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<br />RLQAN CHARGES . . ..... . 83- 001 < ':. R
<br />It oouldb&thal; ~ 1oan.SE!<:U1'edby the Secur:i'ty In&'trumentis subject toa law wi;icWllets maximum
<br />lOancliargeslitld 'tIis.'tlawisillterpreted.sothat the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected
<br />m'colltJectiO!1witbthe loanWOtlld exceed txmnittedllinits. If 'this, is the case, then: (A) any such loan
<br />chargeshlill be reduced by 'the amount necessary 'to reduce 'the charge to the permitted. limit; and (B) any
<br />SlUnS'. ab:eadYcollectedfrtim~,wiUcllexceededpermitted limits will be refunded t.o Borrower.
<br />~may ch~ to make this refundbyteducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br />direct . payment to .B6lTllWer.
<br />
<br />I! Lend!llde~. that all ~r any ~ of the sums secured by this Security Instrum~t~~bj!lCt
<br />to a lien which has pnonty over this Security Instrument, Lender may send B6rrower a notice Identifying
<br />that lien. Bonowershlill promptly act with regard to that lien as provided in paragraph~ of ~e ~ty
<br />Instrument or shall promptly secure an agreement in a fonn satisfactory to Lender subordinating that lien
<br />to this Security Instrument. Fllilure to provide evidance that Lender has first lien shall constitute a default
<br />under 'the tenns of this Note.
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<br />r
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<br />If there is a transfer of the Property, subject to paragraph 17 of the Security Instrument, Lender
<br />f!!llr require (1) an increase in the current Note interest rote, or (2) an increase in (or removal of) the
<br />limit on the amount of anyone interest rote change (if there is a limit), or (3) a change in the Base
<br />Index figure, or all of these, as II condition of Lender's waiving the option to accelerate provided in para-
<br />graph 17.
<br />By signing this, B6rrower agrees to all of the above.
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<br />Maigare~:.:t.j'ffii'~,l'efL.., .,~:t:.:l,;.al..:..l<,...,~
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ...'_......m..m..._.~.l,..,..,..........._.,.....,......,......'...m...... County as:
<br />
<br />On this ,no........._.];?............,_... day of 'm.'~~~ .. ....."..., 19,Ji~.. before me. the undersigned.
<br />a Notary Public duly lY.n"..;";~ and iualified for said coun~, ~ came ,........,..............................
<br />~~!;,r.1~~~~~die1~~~(;j~;~,~~rU;,~,ti;'ihe.fuieCOiDi'iM_ent'8iid
<br />acknowIedced the eucution thereof to be ........~~.!.E..'n..........'._.,..._.._.., voluntary act and deed.
<br />WITNESS my himd and notuial ... at ,..'......m'....Qr.900,J{l.~....~~......_.... in said county,
<br />the date am-id.
<br />
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<br />"'--s..I___~/_'-'- ~NlF,
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