<br />.....,~.__~~,~~~_~~_._~.__..__~_,_.~~_.~___.c._~_~."__~____ ._'"_ _.".^ ~,..__~...._.",~~. ._,'''''~' ..~~___,_~O _~',~ ._.""_>_,,_ ._. _v..______"~..~"'
<br />>__.~_..'_~,_"_~~.~~.~,.,.._",._~_~~.~__~_.._~~~_"~__,,~....u_~."w_ _"~._.,~_.__"',,.~_ __ _.....,.... ._." ....__ ..___ ___ _"_"._~^_..___~__ ~
<br />
<br />1lJ6.B-Corporatlon 8urvlvondllp Warranty Oeed 83- 0 (J 12 G ~~ Hultman and fellon & Wolf. Walton. Ne. 68461
<br />
<br />UOWALL:III:N BY THESE PRESENTS, That Johnson Land Co.
<br />
<br />F; a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska
<br />
<br />I in consideration of
<br />I
<br />I
<br />
<br />I received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br />
<br />!
<br />I' Richard E. Pitcher and Diane R. Pitcher, Husband and Wife
<br />
<br />as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not a>l tenants ill common, the following described real property.in I
<br />
<br />
<br />I ..':", H'::""::~' .::::'::: (1), C"'"0',1 ,.,.,., '"0""""0 II
<br />
<br />
<br />i to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />! I
<br />i
<br />i STAMP TAX
<br />!
<br />I
<br />
<br />I I
<br />
<br />I I
<br />I I
<br />i I
<br />I f
<br />I To have and to hold the above described premis,'s togot'ther with all tenements, hereditaments and appur- I
<br />1 tellances thereto belonging unto the g-rnntces aud to their assign...... tlr to the la"irs and assigns of the survivor of j
<br />I them forever, ,'" . . '" I
<br />! And grantor for Itrlf /ind ItJ;i SUC('f~~SSOno; does lwn'hy ('U\'f>llaut wah the grantet's nud. WIth theIr assigns and [
<br />f '-\~ith the heirs aud assigns of the survivor oJ tlwm that g-rfiutnr i~ lawfully ~eiRed. of :-;uid premises, that they are I
<br />I free from '>nellmbranee i
<br />
<br />I I
<br />, I
<br />I! that gra.ntor has good right. a.nd lawful authority to N'll \'t'.\" t ht-' Sli.Jlh'-; lillt! that c-rantor warrants and. will defend !
<br />the title to said J)remise..."'i llgainst the la\,;;[u] i.'"laims of nIl persons whomStw'Yf'r. ,
<br />II It is the intention of all parties hert~tLl that in ~lH' ,'\'{>nt of the tit.ath of t.itht'r of the grantees, the entire I
<br />fee- simple title to the real estate shaH Vf'st In the surVIving- ;rralltl!'t',
<br />I It witness wherenf. g:rantof has h~I'euHto (~aUHeli its ('orpofdtl' seal to be affixed and these presents signed I
<br />I by its President. I
<br />
<br />II II'
<br />Dated March '5, l~l83
<br />I j
<br />I . JOh~:Stf7d C,~~,.., ':"'~;:~~'l;i;>:;""'" I
<br />t . ,r-~/.'~ ...Jl-~(.~t..... '" -,,' .~~.~~,~w~'w.~_,~,tJ.,.
<br />I 17'':!'<<~'''''''", '.' ",.,."",:';vellldent I'
<br />; STATr OFHa::b~::::y lss On tjiis i'M'" .day OL,h{..{.:(;:;:~:19;i,~:;:.;.~!p~ me, I
<br />I ~~~~l~YCame ....,.. '...,.' .., ,lt~/::e::~:I.: ~;~:~~~~::~d-f7;~:: I
<br />I ~~~~.~:~~l~~~:"t~~'~e President and th~~~:~~:;':::::~~';~~'~'i~~~:~~~~t~~:::::~ I
<br />
<br />once, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act al1d deed as such officer and the voluntary I
<br />act. and deed of said corporation and that the Corporate seal of the SOld corporation was therelo allixed by its I
<br />authority, ;
<br />
<br />Witn_ my hand c:tnd Notarial Seal atoJ,~.",... ~,~... c~., ~'d ~Ojty, t~day and year last above wnllen. i
<br />
<br />~L~~I ;,' ~'J:l-r~ ....' Notary Public, I
<br />
<br />My Commission .,xplres the " .., day of ./:-' ;: ..' ~ "," 19 Ii!
<br />
<br />Thirteen Thousand and no/IOO Dollars---------
<br />
<br />:f\r-Cr\I:..D
<br />_r~:\Sl:'f\' "-
<br />~'\f\\-
<br />
<br />MAR 1 5 1983
<br />$/I~ BY.
<br />.
<br />
<br />
<br />STATE OF.. ~ , .. ...
<br />
<br />County
<br />
<br />..\
<br />i....
<br />I
<br />
<br />~-
<br />
<br />EnJllnd ')11 numerical illde;!: "lid filed for r<,,'ord ill llw U'.'!listt'r of Dee,is Offic'> of said ('Otlllty the
<br />. day- of. ., ". .1~l. .' .. at., . .d \-loek ftUtL ruiuutes ~!.,
<br />auUl'_Nioo in l.louk,. of. . ."tl~~!ll'
<br />
<br />H-t\jt', 1)( l.h'{>{h
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<br />fly
<br />
<br />ih>puty
<br />
<br />