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~~~~-~" (,u0146 <br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br />(Open-End: To Secure Present and Future Obligations and Advances) <br />KNDW All MEN BY THESE PNESENTS: That Rodney Leibert and Michelle Leibert, husband and wife ,gindivplials; <br />jantly and SBVerolly, rasping in Ha 1 1 County, Ne ras a ;anti it a corporation anther business-entity, wRh Its::- <br />prttwipak Placeabuslness in - - County, - (hereinalterraerred taus"Mortgaga`y~in dtmsirfera-` <br />taniaapMdrtgaga'sindebtedness,pablhbes.aMODtigaibnsto Commercial National Sank & Trost Company <br />- ~,- Ha-11 _ County. State of Nebraska 1•'Mbrtgagee^), nbw existing or hereafter incurreq. and other valuable cansitlerottan9n hand pap? <br />does'hereby sell arm convey unto Mortgagee the taWwing describetl premises situated in _ Ha 11 _ _~ Cdunty and State of Netsrdska <br />16-wd: <br />Lot Forty-Three (43), Capital Heights Seventh Addition, to the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />togeher wih ati a the ngm, rate, and interest of the Mortgagor in said properly now owned or Hereafter ocdwre0 antl an Dwitlings. improvements, and hziures-otanytype <br />now or hereafter placed on saw real properly and an easements. righs, aDOUrienances, rents, rdyani¢s au and gas rights and pwtirs, water. water rights, and waters(otk, <br />and aN fixtures now or hereafter adachetl to the (aegoing described property, all of whim including r¢p65cempni5 and adtlltions mereto. shall De deemetl to be antl remaiq - <br />part of the proRerty covered by this Rtorigage An of he foregoing property shah de collerllvely hereinatl¢i referreC to as the ~ Premises.' - - <br />December 27, 1983 One-Hundred <br />TMs mgrtgd a 15 g+v¢n !o r certain promi55ay note dated _.____._...________. _..__._....._ in incipal 5dm of -._,.___._.___,_ <br />Thousan~ and no/~~~-----°------------------- 1Q0'-OQ~6.~RS <br />______,.._ ____,._.____...__..__ ____._____..__ .____. ____...______ Oohais!..______'.__,-____._.-1. and ~nierest iheredn accoming thine terms of <br />sap note antl any and au axienswns. renewals mg0lhcangns, or subsinutions Thereof and each antl every debt flabiliry antl obligalign of every type antl description which the <br />Mbrigdg0e may now nr at any time nereaher Owe to the MoRgdge¢. whether such debt tiaality or dbhgabbn rlow Lxlsls pr IS qr may be dc¢ct 6r mareci, due or t0 become <br />due, absolute or con!ingent, pnmary or secondary. hgmdaietl or unbgwdateC, or Inmt several. or taint antl several. all such debts, liaahiies, and obligations ail colipc(ivety <br />narelnafler relerr¢tl id a5 ~-Obbddh0ns <br />The :oWl Dnncipai amount, ezcWSrve of fnteresi.-qf tre Obhgabons incwding any future dents. advances. Ilaabhes or Obligations. not including However any-sums atl+ <br />vanced for the OrmeCUbn of the Premise5 or the Mortgagee's interest inerefn. shah of exceetl the sum ni -.TWO Hundred T1tOU5and-and n0/l0O-; <br />--------------------------------- ~oo,ooo _. <br />____ .._ Dalars(S~__.______.__.._____). prdvltled.however.ihat nothing contained hereinshatl constitute <br />a commltmenl to make adtlmonai or future loans or advances m any amount <br />The Mortgagor Hereby warrants Inat rt is lee Owner e! the mortgaged real property. that rt wui defend me Tine against au ciaimanfs whomsoever, and it relinquishes elk <br />rights ql hdmestaa6 In Saw Premises and COVenamS antl agrees W!In the Mortgagee as bllOwS <br />i To pay when due ai! taxes. hens. judgments. or assessmen!s which may tie iawtui!y assessed against the Pf¢mises and the r¢n!al charges upon any leases assigned <br />as a0mnonaf security for rots Mhrtqage <br />2. io insure and keep insured the Premises and Omer