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<br />83-"JO 12; <br /> <br />1. The IIIOl'tJllP __ uad asr- .. foUow.: <br /> <br />Go He will promptly pay the indebt...n.- evideneed by said promiuory note at the times and in the <br />_therein provided <br /> <br />b. He will pay aU taxea, _ta, water ratea, and other governmental or municipal charges, fin.... or <br />impaeitioaa.for which prorieion h.. not been made hereinbefore, and will promptly deliver the ollicial re<:eipb <br />therefor to the said mortppe. <br /> <br />c, He will pay .uch ex pen"". and fees a. may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of said <br />prop"rty, including the feeo of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of <br />the indebtednCl!8 berehy seeured, or for foreelo.ure by mortgagee'. .ale, or court proceedingo, or in any other <br />litigation or proceeding alTeding said premi",,", Attorney.' fees re.a80nably ineurred in any other way shall be <br />paid. by the mortgagor. <br /> <br />d. For better ""curity of the indebtedn.... hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, it8 .ue- <br />eeMOl1l or ....igua, he .hall ex~ute and deliver a .upplemental mortgage or mortgag"" covering any additiol18, <br />improvements, or bettermeut8 made to the property hereinabove described "nd all property acquired by <br />it after the date hereof (all in form .ati.factory to mortgagee), Furthermore, should mortgagor fail to cure <br />any default in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this instrument. <br />mortgagor hereby ap;rees to pennit mortA:a~ee to cure such default~ but mortg:ag:ee is not obli~ated to do 80; <br />and such advances .hall become part of the indebtedne.. ..'cured by this instrument. .ubject to the same <br />tenns and conditions_ <br /> <br />e. The ri~18 cre-ated b~' this conveyance shall renlain in full force and effect durin~ any postponement <br />or extension of the time of payment of thf' indf'btedness evidenced by said promissory note or any part thereof <br />secured hereby, <br /> <br />f. He wi)) continuously maintain hazard insurance.. of such type or types and in such amounts as the <br />mort~a~ee ma~' front time to time require on the improvements now or hecreafler on said property, and <br />will pay promptly when due any premiunu therefor, All insurauce shall be carried in companies acceptable <br />to morts&8O" and the policies and renewals thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thento <br />1_ payable cla_ in favor of and in fonn acceptable to the mortgape. In event of 1_ mortg.gor will give <br />immediate notice in wri~ to mortsa~ and mortsagee may make proof of 1_ if not made promptly by <br />1DOI'tpgor. &ad each wurance eompany concerned i. hereby .uthori....I and directed to make payment fOl ouch <br />1_ directly to mortl&8O" inatead of to mortlagor and mortgagee jointly, and the wuranee proc:eeda, or any <br />part thereof. may be applied by mortgaj;ee .t it8 option eitber to the reduction of the indebtednesa hereby <br />oecured or to the restoration or repair of the property dlllDllged or destroyed. In event of fored........ of thia <br />mortpge, or other transfe, of title to property in extin~ment of the indebted_ aecmred hereby. aU <br />ri&ht, title, and interest of the mortlagor in and to any worance poliei... then in foree shall pua to the <br />purchaser or mortg.gee or, at the option of the mortga~. may he surrendered for a refund. <br /> <br />g, He will keep all buildings and other improvement. on said property in good repair and condition; <br />will permit, commit.. or suffer no waste, impairment.. deterioration of said property or any part thereof.: <br />in the event of failure of the mortgagor to keep the buildings on said premi""s aud those ereeted on said <br />premisea. or improvements thereon.. in good repair.. the mort~agee may make such repairs a8 in its discretion it <br />may deem neeesaary for the proper preservation thereof; and the full amount of each and every such payment <br />shall be immediately due and payable and .hall be secured by the lien of thio mortgllfle. <br /> <br />la, He will not voluntarily create or permit to he created against the propert)' subject to this mortgage <br />any lien or liens inferior or .,!perior to the lien of thi. mortgage without the written con""nt of the mort. <br />g.gee; and further. he will keep and the same free from the claim of all penons 8upplying labor or <br />materials for conotruction of any and all buildinlU' or improvements now heilJ"; erected or to be erected ou <br />said premiaes. <br /> <br />i, He will not rent or usipl any part of the rent of .aid mortgaged property or demolitlh. or remove, <br />or subetantially alter any building without tbe written eonoent of the morl{t8jP;ee. <br /> <br />j, All awards of damages in connection with any condemnation for public u"" of or injury to any of the <br />property aubjeet to thitl morlgar;e are he:reby aaaigned aud sball he paid to mortgagee, who may apply the <br />_ to p.yment of the ill8tllllmentr. I...t due under said nole.. and mortgagee i. bereby authoriaed. in the <br />name of the mortgagor, to execute and deliver valid acquittances thereof and to appeal from any .uch award. <br /> <br />k. The mortgagee .hall the right to inapect ti!e mortgaged premises at any reasonable time, <br /> <br />2. Default in oy of the co_anla or c:onditiollll of this instnament or of the note or loan agreement lIecur...! <br />~ahaU terJD.inate the mortp&or's right to poaoeaaion, uae. and enjoyment of the propert~., at the option of the <br />.......... hia.-ip lit beiUfl agreed that the mortgagor .hall ha.e such right until default), Vpon any iuch <br />clefaall. the manIa... .bail beeotne the owner of all "f the rent8 and profits a"",ninl! aft..r default as ReCllrit)' <br />f. !he ~ secured hereby, with the right to enter upon Raid property for the !,urpooe of eolJeetinll .uch <br />..... aed profit&. Th;.. iaatrumeot shall 0"-"40" _llMipmeot of aay rentals on property to that ....tent. <br />