<br />r
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<br />B3--D0122~1
<br />
<br />E,l\S1<lMENT
<br />
<br />THIS INDENTURE is made and entered into this J..J.:::! day of
<br />March, 1983, by and between SHTR~F.Y R. HARDER, a single person,
<br />hereinafter referred to as "Harder", and DELBERT G. STUE'rnN and
<br />,TV"J:,IE A. STUEVEN, husband and wife, hereinafter referred to as
<br />"Stuevens":
<br />
<br />W r T N E SSE T H:
<br />
<br />WHEREAS. Harder is the owner of the following-described real
<br />estate situated in Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />
<br />A parcel of land located in the Northwest
<br />nuarter INW~\ 0" Section Eighteen f18l,
<br />'l'ownship Twelve North, Range F.leven West
<br />ITl?N, RIIWl of the Sixth (6th) P.M., qall
<br />county, Nebraska, described as follows:
<br />
<br />Commenc ing at the SN corner of said NW~,
<br />thence North along the West line of said NW~
<br />a distance of 836.73 feet, thence East 60.00
<br />feet to a point on the East right-of-way line
<br />of existing State highway, and the point of
<br />beginning. Thence continuing East 376.40
<br />feet, thence North parallel to the West line
<br />of said NWlt 390 feet, thence West 376.40 feet
<br />to a point on the East right-of-way line of
<br />said highway, sa iil point being 60.00 feet
<br />East of the west line of said ~1~, thence
<br />South along sa it'! right-of-wav 1 ine 390.00
<br />feet to the point of beqinninq. Said parcel
<br />" "
<br />contains 3.3' acres, more or less: and
<br />
<br />\~EREAS, Stuevens are the owners of a parcel Of real estate
<br />which adioins 'lanier's real estate hen'inabove described: and
<br />
<br />WHEREAS, Stuevens are the owners of' four grain storage lo)ins
<br />located on their property which ad;oins Harder'~ property: and
<br />
<br />!in~REAS, Stuevens require an ~asement from Harder f'or access
<br />to the existing electric transmission lines which currently serve
<br />said qrain bins and which pass under, across, in and through a
<br />part of Harder's propertv, as more speci fica 11 v described and
<br />encircled in the survey attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and
<br />incorporated herein and made a part hereof bv this reference:
<br />
<br />.'
<br />
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars
<br />(SIO.OOl to be paid bv stuevens to Harder, the receipt and
<br />adequacy of' which is hereby acknowledqed, Harder does hereby
<br />grant unto Stuevens an easement in, to and upon the proper tv
<br />described on Rxhihit "~ft, attached hereto, ~or the sole purpose
<br />of granting access to Stuevens for the repair, service and
<br />maintenance of electrical transmission lines which pass under
<br />said property. Tt is agreed and unt'!erstood between the parties
<br />hereto that this easement covers an area existinq six 16\ ~eet on
<br />either side OT the electrical transmission lines as hereinabove
<br />described. Tt is agreed and understood between the parties that
<br />if either all of the four grain bins be removed "rom the '"r/
<br />adioininq property, or should the usaqe of the electrical trans- ~ff_,I-~5
<br />mission lines be discontinued f'or a period of1iO.l~ ~ .tFpnser;- c.J.l-
<br />utive months, the easement qranted herein shai"t"'f.ap!l'e(.1a'nd"'t>e-'o'r((J r".'rp~
<br />no further force and effect. It is further ~qreed and understood
<br />between the parties hereto that this easement is ~o run with the
<br />land and shai, be bindinq on all persons and ~ll parties claiminq
<br />ownerShip 0" the sallie, "heir heirs, personal representatives.
<br />alu,1qn., qrantees and devisees "oraver.
<br />
<br />-1-
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