Improvements now Or. dr which may nereait¢r o¢ Olaced on saitl Premises in Ine satisfaction dl the Mortgagee. <br />Any pOhcy evsdencmg surn insurance shalt oe endorsed with a mortgagee loss payable clause. approved dy and m iavbr a! Mortgagee, and deposited with the k4ortgagee antl <br />with any loss thereunder to be payable to Mortgagee Ai the ophon 07 the Mongagee sums so received by Mortgagee nr Mortgagor may be used to pay for reconstruction a <br />the tlestroyetl Premises: qr d not so appYed. may_ at Ine oplmr, of the Mortgagee. tre applied m Paymem of env Obligahons matured or unmaiuretl. securetl by inis Mortgage. <br />3. to keep aU Ouddmgs ocwpied and m goad reRan and tp retrain !win (tie rnmmissmn of any acre of remora:, demotihon. dr ;mpmrmeni dt the Premises: na to cuter <br />remove, nr p¢rmtl fa be cut or removed, any woad or umber from sa+tl teat property. and not to commit or patina any waste or impahment of ilia value of the security: to con[in- <br />uouSW Practice approved methods of farming an said Fr¢mrses. to prevent erosion antl ilia spread df nOnous and damaging weetls. antl m preserve ilia fertility OI the soil. <br />4- Thal all money and awaws payabe as Coinages or compensation tar the taking 01 Ihle tp qr pgssesslcn of or lOr damage to any portion Of the Premises by reason pf <br />any condemnation. eminent tlomam- cnamie of gratle. Or o[ber proceetlinq snarl, al the potion of the Mortgagee. be paid to ine Mortgagee, antl such moneys and awartls are <br />hereby assignetl t0 Mortgagee, and lutlgn+¢nt mer¢tor snail 6e enteretl in savor Ot Mongagee. and when paw shalt be used, at hs option, towartl the-payment of the Oaigations <br />SRCUretl her¢by+n sgcn atla ar manner as Mwlgagee may Cesre cr tlefer[nine. Ur shat; be used al its option. tar payment Of faxes, a55e55meM5, repairs nr Other it. .ar the <br />payment Ot which this Mortgage n green as securiy, whether the same oe then due or not, antl in such Ower or manner as Mortgagee may determine. and any amoi.m not so <br />used shad be released by the Mortgagee to the Matgaga Such apolicatwn m miease shalt not wre or waive any tlelauh Or Ioreaosure Oroceedmgs. In the event Mortgagee <br />deems it necessary t0 appear or answer en condemnation action. neanrg a procaeang Mortgagor shall nay all legal expenses m connechon merawith. including but n01 lim- <br />ned to adorneys~ teas and cqud cgsis. end time so pa+0. such expenses. w+h ;merest at the rate o! ~ 4, 7 S _ percent. shall be added io the Oa!gations secured hemby in <br />such manner nr n[der xs Idgrtgagee may desde nr daermma namng the pene!0 dt ine Tien createtl hereby as a part neredt antl o! ifs Dnonty. <br />5. That in the event Mortgage tares td pay when due any taxes. rental rnargas upon any (eases assigned as adtliuonal security for This Mortgage. liens, jutlgmenfs, or <br />asstssmenis iawWity assessed against she Premises er finis m maintain insurance as nerempetore provided. Mortyagee may make Sucn paymeN or provide such insurance. <br />and the amouN(5) paitl merely shah become a Part of the Odugattdns secued hereby, due and payable immediately. antl Shah bear fnlerest at the rate of 16 •O~ercen[ <br />per annum Irom antl at the lime the Mangayea makes such paymem <br />b. Thai in the event Mortgage tlefauits m ine paymem of any 01 the Odhganons Or of any interest hereon, ai the lime when he Same shall be due, Or with respect l0 any <br />covenant a condition Hared'.. then, at me opton of Mortgagee. the entire Obligahons secured hereby shad foghwilh become due and payad!e, and ine Mongagee may im- <br />meautety foreOrosethis Mgrtgage a pursue any aver avaha0le legal remedy in the even) of any action by Mongagee la enforce Collection of any a the Obligations