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<br />83-+1lJlr2.:;.u <br /> <br />lind, wtth<)ul demand, $onall be immedlaiely dllt< 8(\(:1 payabio by T'u5lor and 'iha!l <br />bear inteTe-,t at the malflmum allOwable l.&.gal rate: proYided, ho""'ev~r thlll..t l~~ <br />option of Benefh:1ary or Trust" such sums may bit aOdl'!-d 10 the mioClpaJ Datanc& <br />of Ilny itld$btedl'le$s a8eUfe.d hereby and !Jtl-llll beAr Ih"", same mtarl;HH as ~uc/'! <br />irldebtedness and !ohall be payable ratably o~er fhe rel'l"'~fn'!'<;11-erm ft;ef~Q~ <br /> <br />10. A..1gfvHnt of A.nt.. Bet'lt'Pt:ciary Sfli!JiU n;;yt" "'16 rio-nt, power af'l(l auUlOfrty <br />durlO(l the contfnU8(t(:& jot InJ!; Trust ~ 10 cnlltl'Ct the rants j~sues and profIts Of <br />the Property and of any pefs{mal prOp$rly iOC4f~d theroon Wlr~ Dr WlmOl.ll laking <br />posse&alon of IIle property affected h@reby. .Hld I'u.!\tor hlHM>Y abSotl,ltely and <br />unoonrJlUonaUy asSign! all $J<:11 ren!.5. ,SS'Jll'S ana prOfItS to Beneflcta'" <br />aen.Jlcl.ry. hOW6Y8r, herehy cons&nts 10 ttH} Trustor's ~o:ltlclh::;.n ;)Ind relerrHon 01 <br />suet- rents, law" and _profits liS tney accru~ iln-d Pflcome payaule so long as <br />Trustor Is not. at such limM, (l1 detault v..-fln re-Sp@Cl 10 pavm~n! 01 any <br />indebtednesa secured hereby or II, the- performance Of any agr&&me!1t hefeul'lder <br />Upon any filCh defAult, 8enefic!ary may al any lim/:'. 9itt',e-r in ~fSOfl, by aQ~nl. or by <br />8: receive:- fo be l:lpPOinlM by a court wl1hout no-tlef)' IF!d .....;tho-lJ! rf!q.l!_J'd 10 1!'lf! <br />~uacy of any secunty for fht:- IndebteGfleM hio-'eby 5ecur~d_ {;;ol l;If'IIP,' upon Ilnd <br />I&JilepO!JUt'ls!-OfI-ofthe ~p&rty or any parllheroof Find 111 ii"- OWl'. "'sme sve tvr or <br />otherwise COllect suct. ret\ts, jS$~ and proHls. '''lC!wj1ilg thos~ pasl OUt' 8110 <br />unpatd. and apply the same, less coSls aha ~l(peTlses of i}~ratlon find coll~c1!o" <br />including reasonable aHornev lees. IJPQn i'l"lV ,'\l'1ebfOO~M "~G1JTM nerfN)v~ ant! in <br />sUCl1 order as Beneflclary may de\armlne: ib) certorm such "c:ls 0~ fi'{13;r r,r <br />protectiOtl as. may tH!t necl!-!lsary Of proper to con!lef\'E' me v-!llU6 o! thB Prom~fty: (Cl <br />lease !he same or an-y part t~of tOf I\!jCf! fP'1raL term, and uOGI1 SuCh corHiitlr>n'S <br />as It$ iudgtll1'lfml may dictat@ Unle-ss T1'tS1or and B~f1~ficlalY $.cre~ olnf'/wise '0 <br />writing, any aopllcation 01 f8nts_ Issues 0' r:>'olilS '0 ""V '!1f1ebl~t:"!"