<br />
<br />83- 001278
<br />
<br />
<br />(Open-end, To Secure Present and Future Obligations and Advances)
<br />
<br />Date: March 14, 1983
<br />
<br />Rodney R. Rathman & Phyllis 1. Rathman (husband & wife)
<br />
<br />Assignors
<br />
<br />of Woot! River, NE , in consideration of the advance of
<br />the principal sum decided in the note hereinafter described and in con-
<br />sideration of future advances of funds made by assignee to assignors or
<br />any of them as hereinafter provided, hereby assigns and conveys to
<br />North.west National Bank , whose
<br />principal office is at 2008 N'. Webb Road
<br />all their rights, titles and interest in a contract to purchase real
<br />estate dated AlIri 1 I 1"977 , by and between Fred Rathman
<br />& 01 gA RA t hmAn seller; and ,Rodney R. Ra thman &
<br />Phylli"l T RAthmRn purchasers, tree toll",,,nng descn,Qed
<br />real estate:
<br />The Northwest Quarter (NW!) of Section Twenty (20), Township Eleven (11)
<br />North, Range Eleven (11), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, excepting a 36 acre tract previously conveyed by the Vendors
<br />to Joe E. Ciemnoczolowski and Nancv Ciemnoczolowski, the exact
<br />description of such excepted 36 ac~e tract is as described in Deed
<br />recorded in Book!~o, Page~~~of the Official Deed Records of Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.. ~""'l..~ Dt>{~~....-,'iC~'~ ,"'-c... .........~ r:L rj~c('If1.r u"'u ("~,.....-....,y
<br />R ~ " ' :. T..... .:' 04"'.p., ..,.,
<br />containinq 124 acres, n~ore or less, according to Government sur\~y;
<br />together with all of the right, title and interest 01 the Assiqnors in
<br />said property now owned, or hereafter acquirc,d, dnd including all build-
<br />in<;ls and improvements now on or hereafter pl,),ceJ upun. :;,),id real property;
<br />including also all water, ,\lid drain..qe riqhts,
<br />
<br />This assignment is yiven to secure.
<br />
<br />(a) A promissory note da,ted March 14. 1983, given Ly A:,;si'lnors
<br />to Assignee in the princip.'ll "Ul1l uf . Six Hundred Thousand and
<br />no/lOO - - - - - - dolLars, pay,~ble with interest d<'-
<br />cording to the terms of said note and any instruments taken in n,-
<br />financing, extending. or renewing said indebtedness ,)r any part
<br />thereof;
<br />(b) Any future advance Is) , with intcre~, which may be made from
<br />time to time by Assignee, at its option, to Assignors. or any of
<br />theta or their successors in title, for any purpose in any alllOunt or
<br />aIlIOW\ts, provided, however, that such future and additional advance(s)
<br />shall be so lilllited that the tot"l principill amounts outstanding at
<br />any time shall not exceed the S\8a ot Six Hundred Thousand
<br />and no/100 - - - - - -dollus, and provided further the future
<br />lldvlmee(a) 80 mllde shall be payable in llcc:ordlulce with the ter11l8 of a
<br />praaiaaory note or notes which ..y be tllken to evidenco such lldvlUlCe (s)
<br />or uy put thereof. (The optiCMl. AdvlUlCO(S) herein lluthoriaed shall
<br />be conaidered lldcUtional to the lldVlUlCO (s) hereilllltter llUthOriZed
<br />to be ... by tbe Aaaign.. tor the pzotection of the HCUX'ity or
<br />a..igaeet. inter.at therein).
<br />
<br />'ltlia uat~t to be void IqlOn the P....t in full with interest of lUlY
<br />abU,,~1ona. prelI8nt or future. secured or to be secured hereby.
<br />
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<br />
<br />STAS.OP )l..b........
<br />
<br />. Courity of ll.. 11
<br />
<br />Il<<fore _. .. 1lOtal:y public; lI_lified for .llid COWlty, personally came
<br />R ~ .; f)" y R R... 1'1. ..... Y , h y I'" .oJ R ..llu . "
<br />llaow to .. to be the ldentical l>ersons who siqned the foreqolng instn_nt
<br />4ftlt..c:kaowl~ the e.ecution thveof to theiI' voluntAry act and deed.
<br />
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