secured <br />Hereby. IhE Mortgagor agrees that any expense ualuding without limddbon attorneys' tees antl ng5i5 incurred in WnnecUOn herewith or incurrediq prodpre dr Bzlentl an <br />aWbadt a rifts shalt, when incurred ar patd by Maigagae, become a Ran df the Oaiganons secured hereby and shah oe paid by MOngagOr together wdh all of the taxable <br />costs qi such action. <br />7. That in the evenkaby action is aouyM to laectase This Mortgage for an or any part a the Obligations secured Hereby, the Mongagee shall De enhlled to immediate <br />possession of the mortgaged premises, and the court. or a judge hereof in vatahon. may appoint antl the Mortgagor hereby consents Id ine appointment of a receiver to lake <br />potsa59Wn a SdW Frermse5 to r;aaect and receive rents and profits arising rheretrom; and hom any mbneys so collected, to pay taxes, provide msuronca. make nestled re- <br />pairs id improvemen5 upon the Premises, alp make any other expenditures authorizetl Dy the court, and appfy any sum remaininy aher the payment of sudh aulhorizetl ex- <br />tpentliNres upon ttce gWigations. <br />S. That iaiktre a daisy a Mortgagee to exercise any of its ngms or ptrvaeges ar m insist upon strict performance 01 any eovenanis a agreements of Mortgagor contain- <br />W minis Mortgage sftati.never be can5trued as a waiver a any requirement or obhgaiwn of Mortgage or right or remedy of Mortgagee cgntained in or dosed upon any a the <br />farms. pravesions, agreements a covenams a tna Mortgage a any future detauits. <br />4. That m Casa qt Oetaun m the paymeN a any of rite Oaigatiorts or in case a payrtwm by Mortgagee at any lien, judgmenk fez, insurance, cost, or expense, said <br />Stati;dgee snail Nava foe priwtege, wnhati tlecWring the whoa enttebtedness due antl payable, to loreaose on account of such specific oetauit far such Obligations as are in <br />OMaun era sue: fq(pglp5gfe ptoceatlings may be Had arp the Wp desdnl»d nerarn Wray be soW. sdbjea to ma unpaid Onligations hereby secures, and this Mortgage shad <br />cadirtrre as a Tian to: aay uttpaRi baknco of foe Gaga#ions. <br />f q. Mpigaga assigns a:w delivers to tae Maigagee al! right, brie, interest, and demand in and w reerts and Araks dt me Prertnses and dons assign to Mortgagee au <br />IOSSfS a the Pretn~ exAV a haraaltrx made. writteai a Oral, and does empower Mortgagee to collect arp receipt tar aU rents, Mangaga directs all tenants to pay rentdue a <br />to bedoeM ASa~tgaga. Tha Term a inis assignment is uNn the Daigations are taly pa,6- This assignment shall not oacome operative unless default is made in the <br />povmarris.terms, alai tOnations a anY a the Obkpatigns a this MatNage. <br />t?. it sty Wit M the Fernisas aro tranaterred.or sad wiitgrrt the prior wrinen consent of the Mortgagee, the gbiigaiians may ai the ophon a the Mortgagee be aecWretl <br />~' dt+e and paiyaola.artd tats Nxtpaga may be tatrdosed as set tarn en Paragraphs b and f a ras Mortgage <br />-. t2-. Thq tBe Prenaeas Ara tresand cl~dt aU Netts and ertcvmhrances whatsoever.except:---A14AS:,_. _- .-_.._....__- _----___._ _- --.__-,..._-.-- <br />u 4d. m {ha rwaRi MiHtQAyor SAAR. wuiEOUt tbe prix wE+itiN1 Cert58nt of Mprtyagee. mortgage a glnarwt5e encumber ih¢ Prem15e5 a parch Ilia Ptemi5e5 rQ be an~ <br />ratram«sd m dry tashtan- then iadrtgagn may, et Maims S oRFWh, dectara sib Galgatrons w be irmri¢tlratalp tlua and payabe anti .n soon dram this MOngage may be rore- <br />elaaed as ~ teeth in puagrapns 5 afro 7 a this-MOttgAgo. <br />- t~.. Tog d i;iy pvwlxa4s be!Md snouts-oe hbW unenlaaeauk a vdW, than such Rrov!srod srvaN be dammed seDaraae tram free remamu,g tvgrrsidns arts shati m no way <br />attwy a+e vaY W true MdnOAga <br />S:%ia Ga` •Yr+R-.trda <br />