$S ~~c(;rw <br />hereby $hall not extef'ld or pOstPOM 1he due dale 01 Ihe 'f'.statlm~M rg;.vrn",nis 8S <br />provided In said promh\$ory n-ol~ 01 cnltnqe lt1i"i amCl\lMl 01 ,\1(;1'1 I'lSI<tllm('mts T~I'; <br />entertl'lQ upon (lna taking pCS5@S~Ho.'" o( m", P'-opertv. me (:;{)li,l'Clton Of Stich 'ents <br />IsauPand profits, and t1\8 appll-Catlon Ih..f~f 85 Olforesal,1 sl1afJ nOf With'€- or C\JH~ <br />any def.uil or ncllee ot d~tauU h'ne-!/f'der, 0' I~\'ali<'!aj~ an" ",-n dOr"e .}\JfSlJ;>n! !O <br />suth notlce._ Trustor also ass-Ions Ie Ben1JhcJzry, ilS h.l1ttler '-;1l'!::Um)' lor Ii,,,, <br />performlilncs 01 the onllQatlons StlC\Jlfld tleI1i1J!'Oy. <in prepatd '<101:<; il'1d <lit! fTlontes <br />whiCh may h-a're been Of mllY r>ereaHer be aeposil60 Wit" saw Tru:;lcr t,y ar>v h?ssa!\" <br />of the Property. 10 SOC\Jf6 li-la paY!TIsnt of iiI-"iy ~w~l ~I)~j ;j{>liiUll ,,.. ~~,~ <br />perform_nce ot any o! the prOV1Slf;lns h~H&Ol T;;'S10' ilg.cfle!5 !') \1,:,1;"",. ""Cr, ,e"'l~ <br />and Oeoosft$ 10 It'.E1 Benerlclary Deh...e<v ~'I "'Pi:"." "-::}!H:e QI ~htj' Ben",r!ca... '" <br />elCercise ot the ngnlS g:an!ea h.,.'tlJ!'l :0 an\l1(>-naf",! ')i;.CU!:',,"llQ C:0i(~ ::Ulnl''''''''' ,>hal <br />be suffielent to (~I.llre saRi l",rh\nt !O oav ':i-d'O ,~,,.,~ 'c f^\e 8e"ehni!<\ "r.:,1 'i,Qt'", <br />notice <br /> <br />11. L..... ~ Within 10 d.\'~ alter aemancl. Truster ~hal! !tJrl'llSt'! to ,! <br />8 SChtOuie C9rtltle<1 to ~ lrue. s-eH!T\Q lC'~r::tI 'eases ot ~OIlC{l In In!! Yr,15; <br />~ then In affect, inclua!ng, ''': ,gac/"! case, ln~ name Q' t!'1~ rB~a"lS -iF'!-" <br />occupwtta, a a-eacrjptlon at tn. SPft;C-e OCCUUltIlCl by lilt;:;" 1e"-3'lt <!\I'C occ-IJ~..n!. :he <br />rental payaD~ '-or such l'Ipa~ and such otr\l'lr Inlormation ano d;:.cumefH1! WI!'-" <br />~ 10 .uer'll..... ano t~ancles AS 1M T <ustMl maJl fl!lQuaS! <br /> <br />Without the prior wrItten con$enl of fll;SI", rqa!or Si'111iJ 1101, dorlK"HV 'J! <br />Ifld1rK1ty, with f~t to Any ftl8&8 ot space In il'.b ds!.Cnbeo p-reml$-es, ....h@th~r <br />sucn tean is :'lOW or hereatter m 8l(IJUmce: ;!li 01 o&rmlt iHW prepl:lyml'!r>l <br />dlacoun1 or adYance. rent payable th~1!hIMIW. ;b) cal1ce! Of terlT1mate 1t'l9 same. or <br />accept any cancellfluon, l$nrnnatlon or !H.lrr~""oef !l"iftleol_ O' i>~rmJ! ai1y i!\"o'~nt te <br />occurwhtch wouldenU!1$ the tes-aee lhe-teunoe~!c !