<br />r-
<br />
<br />un That _ tn the event any awards are made to the Mortgagors or their successors In interest for t,aklng or damaging
<br />by the - exercise of eminent. doma_ln the whole or any varr. ot the mortgaged premises or any easement therein. the said
<br />awards are _hereby' a.sslgne-d to the Mortgagee: the Mortgagee 1s hereby authorlzed to collect, receive. and receipt
<br />therefor and to_ apply the same in pa;}"tllent of any indebtedness, matured or nnmatured, s.ecurert by thIs mortgage.
<br />
<br />('7r That 1n the event Mortgagors default in the 'payment of said prIncIpal sum, or of MY installment thereof, or
<br />(:If -a.rzy :'lnteres-t tbere-OTI. at the tlwtf! When the same shall be due, or w1 th respect to any covenant or condition here-
<br />CO!, then, at the'aptIon of Mortgagee. the entire 1ndebtedness secured hereby shall forthwith become due and payable,
<br />shall. !)ear Interest at tlle detault rate desented In said note, and the Kortgagee may Immediately rareelose thIs
<br />lllOrtg8.!i;eor pursue any atlleravaUabIe legal remedy,
<br />
<br />Ol) Tba,t;-',--ln the'event actlon is- lu'OUg.lJt to foreclose thiS, mortgage, the- Mortgagee ~mall be entitled to immediate
<br />PO$sessl-on of- the mortgaged prem1ses; and the eourt may appoint a receiver to t.ake POSSl:Jsslon of said prem1ses, with
<br />t:ne usual powers or- recetvers in Uk€: cases.
<br />
<br />
<br />(9-)' That nl.ilurc or delay of Mortgagee to exercise any of Its rights or privileges Shall not be construed as:a
<br />waiver thereof; t....l1at a..'1y act of Mortgagee waiving -any speCIfic (tefault. of Mortgagors shall not be construed as a
<br />walv~r or, ans -future defaults; that in case o!' default tn t.he- payment or any arnortlzatlon 1nstallments or interest,
<br />or in -case of- payment by Mortgagee Dr any l.tB-n. judgment, tax, insurauce. cost or expense, or rents, fees or charges,
<br />said--- Mort.gagee Shall have the pr1vUege, wi thout ueclaring the Whole Indebtedness due :md payable" to [oreclos-e 'on
<br />account- t)t such specl-rle ,jefault for .such S1.Hn& as are In default -3.nd such foreclosure proceedings may be had and
<br />the 1anet -described- hereln rn9.y be sold, snb.lect to the uDP-::!!d indebtedness hereby secured. and this mortgage shall
<br />-continue as a lien tor 3,~y unpaid b-,~lance..
<br />
<br />{1.0) That the Mortgagee say ext.end Cind fie~2r th€ maturl ty and renew and reamortize said lndebtedness, release
<br />from 11abl-llty any party llatHe thereon. R.na r'elease from lien hereof portHms of the prop€rty covered herebY.
<br />wlthou-t affectIng the priorlty hereof or tHe llab1J.U..y 0: :1ortgagors or any other party for the pa.yment of said
<br />indebtedness, :ill such extensions, z1efernents. renewals, and !'ea.'ilort1zatlor..s to be secured hereby.
<br />
<br />{11j Transfer or' S.ecur1ty. It 15 agreed the pa.rt1€3 tern-G, their h01!'s. legal representatives and assigns.
<br />that the i.::ltegrlty and responsihility Of M.ortgagors I_~on$tltut€'s 11 of the consideratlDn for the note secured
<br />hereby, and that in the event, t.l}e Mortf-l:agors :"ha_~l St~ll. t:~l;'1Srt:r. ~onvey the property described hereln, the
<br />Mortg~-ee may at its aptlon decl:lre the ent1:'p lr!;jebteJr:.ess Im~€~ilatelY Jue and payable ?..nd may proceed in the en-
<br />forcement of its rl~'ts as on allY other de1':"tult In t-he i.err::s elf the nDte and fllortgage.
<br />
<br />
<br />fiE} A.Ssignment ot Proceecs. of M!.neI'9-1 Lease.
<br />rents, royalties, bonuses, and delay moneys [,ria!.
<br />~~ ~;~e~a~~n~~:;e~~~S:lff :>~~h ;-~~;, .~g\~:~;f..~.~~I~~J:'r~_~~n'r.gugee
<br />
<br />satd Mortgagee may Cit 1 ts opt 1an earn ."inn de 11 ':er 1 -0 r.:-1e
<br />or such sums without; prE".~"Jjlce to !.!ortg-ag,:ee 1;,: r.t~ht-s c_:COO
<br />to any or its 0ther :;lght.s under riortftsge. Tht) t.;':w~~fe,. C^'..rF~
<br />royaltIes. bonuses, :met de.l:1Y moneys shall be ~O:1.st:;-ue-':i t,: t,('
<br />ga.ge (jebt. subject t.G the Mort.gag.eeI3 optlen as !ierel~bef'Jr~
<br />-estate. lJ1>on fllyment in fuLl 01' !~he r'!Dr'tgage ;1e~t <'ind ~h2
<br />become In-eperatlve and 'Jt Ill) tU!'t,her force finei effect.
<br />
<br />
<br />t:'ansfer. jet over, and convey to Mortgagee- all
<br />t.l~::E' toe-cone due nnd paYable under any oil. gas-~
<br />':'Xlst-enc:e, covering the above land
<br />to t.he Indebtedness secured hereby; or
<br />Dr ':t,eir successors in interest, any or all
<br />re!'6.H! f'Jtur-E' sums, and wlthout :prejudice
<br />!lBrelmc.er to NDrtgage-e of said rents t
<br />payment or reduction of the mort-
<br />;-:1' the Mortgage lien on saId real
<br />(if record. thiS conveyance shall
<br />
<br />IlIofils aM, th:rase s
<br />r;um.be,-s ilrod as
<br />
<br />
<br />(SEAL)
<br />
<br />; :~.::A:" '
<br />
<br />A. Stueven
<br />
<br />( SF.AL )
<br />
<br />, S;_~A;',
<br />
<br />(SEAL)
<br />
<br />:~~i\~~ ;
<br />
<br />(SEAL)
<br />
<br />STATE LiF
<br />
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<br />(l) thiS <ltl! day of
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<br />
<br />~~'~'~.'ir")-' ;-'"'Jb-l.l(' ~!l '.tnC1 fer .1atd County and
<br />
<br />State. personally appeared
<br />
<br />Delbert G. Stueven and Julie A. Stm'ven, hushand and wifp,
<br />
<br />t.o me knolt'cn tebe f.he persons rll'il!'l'et1 1'1 l,[L: <"IlL 1J;i1l'" '1."1 'h'" :'0r'.~'~~ltg ~r;:;t.:"'lr1t.,'nt, j,',u"i-l';.nOi.:t"d.o;ed th!lt they executed
<br />the same :is t.heIr volunt.ary .:.J.ct :m-1 :.t'2'ed __~
<br />
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