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<br />83- 001144 <br /> <br />and, without demand. shaH be lmmedlahtly due 11M payable tly Tfl..Sl0r and shall <br />bear Inler..l a1 t~ m'1l1mum allowabltt legal/ale; provldeo. how<;!wfJf, thai at ihe <br />option 01 8enefjCI.rv or-Tluet" 'ueh sums may lJe adaM 10 the prlnClpal balance <br />of any IndebtsdnelllJ ' hereby ll:n(! shalf ooar the same Inl$reSI as such <br />indebtedness and !JhaH be p-ayable ratably over the remalflmg lerrn thereof <br /> <br />10_ Aulgqmtnt of RMta. SeneJiclarf shaH l1.ave tM rig"t. pOrNer and authorlty <br />duflng theCOf'ltlnua1lC~ jot this Trust Deed to c~llfl;cl the fer-Is, issues and oroflls 01 <br />the Property and ar any personal prOQotl:!iy located thereon WJth Of withOut laking <br />poaseUfon of the property aHeetoo hetltby, and Ttustor tl$fflby sbsolutely and <br />UflcondlUonaUy au.ign~ aU s.uch rents, l.$3ues and profi1s to BenefJ.clary <br />Seneflclary, r-.owevet', ttefltby COfI5tmlS 10 the Truslor's c-ol~cliDn ..,,(1 retetllior; 0: <br />such refillS, luuea and profits as ltley accrue and become .p<lyabie 60 long 8!1 <br />Trustor la not. lJ:1 80<:1'1 tlrnM. In default WIth r'll:s~ct to paymOIif ot ~n)' <br />11'debtednees Sec;Ufed lWtfeby or m IN! pertormance of any ag/eerner>t herfWnder <br />Upon any aucndelault. BeneficIary may at anytIme. either In person, b~' agenf. or by <br />. ~er fo be appoinfed by . court, wilMut notIce ana wilhout re9ard 10 lhe <br />adeqUac)" ot any 38ClJfity for the tOdebtednes'!l hereby sec'lnM. lOi) enter upon iind <br />taM ~ sian of the Property or any pan In~r&Of. .n>d In its own name Sue for or <br />othenw}.. collect such rentll, 11tl!W8S and plofltS. Inclualflg triose pllsl d<Jl!I and <br />unpaid. and- eppiy toe $ame, less COSIS and 5lCpenses of operatIOn and col19clicn, <br />including r-e&$Of14~ attorney I%>S. \Jpon any !m;tebtedfl6S'!l secured hemey, and 1n <br />5UCh order as BenefiCiary may determine; ro} oerform ~t)ch aClS <)1 'spall or <br />protecllonaa may be n&eel!$4ty Of proper to conservi!i lI'le \.alue of the Ptopefly: (Ci <br />1euo the same or any paft thereof tor such rent.a:, term. aNI iJpOf' :suet'! conditions <br />als tts ludgemont may dlctate_ Unfess Trustor and B&tl~hc;a!v agree Oltler"""lie !f'! <br />writing. Bny appUc:;a1totl 01 rents, iSSueS or proHls w a"'.... lI"I<1ebt(1dtl~t!!; s.eclmxl <br />hereby gh-all not extend 0:- postpone !tllt aua dal~ of !r--~ mstaHmeflt payments it!; <br />provIded in said pclOmlsaory note Or cntlin-QI! t!1e amount 01 !>uC'l installments The <br />ent.nng upon iind tail)"'O POSS-e'Ssio!"l 01 tt;a P'op(ttly. !he co!l-ecllon 0' ~uch taMS, <br />issue!!. and proftte. arid the lIppHcatlon tne-lfK)1 as aforeSilll.~. shllll 'let wlIlVe 0' cure <br />any default or rm1lce of d@Il1uH he<'e-ui)de-r. ;)f ;'1YaliQ8Ie <l")' -it.;: (jOf'le pUlsuant IQ <br />such not~e. TrU5-tOf alao a~slons to ~fl-e!lc.laIY as lurther Sf.lcuflty for the <br />performance 0' tl>> oollgaHons Sl!'J{;ureo he.e.by_ all pre-paid rents am:! all fl'lOrile<; <br />whJeh may haveoeen or may I1tueafte. be depoSIled t./ittl san;! TruSTQr by any Ii;SSIMl <br />01 the Property. 