(tr!l1male Of canCSI 11'16 1,li,mlJ: ,e) <br />amend or modify the 1t0 as In rt'duce tO$ tfirm !i'lflMol ~l16 ll.mlll! pay~l:J.le <br />t-.unoer, or to chAnge any f$!l$Wal OfQYi-SI(H'\S !~rem ,:om.amac: to] waj"'~ dny <br />defeull t~ or pntaeh !h$1eof: i~J Qi...., iW.... ;:OrJ$fJflt ....\lIVii!f '}'- ",p;:;rovai <br />~,... or taiCe $0)' othet ACtion In CQrmttCt<<:Hi t~.wlth. 'Of "'Itn Ii 1"s.see <br />tl'lefeUndef, Whleh would tI..... t!\e effocl 01 H't'IP!llrmg ;h!t 'falue Ql 1"51501.'5- 'i'flelltst <br />theteunoer, on thrt p~ lt~b~1 t~el1J. \)r 01 ~moalrll1Q I~ POSi!IOf! Of Jf\tfofest <br />of the Trust-. or B6Mf~ary; Of II} ~li. a&81gn, plooge, <l'iOfti,)age \)r mhtH'Wllf; <br />diapoae ot ()( encumbef. lIa InlftfMI ;r; liH'ly !OUch lease '=" ant rent:!l, ."St/va Of prol118- <br />JaltlllRg 0; aflsing l~eunaet <br /> <br />12, tit~ to any pan o! ~~ f.'r{'~'r Sf;;j.;, C>i$ 11l1l..f1Ir> Gnrv,_h9m~\i'I!1I;m <br />proceeding... by (/Oh1 of eminent OOntaln <:Jf $lm';1!IJ .ctipf'!, .or 5~llfl' m!: soia l'l'O@.>" <br />th,..,t ot cundeml'\&tJon, lill! ......05, ollmagell alW proc~s are l\tl!i&by ass'\JneO <br />and sn.\i be ~k1 ~o 8efltlffcl_ry wno ~NlIl apPly !!-,,-en a-wwe. .:tam<JQ65- a:<Q <br />Pl"OC*IOatothll6Utruil!le(;urecs b'fti\e Trl,Jal~, ""lIt: Ihef>>:ce-ss,;1 any, paId mll1@ <br />Trustor. Trustor will promptly, llnO with COO dl!lQ$"!ce. '~!f. !tIler ane 'e&t~ \fl& <br />remaintng ~ ot tM Trust rtope.rty to its lotmot C-t-f!(jIl!OfJ woslan\l~;i,; Iv f!">8 <br />n-tenl that the S&fM may be tNaH:tla 4ncl so U 10 CO,"lsTlluHl a CQ!1~pl.le and tJHbi& <br />.N' <br /> <br />t3. F.....AdMftoeL UpOn 'IiKIW.a1 01 frustOf, &nehC-l.'y, at 8enehaii,., 5 CoPHQr!. <br />priOt to r~ance of 11!:e Property 10 lhe Tn.s:slor. m.ay makG lv'ltlf& ~G"iilncM Ie. <br />!M Ttutlor. Such fut-ure ad"aJ\oCO$. ....Ilh 1t;tertNt!Km. /ir';IlH ~ ~ft!\1 Dy IN~ <br />TNSt o..G when e"idenced by yrornl$-SOI)' notH SI.W~ !to.! $a,~ r.OfN :a'~ <br />NaUt*l n.-4lby; ~ that -\\! no lOf'-4H !~ $;!>C\Of~ P'''X~'ll' i"h;t'~ <br />~ not iochJOing ! itiIV.flced Ie t}lCf~1 lfI6 ~<.1my, .,.,,:;~ ,Y'4 <br />ht.IndNdpwcent i100-n,inf theOfJgmal.,.n;Xjp,ti. amo-wflhl !:IeC,-,,&d r>tl4oo,; <br /> <br />14-. "--"CumuIa~ A!lle~ Pfon4eO if; 1!lIS t 'ust OM\! iIj'f! >J:",t'f\>;l ",f'<J <br />C&UnUiai~ to-any o1hIN rlg~t Of f~ l,,!f\(;hU tnla Trutlt DtMK3 or llffOfOe<o Oc) lit.". \if <br />eQuity, and 1M.,. behefCIHd CUIlCUU~II", lr-.