<br />83-t.)Ol~;j8
<br />
<br />In consideration of the extension of the time of payment of the original promissory note
<br />hereinafter described, the undersigned, Pete Sanchez~ ,Jr" Single, Mike Sanchez, Single,
<br />and Isaias J, Sanchez, Single , hereby covenant and agree to pay to The First
<br />NatiOnal Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, or order, the principal sum of
<br />
<br />l~~~bO~:~g Tholl<;~ntl i1f~ rc?~~~~~~-;Jthi;lt~r~~t-th;;~~,;-at---16J, per cent per
<br />
<br />annum from the date hereof, such sum to be payable on February)6, 1983 Interest
<br />shall be payable at maturity on February. 16, 1983
<br />
<br />The original principal note in the amount of Twenty-Fi ve Thousand and 00/100--,-----------
<br />_~n____~_________________ ($ 25,000.00 ) was executed and delivered by
<br />the undersigned under the date of Jul y 19, 1982 , to The Fi rst National
<br />Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, and Wi]S due and payable on the 16th
<br />day of November, 1982 , together with interest at 16" per
<br />cent per annum and secured by Real Estate Mortgage to The First National Bank of Grand
<br />Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, <<_<<<<Gixa:s: recorded as Document #82-003069
<br />in the Mortgage Records of Ha 11 County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />The undersigned agrees to pay such extended balance of principal of Twenty-Fi ve Thousand
<br />and OO/100-------------------------------------~~~==l$?~.00000 }, together
<br />with interest thereon at 1610 pet- cent per annum, such principal and
<br />interest to be payable in lawful money of the United 5 tates of America at The First Nat-
<br />ional Bank of Grand I sland, Grand Island, Neb.'aska,
<br />
<br />All of the covenants and agreements in such original note and the Real Estate Mortgage a-
<br />bove-described, other than hereinbefore modified. shall he and rem...in unchanged and in
<br />full force and effect during such extended period, If default be made in payment of any
<br />principal sum, the entire principal sum with interest thereon shall become immediately
<br />due and payable at the election of the legal holder thel-eof,
<br />
<br />In further consideration of such extension of time of payment of such indebtedness, I here-
<br />by ratify and confirm such mortgage I'ecol-ded as Document #82-003069
<br />i(1 Real Estate Mor-tgagc rccol'ds of Ha 11
<br />County, Nebraska . . .' as the fi r5t mortgage lien upon
<br />the real property described therein. and the whole of the title thereto as now owned by me,
<br />
<br />The undersigned executes this Extension Agreement with I-eference to and on the faith and
<br />credit of their property, which they now own or have an interest in or hereafter may ac-
<br />quire; the express intention being to charge and to continue to charge any and all of such
<br />property with t'le payment of the indebtedness. the payment of which is herein extended.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have her('unto set this hands this 16th
<br />day of November. 198?
<br />
<br />", .,,- ...
<br />4~? J'CCA..;;,.i.1coP . .k.:;:~
<br />Jr. -- '/
<br />
<br />~~';--f~
<br />
<br />/~.} f
<br />v-~Ci:.-<C'
<br />Pete Sanchez,
<br />
<br />}n::h '- i:~~
<br />
<br />Mike Sanchez ~}
<br />
<br />STATE OF
<br />
<br />
<br />edge before me this day of ~,
<br />Pete Sanchez, Jr., Mike Sanchez & Isaias J.
<br />
<br />
<br />The foregoing ins
<br />H€m.mber
<br />am: z
<br />
<br />"' Colmrission Expires: 1~2-i./..
<br />
<br />~ <
<br />ttiit ~ ..
<br />. -/1// ~,
<br />'if! Notary PU~
<br />:l
<br />
<br />lEGAl DESCRIPTION: lot 1 Block 4 Vine Hill
<br />