10 !WCure the payfT<<lnT 01 iHl"i '~nL "nd UPO<1 tl.glilu!1 ,n the <br />performttnce of any ot 1hQ DrO\'I'SIOriS hereof_ if>>slor flgrel!5 :0 'J'61iVlil' S\J(;l'1 'n11lS <br />ana O&:p05lt9 10 lhe 8ene!lciary Delivery o! wnl1""n ,..OI,C" oj t,,~ B:enM!i;jar(s <br />exftl'ctse ot the rights granl!?d he'e1n, 10 allY tenant {)CCtioying ~,j.'(.! prsml8e5 shaH <br />be suffici8l'!1 t<l reQulr~ SAIO lttflant to r-il)l S.W1 rent !O thp Benet'cl3fY -lnloi 'Urtl1<.H <br />notice <br /> <br />1t. u....d PtentbteL Within 10 d.Y3 .ft~1 :.1emana. TW610r ~nflll furnish 10 "t!\Jstee <br />a scheduie certlli.., 10 be- l1Ufl, setttng f01'th ali ieases ct !lpae~ In the THist <br />Property then !n .Uect. inc-judi~, in eac-h cue, lhe 1"a1'<e b! the t;ma,.,ts and <br />occ;lIfM'nts, . dMctlptton 01 the acactl occtJpcltloO by '!uc-'" tenant ano Cc.cup.ilnt. the <br />rental ~ fOf ,ucf'l $paC& 1ln4 suet! OIM! InformatIon ana (Joc"ment-s with <br />ruPlPCt to such ~ and tfm.n-cl~ as the Ttuat81l mar reQUll:!>t <br /> <br />wtthOlJt the prlOl wrlllefl CQfl.&enl of rHisiH. Tru9f~ !lh4~j nul, dl~8Ctly or <br />Indl,*=Uy, wHh res~ 10 any !~f1 01 space In 1M deacnbeO prem!l/.8:>, ...~tfler <br />tueh __ t$ now Of herM;thtr H"l e.l,hmce, 1.J IlCC.-p1 c.t pennn any p1I!payme...! <br />dttlcount Of .dnnee ,."t pl;y-.b~ tt\$f8UMltr: (01 canCillI or letmirulite Ifill' !lame. Of <br />&cccpt any c.ane,"iatmn, termln.lIon or oS<JHencJ6I' !l1&feot. or permll an., ~..{O1"1 10 <br />occur whICh \ifOU1d tmutle t'- ~ lrnw.,maer 10 lenTH~.I;! C"- cllncell~ sa~ Ie) <br />~ or modify thfl ,.me $0 .1'1 10 red\;ce l~ lam> trte'eot lhe renlilf oayfilll;e <br />In.reundtK. or to cn..noe any ranewal PfOVI$lonS lhef&H'> COnli!lfl8'd; tdl W81.... any' <br />def.ult thefovndet or ~"Ctl thereo'; (a> glv-e An.,. CO-foMtf'lC ....IIIV81 0;:.1' 8pp~avai <br />ttMIreundef Of tu.. a.'1y oL"'let Gtkm In cCt'lr<-$(;Uon l~t_llh. Qf With a l8attH <br />~. W'f'llcn would r--..... Ute effect -of impaJ!!ng t~ ...alv. OII~S"""!l Interl!-$1 <br />~,on tM ~ Wb~t tt\efeto. m of Impairing t,... poalhtm Ol" JOlerelt <br />of fr. T~t_ l)j' fMnIIfICI.ry: or {fj ",I, asalgn pledge. rT'l{I"l'tC$ge N ot~ln <br />d~Of, or ~mbef. ItS. iI'It&f'l-"t If! .ii~' ~oJCf'\ ,""8 or .Vl)' 'llt'lt'S.. !U1JeS Qf profils <br />IMUing Ol' an&ing thenundet <br /> <br />12. eo.o..n.tlan. if tlTt4llo any parI of t~ Pmpett)' ~MH De take" ,,, (~I)^d~".ljon <br />~ga.. by rl;OM of ~lnent dcma-tn 01 similar acUot'!. 1r ,hail bot rokl U~ltf <br />",,-f of concamMUon, all llwarda. damagos .rn:t PIOCiH(fS ate hertrO'f aulQ~ <br />anct ahal! be IN'Id to Benetteta:y lIIIJt\O -Sbllil app.!y .ueh .w~, O.;naofl tll'\O. <br />prOCMdI to the ~ -"Cured by 1M T~\J'f Ooed. wltn tfllJ exceu, 11 At>)'. caio 10 the <br />Trustor. TruflOr 'kill prtll"nptty, a-nt1 .-ktl dl1& dWgenc-e. rwa:lr. S~e<' a.n.j f"tore tr"e. <br />~ p6rl ot tM Trust Property tl) 11"5 !OHl'le-l cOnQlhoo lWDStant;.a!i., 10 the <br />~fthat fhe ~lnIIy be tMs-lbJto and $0 iJ.,. to ccnaU1<.l1\, a c.omp~e arod l.<ub!e <br />unit <br /> <br />13. F.-.......... Upon requat of Trustor. BanetiCWy, al av..tiCJ.&fy-e tlti_IOn <br />prtof ta ~ of In. ProcertY :0 the Trustor 'l".ay m&ll:e tutvre ad,.