~~tly Of lO~iYely <br /> <br />15. ........eton; ~ Sbi. tJ:p(m ".,~Jt by "(rUlllor Hl lhe P6Yilleflt 01 im')' <br />~ ~red '*-by or in tfit, perlQnnaoce ot an,\, ~(~l heffiSno.r <br />~ may _It .urnll $e(;u,.o htWaby IrmT'OI.....y QvtI and pay.* 0,. <br />~ to r""",.. 0# .utr.n ~1.,.UqfI 0'1 o.t...iI !tie !'\oal_ sr.iIlH -n.n. ~hl!l <br />pow., of AM of thtt ~ ~ If &.n.,'k:lery OMit.. tl'le ~... 10 De #00<<], it <br />tbaU ~ wlt~ TNfiM tl\~ T~t 0..0 .n<J1l1l p<<).rrdMO/Y .-'\<.>t...l"KJ UQc\Il'Mntll <br />~ uPt'fldltUlM MtO-UffK! "*.0." anc:t atl&1i <ktthrlN to Tf\.lS''', .a wrlttw <br />l1Otto. Of __I and .*-tK>r\ tt! c,au.. lhe Proped'l to be !IOtd, aoo U'- frust.. ,r< <br />him afttiI ~. $iml-lar Nottoe in lfie 101m fltq\.Hred Cy law. ...t~l~n liNt.1 De aOlI" <br />m.a kw feCOrO by Trvat... <br /> <br />~ Aftw tM taQM Of such II"", .. tn.)' bf; ;-.qt.Hred 0)' la. lOHC\IIIllnv ;n. tKonJ <br />&Uon 01 Mid no\iCe of de-tauit, and /'I{)tlc~ 01 ~M flotfc. Of Mli. fllh'lng <br />~ ~ u req\,ilftd by la... Tn".t.., ...ltlmi: 06fn&~);J OIl TruslO1, v-..i, hi" <br />1M Property QI'l t~ da~ ...'ld at tn. pl&<:. d~natltQ In Mid nQI;c~ <;i' <br />..... at publiC avctton tt> to. J\\Q:hMl t)lac.r, :n. p..,l"Ct\aM DtlCoI!I P4)'AOie ,~ <br />lawful tn09ot)' o-t tM lJ:utlk:! S'al.. .1 lhlt- n<t'4 oj \H;Ie, T~ P*t~(1 C;.\lltJIlC\l:~ <br />the.. fM)'. tot *"y cauM till otem6- bP4fO'-4\t, ~~ thf, u.~ f\~ <br />to tlfM; untij tt lJhaii bt ~ttG and. in .wery auctl C&M. nohee c~ pot~~ <br />In4Wlt IlhIUi be- glftn by pubftc d<<i.,-atlOil thereof b) ,",\:.l'l DeftQfI III In. tiffW <br />and ~ tatt appoint.,a 'Ot th6 h!>t, ~..,..~, I! the ..~ fs PQ$tpo.~ It).! <br />~ m.n 11' da7 ~ tM day ~lQft~u.a in tr;e. !~~ "" SAle, ~h~ <br />t--.ot -..., __ g.iven In fM- MmfI n~not tIS t."lfJ Oflglr.aJ 1Wlk:,. cl Ui-O. <br /> <br />r~ -UwiJ.l ~V'* ~ iMi.... tu tlMo ~ l'ut DMtJ (;omw)'lfi\i t~ <br />~ -aoIO. wl *itftOt,tt .&1 ~ 0( ..,ratl\)r,~....;;:,r '~*1, ~ <br />teet... ill u. o..g Of ~'I :r..altwc i:lf IKt$ .haJJ t>> CtlftChl.I.... p~ of lYWi <br />tf\<tnf~ rt...,;_ My ~. \rt(;.whl'ij>:;lA.ry, m.)- ~H;h... .1 'he <br />..... <br /> <br />!bt """l~_il~apl to-thfipow..,.~ in. TI1l.1M .n.ll.WI, t~ <br />~ of m. Mtt ~ ~~~ ~ t_l;:OSq,.a,"Id ~ ct $;O:.U::-'s!~ t~ <br /> <br />=::n::~:::.:,~~~,~~ ~~~ =~~:~~::.~~-: <br /> <br />tMt__j"~."I)h~~t".tofdW ~ta~..-J. <br /> <br />. AhetP*t,""nem.