UW unpa.M:I ~ ok MMt now i'" full". p.td., Tn.- ,..iung 'llt JM).~'Ull tU"n-uIMJt"f ..hall III 1l4'1 mal'm'f
<br />~ OIl' reLaAl Mid IIIIOrl'lCIII'M m the ~ of qtd "ums b, k~W't' or \.-.(tM.-rw...
<br />
<br />The ~ 01 the ~ &0 ~ allY of u,,. OitMS ~..., a( .n~" hmt' '!flhUl n<.o( b.> f'OfI5lrUl"d ., . .an'<< ,,-lilt,.. rll{hl tu .~ tht.
<br />-- a.. aay ...... 1.lQw.. ~ CO __ upoa ... t'ftN.ttt ~U'K'\ nunpi~ Wlt..h aU IN ti."rms diOO Itf\)\, I~KlIb 01 '411\1 tk;tW .nd ,It Ihl~ murt~~t'
<br />
<br />II Mid.......... S ..... c:a~ a.o........ to MId ~t.h.flUm' amPU.nt d:~ It hrnouf'M.iH, and undt"f' tbe- It'm,~.nd lm.Vl!'OklllS
<br />of laid ............, ~ ~ lutare edVaDC'N-. ..ad any U~ or f't'M'Wm t~( m a<<Ufd&r'lC't' ...il-h ttw h'nt\... ",nJ pfH\'IM,.n~
<br />
<br />t'--'. aM if............. .,,$ .. ~ .-u..u lht pnn--~ llf _lid QIOW! and of ttus mort.... tn.,., t~ ~t.i '!oMit tw 'It'(\hl.
<br />........-CO____ia..............._....IftOI'\P&'lttsW1t..~ kllbP pt~of Illlo' Nitti Pf"UtMn)'..nd may. .lll~~)I,__..>>l
<br />....................... ....~ ~ t.hwvby t.n be tmIIMldillWly dur and payilh~. .nd rNi)' foR'("I.:.. \M tlM\t'.'__"
<br />... iiIIMt _ __1opI_ to __....,.M. ,,_ ..._
<br />
<br />1'1IilI ~.. bit biaduaa ... ............ 1.4'1 tbet bNlefu of ll\to! htu'a. uW"'Utc:..no.
<br />-"""-_.
<br />
<br />,J.It. WITNIi1II8 WII.._W, _ Iol",,-S
<br />
<br />~~a~
<br />o.vfd A.Vacek .
<br />
<br />adR\tnllur.'t.U"". !lU<<.~l\I('r~ "IM!~" ,Ii ttl4"
<br />
<br />ha \Ie
<br />
<br />............ _ their h....1 s
<br />
<br />....k t:hl.c.: II
<br />Kaih't:en Vacek
<br />
<br />tho- "'-Il)' ;Inti ,..., Iii'''' aIm,,",'
<br />
<br />I, )'1
<br />\., (t (~( ~'
<br />