<br />I
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<br />83-001105
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<br />Page 3
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<br />Nebraska Real Estate Mortgage between
<br />Elton W. and Virginia A. Luebs, Husband and Wife, and
<br />Grand Island Production Credit Association dated March 9, 1983
<br />
<br />EXIHB IT II A"
<br />
<br />DESCRIP'l'Io.-.:- A tract of land corr.r-rslng a part ot' t~e';E.'5t Eelf ef tr.!>
<br />Northeast Guarter (i>l~IE~) of Section Thirty 2tx (3b), ':"ol"nsh~o ':'en
<br />(10) tlorth. Ranre Eleven (11) West of the 6th f.:'., ~r. Fall Count...,
<br />more partlcularly described as roHews: Be;>:1.nn1n;' ?t ,.., ~e1~t on t!:e.
<br />north line of sald Section ~hlrty Six (3E), said petnt ~~1r.~ ~lve
<br />Hundred Fifty and Two Tenths (550,2) feet west of tr.~ ::crtteast c:::rl:'=:-
<br />of said Hest Hal!' of the :lortheast i;uarter (;';~:'lE~); t!:ence cOl'tlrt.o'r,,'
<br />westerly along satd nort~ line of ~ect10n Tt!rtv ~lx (36), ? d!sta~c2
<br />of Four Hundred ar.g ':',.r...r.tv ?1. ve Euncred'::lls (400,25) f~et; tl~ence
<br />deflectIng left 92 57' 30" and runnlne: scutherl:' '\ dL1ta:'1Ce ot' el,':;:
<br />Hundred Twenty Sevsn and ~~ven nundredtns (~27,07) feet; t~enc~d
<br />deflectlnp; left 09 37' 115" and runn!np: easterl", a d1:,tl'mce or ?"c
<br />H~dred EIyhtv and ~~ee ~entts (2~O.3) feet; thence d~flect~:'1~ l~ft
<br />72 33' 30" and rU.'1n!n;- nort":~!!sterly. a. dls':ar.ce ef "'~'O rur.c!'~d ':'~,:'f""
<br />ana i11nety Seven !!undr"dtts (203. ')7) feet; ~h"nce cl..f1pct~r.r l~!'':
<br />12 2b' 115" :ll~d runnl!lP' northe!'1:.r, '! d1.tl'lnce cf ':'1,'c("'lund:-Ac ':'~!1 'In<~
<br />Flve ~enth3 (210.5) feetj t~~r.c~ deflectlnr le~t 10 ~J' ~nd ru~r.!1'
<br />weaterl:r, a distance of Twelv~ (12,0) ~petj t!':e!"!cp deflect..n. !'~~-~t
<br />90 00' and rtmnlnf'onortterl'" It distl'!nce of ':'I:ent., (2IJ,C) !'Aet; tl,!:'r.c~
<br />deflect1n!!, r!p't'.t 90 00' Md runn~nF' e'isterl", a d1.st"tncl:' of l:~'~l'n
<br />(12.0) feet; thence derlectir.r: left 900 OQ' l.'.'1(1 !"I,;.-:n"'r.r rnrt":..:-l".
<br />distance of ':'hree Hundred Eii;hty ::1x and '!'hree ':'el't~" (3~t, 3) ~"..~ '::.
<br />the place of beilnnln~ and contp.lnln~ 6.709 acre~ ~0:-'= 0:' l"'"s,
<br />
<br />EXHIBIT "au
<br />
<br />Dt:~CQI!H;:IOl::- A tract o!' land cor.:rr1sInF a part of the !lorthee.st
<br />I?uarter ot t!':e Nc!'the8t't Quarter U~t:lJ~El~) of Section Thirty Six (3l)
<br />
<br />TownshIp Ten (10) ~orth, Range Eleven (11) West of the Cth F ,~
<br />~n ~ali Co~t:', Nebraska, IT.ore particularlv deecrlbf'Q as ;oli~~~.
<br />(3~)nn ~~!!t e nolnt on the North l1ne of sa1d Sf'cUen ':tIrtv Sl~
<br />north::st ~~~;rt~}~ei~r~;c~~na~d One Tenth (42.1) feet We~t of the
<br />Sout~~~~~e~lv 81on~ a 11~ f . h1rty s1x (36);othence runnInr
<br />~ '. ..f" or"'_nr: an 8.r.!!,le of 49 46' 34" ~ th 1 d
<br />..e~;lon ,1 ~:1~:. ~nd alonl' the UOl"tr.westerly hIrh\IRY right of ~;., 1 ~~;: .
<br />; _~t~~c~;. .n~ ;.lCU5~r.d FOl"ty S17 and pour ~enth5 (1 04G.4) -..
<br />a~~t~,.'C' :~cr.t 0... curv~turf' j t!lf'nc~ .south\'esterlv eln~i" th~
<br />tar.~,.r.~aot;'~~c;'Oc~{~c~~~~\:~;;i~, ~flla:~s 1.s 71a.5~ ffet (lr.1tiel
<br />8 ~.. c;.tc"". ,. ~ . - .. :.. ~~ ..e 4o:vt: d~c;c~~tec ccu~s~).
<br />. - - ....c. c. ...ree r.uncr-c' '1 "t.. and "\' "' .. -
<br />th!nce cont1.~u1.n. ~outtwe~te~l~ ~lonr. ;~~ r;ntist (J50.2) f~etj
<br />lrs~ df>scr!t ed curve, and on "6.1 d r' ";l1t' of ::n8 llanrl."nt "f the
<br />,,! ':'10 !~undreQ ~i);t. r'v . - ~'... -I, . "ay r.e. a d15~anCE.'
<br />to tt,.,. '.;f"~t 111'ft 0/ s,":1d el'~~r; .. tv ;; 1 ve hundredt~s (21:>5,55) feE't
<br />.l'ne cf ."6 "";'ll" ,- "'-' ; thence I\ortherl}' alen'" "a1d \"est
<br />~ v..r ,.1._.... e. c!1'!tflnce 0" 0 ':1: .. " '.
<br />'1Y'mt~. rour l;U:'ldr~dths II 101 2'" rn=t' ,ousend .one l!undrec m:e end
<br />aa1d ~:~..,jl1:l-.. thence t::aste: ..' . e. to the l.ol"thwe:'!t ccrn~r of
<br />'1'h1rt'. S1x l3b) . di t 1. plonE. the North l1ne cf sa'd ~'~ct.on
<br />.. .' , - PI ancl!' of O.,e Thou" end '1'-'0 h d '
<br />.".. -.Unet, '!'IIO tlundredthll II 2"3 Q2} r - un red rC'rty 'i'r.rfOfO
<br />and ct'tItain1n,. It.!.052 ecru ~cre.~ 1 e..t to the rlllce of tet:1l'nlnr
<br />Of' leu are pl't'sent1v occut'hc b r en ~r whIch 0.932 8Cr~!\ r>ere
<br />w1th all lrrurtenaneea thereto b~l~~~~~: Road rIfht of war to[ether
<br />
<br />e.~,i~
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<br />'"-~ <,.f -" ;,...r<"')
<br />