~tWm~"'~t~jitlhtl!~'I-b, !IUiIj;t_,n, <br />t-.~ ~1 ane~.t.~{)f fOt1K~. &.n4... ii In.~ II il~~j <br />1O~~tbt9~uf"'aha4lc.~_l-l'It~OI-'_ t!tet~ <br />lol!>o_"" <br /> <br />t'l\! 00tt<M""'~';>> l~_pH/O',\;nta II! [iQfj.-.....:IIOf1 ...1," .....Gtl- ,;It <br />I!h't~.,t...., <br /> <br />~ .w~.....t.,*,*K--..~~, <br /> <br />. t_t~"tW\'i.t>;lIh.t~'IIll--l$-'~;)l!i'h"~~{tw.>-ti:... <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />16 Outles and ObllgaUoM ot T'ftJst... I.u The d\ltt6~ and oOllgatlons of Truslee <br />shall be determined SOlely by t"':(! (>llOfl"SS OrO'lISIOIl.,,; of t/';@Trust Deed and Trustee <br />shall not tl6 lidbl~l o;j'tCflpl for I1'.tl OerlormanCb a! sue!' duties and obllgstlons as ate <br />tioeefflcal:y S1!t l..,rH, roert>\f' ilf'lO '!'\lplled covenants or obUgatlons shall be <br />imp-o~ lJpon TIl..;sIEl"l: (b\ No f;/c.--..d"l.iOf1 01 this Trusl Deed shaff r&Qulre Truslee to <br />tlxPlJno Of rl~'" Nt! ()Wf1 l\irH1S, or 0!!'l-IHWi-8& Incur any HnanclQ! obligation In the <br />parformaflC6 of any "fits ,!\Jlles heH~:undef. or !n the 6lfeTClsa of any of Its right or <br />powar!!_ if It shaH hav9 gmundr. tor bel!e\l/Ilg !nat the rapaym~rrt of sueh funds or <br />adaouala indemnity against suetl ria"- Of $/abf!lty IS not reasonably assured 10 11~ Ie) <br />Truslee may ~O!l$tll! with COll!'1liel 0: his own choosing and the advfce of such <br />counsel shaH !Je luilMd I:omolete aulhorlzatlon and protection In the respect of <br />any action 111k.,,, t)r sutfeor/;'d hy !I herevnO&r in good f@,lt" and reliance thereon; (d) <br />Trustee Shall not be Jia-bll.4 tor any acllon raken by him In good talth and <br />b-eHeved by !llm !o be 81Jlnoriled or within the discretIon or rIghts of powers <br />c-onterrl!d upon II bv fhla TrU$t D&ed <br /> <br />:7 AddlUonai s.eurlry Instrument., fr,jslor, af lis 9Xpen$e, wUl execute and deliver <br />!O the TruSl6e, lYOmpliy i,pon demand, ~UCl\ securJty Instruments as may be <br />leQuir'Jd by Trtlst&(l, 11; torm and substance satisfactory 10 Tlustee, covering any of <br />!he Pro~n'i (:Qnveyoo by ~!lls Trust D~, which aecuflty lnstrumenta Shall be <br />addItional security for i'ruslvO; lallnful performance of a/l of lhe t~, covenants <br />ana condItions olthl.!l TnJsI Dale\(!, the promis",ory notes secured hEtleby, and any <br />other ':l~urlt.. !f!strumf:lnfs l)xecuted in connectfon with this transaction. Such <br />''JslrulMnt$ shall 1:;8 ~e;:;ord~C or f!!