<br />I
<br />
<br />
<br />83-(J0123D
<br />
<br />TltISI)EEDOF TRUST is made this.. , ,~1~.~.... ..' . , , . . . , , , ,day of , ,!1~,r,C:~, , .., , , .. .. .. , , , . ,
<br />19: 83, among the TrUSlor, ' ,~rJ,~,~, ,~~!W: .'!':Ic;l,!'f!i.Y. ,~, ,~H';I.,l"..IM\iP?p.p., ,'!~<I ,l';lt!"", ", " '" "
<br />
<br />...,... .... ,... ,......................... ,(herein "Borrower")"..,.."",..".."......",.""
<br />"..,.~1;~~~~.:r.:f,t},~,<?~!lF'!l.n,t:y. ,9'?1!l~~.Y.""""",."""" . (herein "Trustee"), and the Beneficiary,
<br />,.". ,~1?~1-!>!. .~X:~lP!-~!'..; .1)~q~,.,."" .""". " """,." ,. " """ a corporation organized and
<br />existinj under the II1\v$ of.. , N~,~r:~ ~~. . .. , , , .. " , . .. .. .. , ' . . . . . , . , ., whose address is, ?P;I...~., ,\'1~!>!>, ,
<br />, ~~. ,'. ,~~~~~..2,f:!~" ,<?~~!l~. ,I,~l,<!-~~L~, , ,~~~~" .. , . . ., , .. , . , , , . ' . . (herein "Lender"),
<br />
<br />BoRROWER, in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irrevocably grants
<br />and conveys to Trustee, in trus:ta with power of sale, the following described property located in the County of
<br />, . , , , . . , , , , , , , , . ' , , . , , , , , , , ,l,~ , , , , , , . , , .. State of Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Six (6), in Block Two (2), Harrison Subdivision to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Ball County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />which has the address of. . . . , , J,,S,Q& .I" ,l-oi;fJly.Elt;t;e. . .
<br />iStteell
<br />, , . , , , ,~~l?I;~Jl!ql, , ,~&(ll.., (herein "Property Address"):
<br />(State .nO lip Codel
<br />TOGETHER with all ~hc improvcm"ms now or her"allcr erected on the properlY, and all casements, fights,
<br />appurtenances. rents (subject: howe"-cr to the righls and authomies giwn h"rein to Lender 10 collect and apply s\lch
<br />rents). royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, waler, water rights. and water stock. and all fixtur"s now or
<br />hereafter attached to the property. all of which. including ""placements and additions thereto. shall be deemed to bc
<br />and remain a pari of the property covered by this Deed of Trust: and all of the foregoing, together with said property
<br />(oulle leaseholde5tllte if this Deed of Trust is on a leaSt:hold) arc herein referred to as the "Property":
<br />
<br />. , . " " " . , . .Grand, ,J,~l.an4, , , ,
<br />
<br />(City)
<br />
<br />TOSECl!IlE io Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by Borrower's note dated, ~.r:<;/:l. n.., 1983
<br />, .... . . " " ,(herein "Note"), in the principal sum of, Tj1:1F,t,y' ,I:;~j1~, :r,I'p,~~J;l9, 111l.4 .ijqap~.QS\"''''777''7'':-,
<br />, ., ' . , , . , , , . . ., . , . , , , , . . , , , , ' , , . , , . ' , . , ,Dollars, with interest thereon, providing lor monthly installments
<br />of~hllld interest. wilb the balance of the indebtedness. if not sooner paid, due and payable on.. ",.. '.
<br />." .,. .. , . . , . ~Jl:t:iA .:+L J!W-,3, , , , , , , , . , , . , , ,; the payment of all other sums, with interest lhereon, advanced
<br />in.~hcrewith to JlRllC'ct the security of this Deed of Trust; and the performance of the t:OvcnanlS and
<br />~nu of8orrow<<hereili COOUlined; and (b) the repayment of any luture advances, with mt<'rest thereon, m"dc
<br />1O~ by Lelldet plU'SWlnt to paragraph 21 hereol (herein "Future Advances"),
<br />
<br />~~tbat Borrowet is IawfuUy ,,~iscd of the ..:state hereh}' conveyed and has the nght to grant and
<br />~..PtI!peft~,tJmt the~y is u_'Umbered, and that Borrower will warrant and defend generally the
<br />tl6tlOtIle ~llpimt all claimsllnd demands, subj<<:t to llny dec.laNlli01lS, easements or re,wetions Iist,'d in a
<br />~ttt~_IO~tal!lC' in any title imurarn:epolicy Il\wrmg Lender's mten"'l in the Properly.
<br />
<br />_", l<l . r....,...,I;I'$,-,.flIIMJftlUlt llIlIfOllIf.1lllmNIIlIf
<br />