<br />I~
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<br />83-iJ 0 1 ~ G ,"~.
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<br />MORTGAGE See L 22,312
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 24,082
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Randall L. Skalka and Penny S. Skalka, each in his curl her
<br />
<br />own ri.ght and as spouse of each other, Mortgagor,wltcther one or more, in <x>nsideratJon of the sum of
<br />Pi"", 'T'hnn..,.,.lrl Five Hundred and 00/100----- ----DOllARS
<br />Joo.ned to said mortgllg01' by The f"luitable Building and loan Association of Grand Island, Nebr..n, Mortgagee, upon 55 shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No, L , do bereby grant, con..y and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the folJowiDg
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebra>ka:
<br />
<br />Lot 'lWenty Eight (28), in Sass Second
<br />
<br />Subdivision in the City of Grand Island,
<br />
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />together with aU the tenements. hereditaments and sppmtena.nces thereunto belongtng~ including aU3ched floor co~:t all window screens,
<br />window ~ bUnds~ :!dorm windo\n, awnings. healing, au condit.ioning. and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto. puD1pS,.stoycs"
<br />rcfrlgenttors. and other Hxtures and eqwpment now or hereafter attached to or wed in connection with said real estate.
<br />And wher_ IlK! >aid mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree thaI the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and _ts Ievicd or
<br />.....ssed upon said premixs and upon Ihis mort!Jll!le and the bond sceured therehy before ,he same shall become delinquenl; 10 furnish a~
<br />insurance upon the building> on said premises silualed in Ihe sum of S 5,500.00 p.yable 10 said ASSOCIATION and 10 deliler 10 said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies: fOf said insuranoe; and not to commit or permit any waste on or about said premises;
<br />In case of defanll in the perfo,""""", of any of Ihe term! and conditions of tillS morlgage or IlK! bond secured IK!reby, the mortlll&"C shall,
<br />on detnand~ be e-ntilled tu immediate possession of the mortgaged prt:DUSC"S and the mortgagor hereby assigns., transfen and sets over to the
<br />mortgagee all IlK! rents, 'e..n.... and income to be deri""d from lhe mortgaged premixs during such time as Ihe mortgage indebted..... shall remain
<br />unpaid: and the mo,lgagee shall Ita"" the po...er '" appoint allY agent or agenls II may desire for ,IK! purpose of repairing said premises and renting
<br />the wne and coUecting tbe rents, revenues and int."Qme. and it may payout of saad income all expenses of repairing said premises and necessary
<br />c.."ORU1li5sions and expenses incurred in renting and ma~ tbe !afll(' and ~)f (.."OUecting rentals therefrom: the balance remaining, if any. to be
<br />applied toward IlK! discharse of $Oid morl!Jll!le indebledness; lhese r'l!hts of tlK! mortgagee may be exe,cised al any time during IlK! existence of such
<br />default... irrespective of -any temporary wa..iver of the same.
<br />l'bese Presenu, boweve" are upun the Condilion, That if IlK! said Mortgagor shall repay said loan on or before Ihe maturity of said shares by
<br />paymenl; pay monlhly to said ASSOCIATION of Ihe sum specified m tlK! Ilond ",cured hereby.. inleresl and principal on said loan, on 01 before
<br />IlK! T...entielh day of each and every monlh, UIllil said loan is fully paid; pay alllnes and............ts leYied against said premises and on this Mortpge
<br />and lbe Bond "'~ thereby, bellne delinquency; furmm appro..,.j inswance upon the bwldings thereon in the sum of S 5, 500 . 00 payable
<br />10 said ASSOCIATION; '"pay 10 said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by " paid for such taxes, 'SSCIIIDCIIls and insurance with inlerest al
<br />IlK! maximum .1 rate lhereon from dale of payment all of ...hkh Mortgagor IK!reby "flI<e$ 10 pay; permil no wasle on said premises; keep and comply
<br />wilh all IlK! ageemenu and cundilionsof Ihe Bond for S 5,500.00 this day gM'Il by .IK! said Mortgagol 10 said ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />with all the Nq!liremeDls of the Constilulion and By-La.... of said ASSOCIATION: lhen Ih... presenls shall become null and void, otherwise they
<br />1lI>aII remain in fnll f,,,ce and may be foreclooed sl Ihe oplion of IlK! said A..."8OCIA nON .fter failure for three months 10 malte any of said
<br />paymonts or be Ihree months m arrears in maltin3 said monlhly payments, or 10 keep and <'Omply wilh lhe agreements and conditions of said Bond;
<br />and Mortpgnr 3f!I- 10 have a re<:rive, appoinled fotThwith in such forecloswe prn<ee<iings,
<br />If thete is any chance in ownership of lhe real estate I11OI'181&e<I herein, by ..re or otherwise, then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br />llOO:llIed shall, at tlK! opiion of The Equitable IluiIding and loan Association of (;rand Island,Nebrasb, become immediately due and payable withoul
<br />further notice, and IlK! amounl remailtulg. due undet said bond, and any other bond for any additional arlvanr:ea made thereunder, shall, from the
<br />dale of e""n,... of said option, bear interest allhe maximum IepI rate, and this ~ may lhen be foredosed to satisfy the amounl due on said
<br />bond, and my other bond for additional adwnr:es. Incether wi.th all sums paid by said The E"luitable Buildiog and loan Association of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska for insurance, lax.. and _. and abstractinB extension c1mges, ...ith interest thereon, from date of paymenl al the maximwn
<br />IepI rale,
<br />As pn;vided in lbe Bond secured hereby, while this ntortll"8" remains m effect lhe mortgagee may hereafter adwnce additJonalltlUll 10 the
<br />trIIken of said Bond, tbeff ........ or succesaors in inlerest, ...hich sums shall be within the security of lhis mortgage the same as the funds originally
<br />8lCUre<I1IK!reby, the lotal amounl 01 principal debl nol to exceed at any lime the origmalamounl of this mortgage,
<br />(~1Iris 1~ . day of March, A, I)" 19 83
<br />
<br />~U'~:;;:::;--
<br />
<br />Sl'ATIHWMEBRAS:ll.A, I 51,
<br />COUNTY 01' HALL,
<br />
<br />0., thia
<br />
<br />11th
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />March,
<br />
<br />1983 ,beforeme,
<br />
<br />the wt<lor:Iipled" Notary Public In and fo, said Counly, per.....uy_
<br />~l L. Skalka and Penny S. Skalka, each in his and her own rig~l.oandareas s~~~
<br />ot:llte;:.
<br />...... be.. ioleIIlllal ~ " ~ _ s are .fflUd to IlK! abow inltrumenl as ~ S and they ....".uy
<br />~tbe_~ Ii> be their voluntary act InddeedQ/'/--' ./..,.~
<br />~ 1ItY.~ ond Nmloriol Scalt'" dale .ro~, / /---., ,,)
<br />
<br />Myl'''~;; /9Jl . 11~~~.0~.C<'~~ii~......
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<br />J(WNClllOUlH
<br />IItt.Jllot .. Ilk II. I"
<br />
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