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<br />II I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Larry W. Lambrecht and Sheryl J. Lambrecht I"
<br />H t I l!
<br />'i I of Hall County, and State of Nebraska . in consideration of the sum of I ,.
<br />.... ~' ! One 'lhousani Five Hutrlred and no/lOO ________________-DOLLARS I ii
<br />i"oJ! 1 in hand paid, do h..reby SELL and CONVEY unto 'lhanas L. Anderson i
<br />~I! Iii
<br />-it I of Hall County, State of Nebraska the following d"""ribed premises situated i ii
<br />, I; I . , , l'
<br />g! I in Hall County, and State of Nebraska . to-WIt: i il
<br />011 ~I. tract of land larMn as part of an Island or 'D:lWhead lyin;J l-brth of Lot 6 and westerly:{t!i
<br />,. ();)unty IQld in Section Seventeen (17), '1Ownship Nine (9) N:>rt:h, Range Eleven (11) west 0 Ii
<br />"'>II . 6th P.M., Hall Cbunty, Nebraska, and a part of Lot Six (6) in Section Seventeen (l7), ;
<br />COil ~p Nine (9) l-brth, Range Eleven ell) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, the f" . ~
<br />11 tlraCt oont:aini.rXJ 4.89 1\cres, nnre or less plus acretion to the center of the Middle Channel\ !1
<br />il <if the Platte River, and the seccnrl tract oonta:in.in:J 9 lJcres , rrore or less plus acretion tp Ii
<br />!I1ihe center of the Middle Olannel of the Platte River, nnre canpletely described on attachE!Cl i!
<br />
<br />ii~tA". '"
<br />
<br />"
<br />~ !
<br />
<br />The intention beina; to convey hereby an absolutE' title in fee simple. including all me rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pr~mises abov~ described, with all th~ appurt~nances th~reunto belonging, unto th.. said
<br />mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forevt'r, providt'd always, and these presents are upon the express
<br />~ condi.tion that if the said mortgagor(s), his, her or their heirs. executors, adm.inistratot'8 or assigns shall payor cause to be
<br />paid to the said mortga~ee(.l. his, h~r or th~ir h~irs. ~xecutors, administrators or 8SSIgns. the principal.um of $ 1,500.00
<br />payable... follows, to wit:
<br />
<br />
<br />CN [)J;loWID
<br />
<br />
<br />with interest accordinc to tht- tenor nnd ~1ff."\"t of tht" In(}rtitagon writt~n promissory note be-aring t"vt!'D date with these presents
<br />and shall pay all tUN iUKI ~ssment.s levied upon said real estatE>. and aU OthE'f taIfti. leovies and assessmt"nts levied. upon this
<br />IIlOI't.pce or the note whkh this mortgage IS gi'\'~n tv St'f..'Uf'e. beofore the- sa.trle bt-comes dt!linquent. and keep the buildings on
<br />said ~ i.....red for t.... sum of :$ , I""",, if any, payabl<o '" the .aid mort;:agre, then these p""",nbJ
<br />to be ,.'Oid. otherwise to be and remain Ul full fol't.'?
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED t II That if the said mortp lOr shall fail to pay such taxes or procure such insunlllce, the
<br />said mortcacee may pay such taxes and procure sudt insurallC'e; and the sum !to ad~. wjth interest at per
<br />. cent, shall be repaid by said mortgacor, and this mortcace shall stand u ...,.,rity for th.. same, (2l That a failure to pay any
<br />of said _, Pither principal or intM<'St. ...- the """'" ""'_ w.... or a failure to romply with any of the fore<<uin&
<br />...-..ta, shall at""" the whole sum of money herein """"red '0 '-'- due and roll""tiblt> a. on<< at the option of the
<br />.....ne-'
<br />Slped thi8 15th day of March
<br />
<br />
<br />.cy-di{/;22 -~
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<br />"Y
<br />
<br />1983 ..j
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<br />
<br />STATE OF ......,~,...... ...,. County of ' .. ,\iiI.l.J,.....,
<br />
<br />'Mle foreping iDStnlment was acknow~ before me "".""., MaI;t;:b, ~5, , , ' , , ,
<br />by ,...~.~...~~,~ Sheryl J. l..aIlttec:ht.
<br />
<br />,19,83..
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