&d', and re.record&d and reflled, at Trustor's <br />8:O:00n$E' <br /> <br />lB_ MI.ctiJa.,.ou.. <br /> <br />'Ill ;n !h@- e'<!~nl 3"'1' c:nE O' T,OII:'o ot Hi" provisions contained In thle Truat Deed or <br />~~6 oroml1'l90ry "'Ole m "":-' other securitY l1'fstrument given In connection with <br />lh~3 lran~crlvn ~hall ie" ~ny r~9on be held 10 be Invalid, Illegal or <br />iJ'nQo:orCtlabie In My rt'lSDll'ct, "met\- Invalidity, lIJeg81l1y, Of unenforceabUlty <br />'Si>&ll -ill! :ne opt(on 01 8eneflclary. not affflct any atl'ler provision of tr'lls. Trost <br />D&:td. but 11'\itl Trv~t Di3ed ShaH 00 construed as If such Invalid, Illegal, or <br />"",...torceab!e prOVfSlon n1Hl nfl"flf contained hefe!n Of therein, <br /> <br />T~!!l- '~\iSI D~ snail be C'(>,""\struoo according to the laws of lhe State of <br />~~ora:gkll: <br /> <br />'::' ~~IS ff\JS! 068(! ::IfI"n ,'lure 10 ana tlind H1e nairn, legatees. devIsees, <br />;!;:lmJr,!,stretors_ ~n8CutOfS. succeSSOfS Afld aSSIQn/ll of the partl8s hereto, <br /> <br />,1; ,Iustar Shilll pay all 13);&& llW100 upon irl!ll r'l!sl Deed Of the debt secured <br />',srE'by. j~1athel "o, any ;:1:r.ilf taxes or aUflssm6ms wnlcl1 may be levIed <br />cl\iiltl1sllhe ,,;,1ItMl or S$l1et:cUUY or !he legal ,r,o!d&f of ss!d promlS$ory note <br />.n ;!'C;:CI,,!f'1 (01 ,1',~ lr.or:>t>!e-orleslj lWhJer:c&d thereby <br /> <br />W/'"r~ne"e' ',1>00 ~~'i!!i,", !"'" 3\f'QlJl-8-f ,.,-umber :!Ihali InClude the plural. the <br />~,n9l.!!!;Ir, 11'{l ue.a (It a", cer;.jElf $!1ail t>!e to at! gernJers. and the term <br />Re"'E'f;c'a:~- snit]' "~,~!tld!l an,;, 03\'00 01 the in(leDtedness hereby secured or <br />,-,r:~ !rllnSf\,,' l!'.&r'l'D' "'''',etrof!f t~y ~';'t'fa!lOl1 oi law 0/ oltlerwiS$, <br /> <br />'Yc ~, Bi!-r\f'tl;;'iU'" mil~' tmm time to tlme substltute a succoasoror <br />5.,cco:nors 1c !!iil~. r(\.i~tw '~ilme-o "<ale.n 0f ..cling h6reunder 10 execute this Trus1 <br />~ Ur.on :lucrI aOPOlfjl~TH:Hl! 9nd w!\ilQut conveyance to lhe succeSSOf Trustee, <br />,~ tiltter ~:'laj, 00 ~"''1It9C ;,>ill: II" nl!9. po-wers, ana dulles conferred upon any <br />"'-'$-t51!- "'Sf{l.;" .-.~m!:,o :" ;1.C'I:''.< ~'fHt'l\Jnoef. Ellen such appointment and <br />:!-\.lo-atUutHJn \Hl.U r..-u '''ad<:l n. ",,,uGn 'fl$uumenl tly 8enejlclary. containing <br />'>tt('tlll!lflC-e 1(' lh'~ T~.J~1 O~d .'1Q '15 pJace Of 1acOrd, whIch when r~ded In the <br />dlflc-e \If 1"5 !;.f;~!