~~ ic <br />the T11IStor. SUch; funn. advance&. .It" lfltef.,; mereon. shall 0. heljlltQ b:; Hl1'1 <br />Trust o..d 1Irhen ~ Dy" promi$~ ~le~ s;atl-.'\Q t~.t Uid '"'-otM .r@ <br />~ hereby; proorlCed that ~I no !!r'nt lilf'!.all Il\e ~-""eQ P'ln.-Cj~l. lulU'. <br />~. not lnctuditlg flU",$ ad.&nefl(l 10 pmf&ct l~ &oKunt)- $);C.o "--.",,, <br />hunl:IrtId pefC*\1 f100~1 Of the origm&l pr!t'!oClpal amoonts $eCUted "&reo\' <br /> <br />14........ ~ All r~... DfO'lJC.-o HI INS Trust o..a auI' CI"4.U/'l.<;l .1'Id <br />CUfftlN:Uve1O any~ rig"t or ~ under tnts Ttuat Doeq GI .f~ b.,. i... 0' <br />....,., and may be ...<:1Md coneun-entl',. I~tl'y or "VC\::.asn'et'J' <br /> <br />15. ............. .......... ...... Upon ttetautt by ir\i~nQl I" 1h4' 0.1"*,1 ~t art, <br />~.-.v1Wd ~ or 11'1 tNt ~mat1C4 of any .~l ~1\Mf <br />IIeMItcivt fnQ' ~ ~ aume'.o 1n'l:"*,,_liIly due and pa'f~ b, <br />dItMwy to Truwee 01 WfItU1ft,.Uoo ot tMta\tl1_ The Trvt:t.. aMll Nl.... the <br />IIOnI' of au. 04 tM ~ 'and If e.n.nclatV ~ the ~ tt:> t'* aot4_ H <br />.... dIPOIh WIth Trua_ tNs Trust DMcI ~ all CllCf't\rnot', ~ .~ doc~tt <br />~ ~ MOutWd~. aqd .... ~ 10 TrwtM., a "~""fl <br />fIOIk::e of dtlIeutt ~ ~ to QUN the PtopeOy to be ~, a.l\O: 1'- Tf\iSt.. I:" <br />turn aftafI JliNPMe' almHat NoI~ b'\ ,tie tofm rwutf.a b~ ~, ""Nch ~l 0. GU1, <br />~ totNGOftibif TruatM. <br /> <br />~ It.... thlt .... of tuch I~ as may ba ,.quu-d by lh: fOUOwlng tn. rt!COfO <br />attoft of MId notiCe of o.ta\Ut. aNt ~ 0' ~..,~ ~ l'tOt~ ~ ~ "'-'VlQ <br />MIft g:twt\.. ~ by .._. TruslM.. .tthOul ~ ~ r!'"...~. ~ Mil <br />... PfOptrtJ on me oeWIkM a. m.tlme- and ;>i~ ~1tIC ""' HIO l'\Ou;;e a~ <br />... JJUIblk; ~ IQ'''- h~! biddM-, t!'w POf'cnn. t1~ "-II.,,"" U~ <br />~ moeMiy of 1M: \Inned Sta_.l tN!I U-"!\IJ o! ~ The ~ -=~tlt!ii <br />the...~. tor MY c&uM n. ~ ~~ JX!$~ t,. Uje, "om u"'- <br />IOdmtuntU ftehetlbit~ and,!l!~ SUli:h \:UiI. flQtQal oost~ <br />IMfll ... be. QfMn by- ~ ,**.Uo~' ~ b~ wcf) ,*'10<'\. .t ~ time <br />....... 1at ~ tof rn. "l&; pI'Olo~ 11 tf>;e .... .. ;.'05101'Q!'1i1d to!' <br />~ Iftf&n (1) _ ~ m. (iIl'- ~te4 li.'t tM nobC. ot saila. ~.ot~ <br />~--"ifIw;r! i1' U. Mme1ftPNf.. tr.~nai""Otiot.;~. <br /> <br />,....... ... ...... .a.'IG ...... to U. ~ hrs 0..0 ~ ~ <br />~....1Kd ~ any ~ or -*,eMy-. ~0fMa, O<<~. ftle <br />.... -. OMO of aft}'.... or t~.. w.?W. M ~ ~ ot ~ <br />~ ~-"fIY~. l.nC1Ud~ Bwwtt{llary. may p~c""".~ :~ <br />- <br /> <br />{tit ...~....~ 1G _ ~~> tht l"AtM aNti apf>rfl~ <br />...... of.... to.~ at tN ~."" ~ o.j ..'tK~"\Q. tf'le <br />,.... of .... \tIlIO ~ ..... ..... ~ fha. ~! of ~ Trvll_". F.. <br />~~"-1Q~-,..3...a ,. __~ofttllt""pm...J'lC~t(> <br />-.....~~jlntfw~~.tcoMl <br /> <br />;q ................ ~"'~_If __Mictl& bit tfldtM, v: <br />-....~........ .-.<<~ .,.......I-.p..ot......"'-l <br />.......~ _~of.......<,l"~l~l,..~ 1ktlM<<f <br />to......... .. <br /> <br />tit CWt.,...