<br />r
<br />
<br />
<br />This form is used in connec-
<br />tion with mortgJiges insured
<br />under th~nne- to four.family
<br />pr~iJl:idusl '"f''the,National
<br />Housing Act, ..
<br />
<br />83-- 00125:'.D
<br />
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 14th day of ~larc h
<br />19 83 ,byandbe!Ween carla R. Warneke, a single person,
<br />
<br />,A.D,
<br />
<br />oHheCoonly of
<br />tJ1c..Mo1"lllugor, and
<br />
<br />Ball
<br />Super ior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />
<br />,and State of NebraSka, party of tlleltrst'part; hereiOafter.caIled
<br />
<br />acorporarion oll1anired and e xisting under the tawsm Nebraska
<br />party or the .eoond parL hereinafter called the Mtingagee,
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That the said Mortga!!'lr, fOT and in "on.idetation of tile sum of Twenty Two Thousand Tnr ee: Hundred
<br />and No 11 oor h5---------------------"---- Dollarst$22, 3 00. 00 ); paid'bytbe Mort.
<br />~. the re.:elpt <if wliICh " herehy acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant. Bar.
<br />!Illin, Setl, Ct>nvey and Contirmunto the Mongagee, its successors and assigns, forever. ill<! follOwOtg-deSCn'bed
<br />real eslate. silllllted in the County of Ba 11 ' and:SIate
<br />of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />
<br />The Southerly Seventy TIoD (72) Feet of Lot Five (5), in Block
<br />Eleven (11), in Rollin's Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />P.all County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />of Ihe Si"h Princip:t1 \feridian. "ontainin~ in all
<br />me-nl survtv:
<br />
<br /><.i('fC.s according to Govern-
<br />
<br />TO HAVE A~n TO HOl.D the preml"" ,'!:xl" ok"""bcd, wnh <llllhe appurtenarn:e" thereuDtu beloJltling and including
<br />.ill heating.. plumhlOgAlld lighting ti"wr., .nd <qutp_m now,., he,e..iler alladw:d to '" u.ed in connet:tion with said ",aleslate
<br />unto the- Monga:gee-~ and to it~ 5.U\':":-cs.~t.lr~ .lnd a.~~It;n:i. !;.He-\ce-r, The Mort~ repre~nts to~ and wvenaobl with. the Mott,ga..
<br />g<<. that the-. Mort~r h.a!oo gOt.x-i right hl "ell .ind (,,)f1\n ...~ud p-reml~t~~ that they are hc:e from encumbrance~ and that J.be
<br />Mort~ '\\<m warrant and defend the ";lme af;tain~t th{" bwfuJ \"blms nf::tlt per\.)n... wnom'l.t\C\'er: and the said Mortgagor here-
<br />tJy reltnquishe:s aft rights of h~5t~.:H.L ~md :tft m:\rtiat right"';. etthtr if! tilW or in <"Quity, an..! an iJther cuntingent interests of the
<br />M()rt~ In and tu the- aho\'~-de~crlhed premt"'e.... the Intention he.~ to con\'eV Mre~y an ab~oiute tiUe ~ in fee- simplt'. indudw
<br />inx aU righb-ul h{lfDCi-tead. .indother rl~h(s-;tnlJ lnleresls.,)'1 <if,'re~~ud
<br />
<br />PROVIDED ALWA \ S, "'1411',<:..,,, pt."'"" 01< <\<",I<d.o.l lieh"<f<u UPUDlhe fvllo"'ngcondttiotlS, I" WlI:
<br />
<br />Tht Mortgagor agree~ h) p;l~' to [he \'llftg;lg~t" _ '_If tHt.lt'i the- pfUh.:frai ...um of Twent y Twt> TMU sand Three
<br />ls..ndred and No/lOOths--------------- !l..lIa"l$ 22,300,00 ),
<br />
<br />with IfllCll'st irum datt'.il liit., l.JlI: I', TVrre-l V(: pel c~lItum t.