&llU <" D<lOO' {,'. H'9 t:-ounty or counties In whIch s.a.ld Ofopttrty is <br />~itu.t~d :!"'All 00 r(\f\<."V$i't~ pen..:.'! ,~; oro~'8t appeir;tment ot the sucoeuor Trustee, <br />rhe 10000D9QltlQ r-OW,.,f <<'I "<utl31!\\Jtlo-n antt tl"Mt pnx:eduf& therefore shail nof be <br />"~Cl,-,~l'l'lt C; j"'!I!; .....'...,ttt il"'~ pn:.X:OO<.H1!' owvlued lc-r o,;11llw for the subsUtutlon ot. <br />',,,~1"0! -r':..:!!-lttfl.!> '" :"" ~''''aCl:lllI (h@ rf<Jsl~ <br /> <br />~>(! F~.nctI by tknfli~fy Q.t TN.~ N-ot a W.,",. Any forebe4l...nce by <br />8&nehCl&ry '" l"f'.iSI6f:l ,,~ '::t:o.l$f(;t:H"'!;l lilt1\! "ghl Of remedy Ileulunder. or otnerwlse <br />4HO>'~ tly appllcao~ lil.... 5h!!l! not t'.e a WIlI..-er 01 or prechld6 the exerclM of any <br />-'liON Do! rer.-.eoy heriWn~_ l,.;;"_@W;$t1, (I\e Will'ttlr b)t BeneficIary or Trustee of any <br />~ta;.slt o! T,VS!Oi' :.J'lder 1:->!5 r~u:s! QiM'd s.n-ell not be U&8med to be a w.lvttr of any <br />jI~r >n !I-.mnll' t..'01.;l",'tJ! !>lI~tl#fH'y<'1Q, <br /> <br />~; rOdtel' Hot ~ E:o.t&ri!uon 01 Jf'lf! time lor pIlymetlt Ot modifICation or <br />,lifn-onIJJilI'Orl 0' ,-l'-.e $.Urns 5ffi';<.l"~ii by tN~ Trust Deed IlrAfllMl by Beneficiary to any <br />SJ.K;CIh$(l( !1'1 ;l'l':erMf Ol T'v~lof O!~iI'l ')01 opefatlll' to releaH, in any manner, the <br />~t>il!1V 0-1 tl1~ Of'QIf"'f1i Tru:.lor :x Tr<J~tU(l!\ til,lcc-es&Or in \nt&rest. BimeUci"ry shall <br />~:)l De rlKll.l,r&l;l IC'. (OffimMC6 :;.rocee<Unga i\Qalnst llluer!. l'IUC~.aaor or ,etuae to <br />~~hJ.)O 11!1'l~ to! I-"'~-"'CHH (H <)l~@IrW!W 'l'>OOity amOl1nallof'l olttle sums .;.ecufe<l by <br />''1--.$ Tfu~< ~!i-y fii!ii:K>l1 c', ,j."y ~!..'ft,,-l"l(i ;l'llilOe f,ly INI tHI\1lfllli Tru~tor and Trulltor's <br />:'i'U,,-c>;l8-50f$ ,'1 \'~:Illr~'ill <br /> <br />22. o.~tl i!1f'\4tr. 1'I"'4,! b-tI- .. \"'a~lh..'1 unIJotf (ru:t D&tkJ 01 Trusl or und-ef llny prior <br />"'1O'1Q<aQ@I, :r"!@ a.t\@-.t,Chil)- '~';ih ~''"'',; ">l.I\..!; H;;Ital.>;l_ ill1{l th~ ,m'\OUOlS advanced by, <br />aoa .:lt~ "::o.'!it lir>c <'!_l~,'IUI'~ I,l 1"'8 t>enollciary it'l curIng !Such default, with <br />,':...a! &t !.fM!l \~tau'l (I!lte ,'{;I'llil;'l'of;O>J '11 !h!! Note !!ieCufe>d hereby horn lhe Ume of <br />.~~ .w\flln~lI "f t.>.ym$fll$ ~nAF bt' &d-d&d lC r"'~ 'noebleOnoaa aec;ured by HUs TrUll <br />0llItW ."no m:a., t!e "o;k!>:t~l 1'>t!"e..n.:ltH il\ If.lly !f1T>e after lh.e IJme of such adval'lc$s <br />,... p.