<br />I
<br />
<br />T
<br />
<br />
<br />This form is used il1 COI11)llC-
<br />tion with mortgageshlSured
<br />u11der the one- to four-family
<br />pNlvisions. . of tlle"National
<br />HOusiilg'Aet;
<br />
<br />
<br />83- 001265
<br />
<br />'J'HfSMOR.TGAGE,itIlIdeandexecutedthis. 8t.h...... da.voL March
<br />19..33' ,byJuldhetweerl Gary. ll.. Rosaclter and Linaa D. Rosaclter, husband and wife
<br />
<br />Of.IM CountY of.~ 1fa1l .. (),J, ..~ ~ , and State of Nebraska. party of the first patt,hereimiftetCliUed
<br />
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />a.cOJ'}lOflUionOll!lIiliztd and existing under the laws of
<br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee,
<br />
<br />cJ/i.. '1TN'E.'>SETH:FI<ltLlltsaid Moallll&Q~ for anllin consideration of the sum of 59. 250.00 . ,
<br />:rWP: WNIllUID IFTY and WI wv Dollars ($' ), paid by the Mort-
<br />gagee. \he receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these prese,nts does Grant,Blir-
<br />gain, SdI,.colWey, and Confirm' ~.. the~aV!li's successors and assigns. forever. the following..described
<br />real_att, sltualed 10 the:CDunJ.Yr~ Court Grand' Island Nebraska 68801 ,and SllIte
<br />of Nebraska , 10 WIt: 471'.1 T, . , ,
<br />
<br />Lot Forty-Four (44), Ravenwood Subdivision, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />~_JIlf~lJ.:K~iYill1t
<br />~J~
<br />
<br />a~
<br />
<br />TOHAVE AND TO HOLD the pr<lm'''' "00,," Je.crihed, with "II lhe appurtenances thereunlo belonging and including
<br />all bealing, plumbing and lighting lixlur'" and equipmenl now or her""flcr attached 10 or used in connection wilh said real estate
<br />uiuothe MOrtll"llee. .nd loils successors and .ssign', (ore"er. The Mortgagor represenls 10, and covenanls with.lhe Mortga-
<br />gee, thai the MortgagQr has good ri!iht 10 ,ell and <"nvey ,aid premises; Ihat Ihey are free from encumbrance; and tbatlhe
<br />Mongagor will warrant and d"fend the '..me allainst lhe lawful claims "f all persons whomsoever; and the said Mortgagor here-
<br />by.~ allrighl~ of.bomeSleoo, and all martial rights, either in law or in equity, and all other contingent imerestsof the
<br />Motl!lilllOf in and I<> tbecabove-desnibed premi,e', theinlenlion being to con"ey hereby an absolute lille. in fee simple, includ-
<br />i\llallrigblS "fhQllle.tead, and otber nght> ,md mtere.ls as "for.,aid,
<br />
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and lhes< pre,en" ,tfe ec\ecUlw .",1 delivereJ upon Ihe following conditions. 10 wit:
<br />
<br />'fbe MQI'l.J!1ll!Q{.lIm"s 10 P<lY J.<l.tbc Mnrlga\.",e, or order, the principal sum ,If 59,250.00
<br />twO. IIl!ll)UJr FIFtT all4 WIlOO Dollars IS
<br />
<br />),
<br />
<br />with inte<<,slfrQl11 dale at the lale 01 TWELVE and 00/100 pel cenlum ( 12.000 %) per annum on
<br />
<br />the unpaid b~:e~crA'i1F~ii!nmfH1irl~e~.mtl ~~it'f8nofficeof
<br />
<br />,in o.aha, Nebraska SIX flUNDREIl NINE iHcft__r place as lhe holder of
<br />the nute ~Y de'lgJJlltejnwf1ttng,m.monlhl~ lnstallm.pts of 609 68
<br />Dollar. is.. . i, commellcingon the firsl day of
<br />May ,19 In. and on Ihe firsl day of eael, mouth thereafter umilthe principal and in-
<br />~eSI are fully paid. <"""pl lbal lite. finaL payment of principal a2'fh~teresl. if not soollltr paid, shall be due and
<br />payllbll: (>Jube firM da, of Ap\,11, , : all according to Ihe lerms of 1I certain promis-
<br />SOl)' Mle of even <IlIte herewith executed t>y Ihe ,aid MQrljr"l"llf
<br />
<br />11le ~urt~ in order moR' fully topHlI""t the securflY or lhis MQI'lgagt, agre"s:
<br />
<br />I, ThlIit.'l..will"l'lheindo~.""her"inbcl....e provir:led. I'rivi~1'l is ",sened 10 pay lhedebl in wIIole, or in an
<br />_Ill &:IIIlIl..l<) ~-j)fJll<l{" Iltiln!lllrpaymellt, un the p,incipallbal ",. nexl du. on the note. on Ih" lirst day of any month
<br />prio)r to ~1!1, Prov~. bo~"er. TOOt wriltetlnoti.;eof ,lIt in_tion to "xerei", sucil privilege is given at lellSt tbirty(30)
<br />~1'ri<!t'1,QJlf1:~~.
<br />
<br />Z. ~'c 4.thet with, ~ inad4ilW!' K\. llle Ill""t!>!, pa,~nl' of ptlnc.pal and interl'st ","yable Ilnrlct lhe terms of !.he
<br />MlC~~~fu'.lMM~ will pay to lhe Mortgagee. Ull the lirslda~of ear:h_nlllllntiltbe sail1note i. fully paid,lhe
<br />t~~:........ ............. ..... . ....
<br />
<br />(ii" ~U~lo provWt lhe Iililldct hereof ..ith fUlldI to ptty. lhe ""Xl Inortt\1l8O mSllranc:c: prutium if this
<br />~._..~~.cUted.~lfe iNll.l\'Id,,,. It _lhlyeharpfin Ikt< ofilm<wlMt' iiUlI:_",.,..
<br />~ltf_ lUth!lltt.!ly <Ms..-lQf.,f~.aud UrbmDmllupment,u followa:
<br />
<br />(I) lKM.......~m>>e "ft~.1'e and tltt.'IrlaIl'lilOO..llIlt' m$lul!<l Of ..e ,.i...,....",1 under lk' pro'
<br />~.of lllc. Naf~~1I All!, Btla_ ...fl'liriil'frt to ~t" jJl UtltQnlls oftht' h.lIi ; Me
<br />
<br />S't."..n;9~." ..... S. ItA
<br />~rnA~H'*.__",,_U""'_V ,...-.- , , : ~".3M I1Fl9l
<br />