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<br />83 no' I" q ''''I')
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<br />
<br />THIS INDEN'I'URE, made this _"_,_ 11 th _. day of __..__ Mar:.<:~._._ ._..._. 19 .~.., by and to.tween
<br />JOHftC.COPPLEAliD V. ANN COPP~.~_husba.!l.<!_~!l.<:l..~~!.~_____._____.___
<br />
<br />
<br />of HAL L County. Nebraska, as mortgagor ~_. and Home FC'deral Savings and Loan Associatlon of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized aDd existing: under the laws .of the United Stat~ of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island. Nebraska, as
<br />1IlQ-;
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: Thar said mongJIgO< S
<br />
<br />. for and in coooderation of rhe sum of JHr~ETY THOUSAND AND NOIlOO----
<br />90.000.00
<br />
<br />l.
<br />
<br />------------------------------------------------------_.._-~~~
<br />
<br />the receipt of which is: hereby acknowledged, do ____ by these pments mortgage and~ ~.o.sa!4- ~_~~uecessors and assigns.
<br />
<br />fort"Vtr. aU the following described real estate. situated in the County of ..
<br />and State or Nebraska, to.wil:
<br />
<br />HALL
<br />
<br />
<br />Together with aU buLing'. air conditioning, Hghting. a......d plumbing t'qulpment and fixtures, mdudm~ saet>ns, .awn1ngs. storm windows and
<br />doors. and wmdow snades or blinds, u8ed on or lnConnoctkln with said property. wht!-thertht' $ame ltro now It)C4ted on said proJX'rty or hereafu'r
<br />placed t"'r"'n.
<br />
<br />TO HA VE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. t.ogether with all and sm~laf the tenements. here(htaments and appurtenances tnereunt-O ht"
<br />longihg. or in anywise appertaining. ktrev~r, and W&rr1ltll the titit' ttl the ~me, Said mOfl,'llt<<trS hereby covenant with Sliid
<br />mortgagee Lhat __the.L. .are . at the dehvery h~reot, the lawful m\'lleJ' S of the preml:Se.... above con....eyed .und described.
<br />ana _ ~ re seiaed of . good. and indeieaaible estat.e of inhem..a.nce tj-~rem. fret> end dear of all t'ncumbrances. and that _ _ .the -L_ will
<br />warrant and defl!nO. the title thereto forever against the Claim5 and demands of aU I~rsons whomsoever.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and tlus _t .. ,,,,",,ute<! and d..JIVered In ,",,'U", tho ""yment of rh.. sum ofN.INETY. !!lOU_S~I'!D._..
<br />~.m>.Jill1199.::~------ :-.----------:- - -- ---- -.. - --..-- --- -----..- - Dolla.... IS. 90..o.00.0CL I
<br />wit.h int.etest theteon~ together with such c~ .nd ndvances .s may [)(' due- and payabit.' t.o said mortf(8gw under the h'rms and ('onditions
<br />
<br />of the pmmlasory note of even date: ~ith and ~un>d hereby. ~xecuted bv stud mort~aKor S , to saId ID'".ntgageC'. paya-blt" itS (>xpresst'd
<br />in. said note. .aDd to secure the performanQt> of aU the terms anti ('oo(ht.ioM (':onuunoo lb.'rein. Ttw wrms or said now are ~reby in(~orporuted
<br />henin by this "'.........
<br />
<br />It is the iatataon and lIgI1l8IBeftt of the- partWtS Mr<<o that t.ius nl(\f1.gaae shalJ all'lO St"Cure any future .dv.nce.... made to said mortgagor __
<br />by _id ~~ llnd any.Dd all indebtedness 10 addiUollto the amount- abo,,~ !JlaLed whK-!. said mortgagors. OT any of them. may OWl' In
<br />SIlid mort.pgeeo. ho-W1i!'ver evidenced. whether by Q(l\,e', book account ,or olh~'lst>, This murtgage shall r~llUIin in full folt.'1:! and effoct ht.tWt't'n
<br />the parties hettlf.O and their helrs. penonal rtlpfe8eft\.8tlves, SUI.."'Ct'Ssors and a~s~", until all amount.5 se\.'Ured hereunder. indudjn~ futun'
<br />advances. are paid in full with lnter.t.
<br />
<br />The mon.caaor __~_._ beftby assign to sa-.i mort~ all rents and lhOOmf:- an.<flng at any and all times from said properlY and
<br />henIDy ~ said ~ or it.$ agent.. at- its option. upon default. to take cbargt of said pmpert)" and roUecl aU tt"'nts. and income
<br />~ aad apply the same to the ,pIlymeftl of interest. principal. in-su....nce p",mlums, t8.1tf~, a~ents, repairs lIt' improvenwnls
<br />_"'......__y ill __I.ioo, or to other cbargeoor ""ymen'" provided for herein or in 'lw...... hereby secured, Thi.
<br />rea&. ~ sbaU 'COtlLiD_ ira foree- unw t.bct unpaad b.a1ance oj aa.Ki ~ ~ fully paid. ThE' laking of JX>>l.~ion hereundW' ~hall in 1\0 mannt"t
<br />prvv-ent. Of" retatd Mid ~ in the collection of said Sun'll'$. by foreclos\lft' or otherwise.
<br />
<br />1'tte ~-of the ~ to .MeIt-any of its right. ~ at .oy tiJDeo shaU not be construed 05 a wai,,'er Qf its right to as..ooert. the-
<br />SILCI'lIe at a.n:Y-la1icr ~ and to iDaist. upon and enfon--e ~lrit."t rompliant:-e with all the terms ilnd proviSl\lflS of sw note ilud of thjs mo~a,.::e,
<br />
<br />If-aaid~- S shaIlctu.ae-t.o beptid to said ~tae:ntire amount due It hereuntkr. and under-the t~nn-s and provisions
<br />of aaid. ___...., ~. i.aduc:I:iDa' tutan. adv-aooes. aDd any e1t1m$ton.s or- reoowals the.roof in ll(X:urd~ with the U'rms and pro....isions
<br />
<br />.......lIIlIiifooid.__......__ _"""'ply with all the provioionsol said...... and of this 1nOf't.gagt. then tlwse """","'" .hall be vo,<I,
<br />............._i.flIII_udtftoct.ud..id~.balIbe-itJed to tho """""""" of all of ""ad Ptol"'"'y, and may, at j", ""r"m,
<br />..........ofulll_lIIlIillllil1d l' ..-..d u.en.by to be immedial.ely d.... and payable,.nd ltUly foroe_this "")~_
<br />......._ ~1olIllI_w ,,-ila.npt, A~ waived.
<br />
<br />1'hia .........,.. be- bitwti.o&-apa8 .....Mil enure- to- the- beoefit of the betn. e-.ecutors, admini$lr-8hUS, Sut~t~ and ~ nt tht'
<br />~iv.'~"""""'.
<br />
<br />"':W1T.MfSS wr;r rz"'-?' he 'Ie "-u.....
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<br />their
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<br />'{, . Ahn Copple
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<br />hand S
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<br />tht' day nm! Jew' f'-Nt ahmT
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