\I'fl1tll'!a .flQ \\h.,.J ~ 1JHrnf!:<J !(ll:>t' !l&C:Ul00 i)ereby <br /> <br />23 Opuon to F~, \)(:o')111n" l>"C;J'41nCft of any detault heteundef, Ban.tlClary <br />"nail na't1l the optlOl, to IO'&(:ll,.'\$@ltnIS TtuM O..a In the manner pfovlded by law for <br />!l'e k~i06uHl ,-,llnortg4~tt~.n I~&! I>fOt~I1'f <br /> <br />.<4 Tn-a\or'. RfOht$, AbMInt o.tauit. Ut1tH ""r Gelaufl In 11'le paymenl of <br />'l-Jabttta'1'O$1I n~t'O} ~..;OO 0f -."IH 1M t>,e.acl'l Of any co"e/l&ntl"ltttein conlalned, <br />!r'<1!' T'u:$-!"~, 'I:!. S..';C1it$lj,..'f,~ lilll.o .o:l':H;hiins, ~h.i; jX>!J.$4l-$$ and ~Ior lhi>- propert)', and <br />'tK$ive l~ fen!, 4il-01 prohts Ihm~Hfom Upon payment 01 aU sums $OCur$O by lhls <br />1""'8-1 ~, Ben<!lHCIAt)" :maiJ ,~u\W, TrtllUM to r-econ"lt)' the property ana shaH <br />$l..m~ tN~ fnJ'lll t~ ...nd:ail ....,.{SS avt\1eoclng (Mttt.tedn$$s- secured by this <br />r'l.<l!ll D;,.e.o:o Trl,l:STH ~'l!",t~ slUt)! ($Convey lhe OtQPilrty without willnant\>' and <br />...qnu..: ,t");1'8 L' :h@ ,-,el;OO'-"'5 en11t1ed lhereto, T~1t Gr.nlM ,r'! t\r'!.y <br />~"\ij'"'*l'an:;."l; 'n,,-) b~ .Je5t:l,bfl,Q "':!o ~t>!:l "tlf!!')11 c, f>ttf800. D!1,;lilIKt t!1elijltO," iU\\;l <br />the f\)Clt.i$ \;'pr&\n ,;> ,,"'~ 'naHe-I'!o 0r 1"'-<::1" llf\ajj bti (OI1Ciu\lh~ proof 01 the <br />1~u\hlU(nl;l8$ Ihe;tKii Such "~ji;.O!' ()< ~-.f!;'L.'-n'!i ""hAil pS",aH cQ--lifll-oi rKCfding, it any <br /> <br />25 ~tion in tn. t..ent of TraM..,. \~, trot!- v.-enllhe utle to SilO feal 6&t81e l$ <br />1';iT.~t"H@d. 0' -,;::.!li~fiClOO ~? ~ !iitl1&II!Ht"";!, !>>..--.m j!"',>l!l- <inOltr&lgneo tor aroy r$&.$On (}; <br />0)1 ,lifi]' l:-.em,~ "",h.lH3-VtI~~, trH!< ",'\tHe ;:!l;....C,pSI s,<Jm a-nd <lCOllW ir'!I6f~t $".11 " <br />;,.I<:;.-to 00\;.0;\\'" ,",-,to ...--...~ p..~",;;:,t> <It (,,'/!t oli.(Hm.o1 the 8o".1~~ar.,. Failure to 811t!fCl$8 <br />l'!>tS v;:.t,,pr"\ OiKc,-,:st< ,:;;! ir"'-c,,:e; ~. \'1'" .." ab'}'ili! :>lai9d H'! one 1""<:\:I !II1.sH nOI <br />~>:''1'15Uh.t8'' ....'~.. c;,j !f>~ 1,\}1'1l IQ "~E<H::.>Je th~ hlN'J!n the ~l of !lny 5u~utlnl <br />";iln~f.: <br /> <br />It, Th.. a..o vi t'lJIi11. )1.H''\'V,' ~Q -m. uat4ld <br /> <br />NLA.... <br /> <br />1!iliecl.ole..l O} 1r\l.tQ; tv <br /> <br />'ffU.t.., <br /> <br />M(;..of1no-. p>>tX;lp.< iX'~' i(.'! <br /> <br />;:'\00<;.1. .flO H~ 1(;;, ....::nn.J ....,tft [~~~,,-al" ,-,' ~. and ".."tlIOI>W.. h;}I!VwI., <br />