<br />lhe unp.akt Ntr..m~ unts; paw, Thr- ...;\id priU\"lpal ,ir\J jm~f{.'t ..h~ln ht' p~l\<.lt'lk at the vffiC'~ \If
<br />
<br />12 . 0 % ) I"'r annum on
<br />Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />
<br />1ft Graud Island, :;"araska ,."ral,\;UChotll<!tPI,Kea.SJbeholderof
<br />Ihern"'cm.;t;yde~.atemwnuns:,mmOnUHYIP'la1im('nt'\.of Two w.ndre<1 Twenty Nme and j~1100ths-----
<br />----------------- l~dt~r\ t) 22 9~ 38 I. t.'Ommencmg ~m the tlp~1 day of
<br />May . i983 . ~nJ i,1f; Hll.~ Or",! t.1a\ ,If t~h. h munch thereafter unlil the prinCipal and in---
<br />leH." .lIe full} paki. (.\(Cpt that trio.; lHMI. p,J.,nl<fil ..! f'iu'k:ipal .tRd HUefe~1. If not )t)onc,' p.ud. ,hajJ he due and
<br />ra~'abk l.m the- rif\1 d1; .,Jf Apr i1 ~ 2013 . aU 4(~()fdin& tu the letnh uf ;J ,ertam pI'omis.
<br />-'OfY note of (yen uatc herewith ~\.ecUl('-d ii... !h<- "~ud ~,,)n~J.g';t
<br />
<br />rhc Mortgagur m: ,--~rdef ffi\He- fu:l~ ii' pf;:>lt:\.'~ ::h(.' "Cl.hfl!\ ,I} ,nt' \1<){t~~. <.t,;ree~.
<br />
<br />I rhaf be WIU -P>>iY 1be mdeb~\-~. :;h nereu\heh.l're pftl\'id<<t Privilege i... re'tf\'t'd 10 p-ay the deN in \\tp'hole. or in an
<br /><ifftQl.tflt c-qvai m-onc Of more mon~ pa)"'lnen(~ tm the p-nntlpal that ,Ire MKt due- un the ntHe~ tln ~ tint day l)f any month
<br />N'lut h-~ matwlt)"; Ito"~, ~H~-t!' -c:r, rhat"PI oHen fhJh,,';:- tli ;tn m!t"Hhoo 1.0 t",ch.:t,e "-ud, rri\ Ik:f!,.tt.'" I.. gtvct\ ~lt lc;,ts.t thlrt)' Po)
<br />J~}, pr..,..lop"'Jllly-al,
<br />
<br />~. T~.l.lbtt 'I\'llh~ ~mt.l i1\ ~1.blRm lu. dw rnQfHhj~ r~.a)'Hlcnb 1,,11 pnm';ij'taloiritl intcrea.( ~).hk uno,;} tftc tCf~ \l.f the
<br />mtfc ,<<,-cured hftC'by ^ tht: Mt.\ftg4jUf ~ in ra) h,} the Mvr-ttta).~-c, f'-U the- ti,\\. ilii" of ta..:h mi,)tHh U01tl tQe,.uJ.a; flute I~ fuUy paid. the
<br />t..llowwg 'IImo'
<br />
<br />L..) .\:nount fUUk.~t h") vHwi4k' \tW" hnkkf h(\fCt~f wuh fund~ h~ pay thr' o:1.~xl \ilr'rtPF msuranci' p!nHtUn1 tl !hi:'!
<br />;lI~Htm\".lt .i:nd tM n'\Jotf' ~inffl-n'Hb-) ale- n"Uf-~. tU d n~,}fHtdy Ch;Cf~ Un IH1l ara ""ttl'l~ i~uunvt(Y' prl"-
<br />'''uuom".f th~'.'t' Mid.,. ,tt..~ Sc(~tf'4"y ~,i Uuusmg.&nd li...h'J~ [~wforme1\t.:ls f,'4I~:
<br />
<br />t J) H l.Hd ~,J ;~'fl~ 4~ .....;;1 ! ,~'\.t'n ;Hi" 4t1U On:!\. fa',d::UIlH:';l\ .~H~ tn:.uh'd \-.; _HT lr~nsurnj ~HH.kt Ihe- P-'\~
<br />"1V(~ '-Jf' tfie- N1ttH'!h~ tf~~u'n. A~l, Ill) an-\nunt i-ll:ff'kt(':nt tn *_rUfnuta1~ m the h-anJ~ t,tl tht h\\h.kl \)rf,~
<br />
<br />~~__,_t HA-i14,:U.'~ct<.~.. WMOd""''>t~ ~!"F...!t~~
<br />
<br />-H}t l:!iil1 'J:M: t9- Jg~
<br />