~ot~~""~..."""" wi#I w.:~ ~ *Mill <br />............... <br /> <br />f!Il .u.........,,~~ <br /> <br />.. -"..........._4~. >O............,.,~-*'l_~..t,' <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />16. Dull.. .nd ObllgaUDn$ of Tro.tH. (al The dulles and obllgalloflll 01 Trustee <br />shaH be determined SOlely tJY Ihe express provis!Qns 01 the T~U81 Deed a~d Trustee <br />.shall not 00 !lable eXc&pt lor the oertQrmance 01 suCh duties and obligations as afe <br />~p6CIIlC.Iln'l sot lorth heleln, and no lmplJed covenants Of obligation, shall be <br />imposed upon Truslee; (hj No provIsion Of this flOSl Deed shall require Trustee to <br />(t.'CpGnC or risll his own lund!!. or otherwise Incur any financial obligation In the <br />perfarmance af any of ll.s duties hereunder, Of fn If'le e.'C9tclse: ot any of Its right or <br />powers. If If $hlill have grounds l01 belieVing thaI the repayment of 8uch funds or <br />ad-equate indemnHy ilgalnS! S'lch risl<. Or ilabWty Is nOI reaaon8bly assured to It; (c) <br />Trustee may consolt with counsel of hill own cnOOl'ling and the advice of 8uch <br />COUMe-t Shall be full and complete autl'rOrlzation and protection In 1he respect of <br />any acHo" taken or :"lulfttred by ~: hOfeur.der in good faith and rsllance Ihereon; (d) <br />Trustee shall not M liable lor any action taken by him In good faith and <br />lMilieve(f by I'lim to 00 ;lutl'lorizad -01 wlthln the discretion or rlQ'hta of powers <br />conferred upon it by tNs Trust Deed <br /> <br />i7. Addltlon.1 Securtty InatNm~b. THl~tor, 8f fts expense, will execute and deliver <br />to me Trustee. promptly uoon demand, such security lnslruments as may be <br />19QulrBd by rru$te~. in form and substance sallsfactory to Trustee. cO'l/arlng an~ of <br />1M Property conveyed by this Tr\Jst D6f3d. which sacunty Instruments shall be <br />additional security fOf TrllSlor'3 faithful pertcmnance of aU of tne terms, cO'ten.nt8 <br />and conditions of Ihl5 TllJ51 Deed, the premiSS-ory notu secured hereby, and any <br />other MCu-nf'1 mstrum@fJ!S 8X6Ctltad in connection with In13 tnmsacUon, Such <br />inSlrumentll sMall be r6cor{led or flied. and r&-recorded and reWed, .t Trustor'. <br />~xpense <br /> <br />r8, U~~rMOU'. <br /> <br />(al in the anyone Of more at 1he provisions contained In 1hls Trust DfMd or <br />!he orom!s.$Ory note Of any other HtCurity fnstrument given in connection wltn <br />this \rJ!(I"at;;tlOfl ~r;8H for any 11!N1S011 bI! held to be Inyalld, Illegal or <br />vnanfotce&bia In any rflp$ct. such Invalidity, Ilteo-Uty, 0( unenforceabUlty <br />shari. at tl1e option ot Ben-eltcI8ry, not aHecl any other provision of this Truat <br />D&ed. t>ut l!'tls Trust Deed shafl be construed a. H such Im'alld, illegal, or <br />une1"iorceable n.n'~Il'cIOfl road n$V91 OiMtn contained tutrein Or therein. <br /> <br />.rjl Thl:s Trus! O~ snsdl ~ constnH:~d according to the laws of the State of <br />Nebriit"lul <br /> <br />,el Thi~ "u91 uHd sna;1 Inu'e 10 and bHld the h.i~, legatees, devisees, <br />admf"istr8;tora. ex.&CutofS. succe$So!"S an<! assigns of the parties hereto. <br /> <br />(0) TrUSIO' 9.11al, ~cy ill1 lrues I@yled upon Ihis T'ust Deed or the debt aecured <br />hereOy, !OQ:eltler wan <In)' oiher taxes or aaaeuments which ma;y be levkld <br />i'fw!l=f1st H11:l T"U:st&l;l o-r Senflllclary 0; the legal holder of said promissory note <br />,'f] aC:<:-:.]\;"1 0; 'r1~ l!X1llbledne,s ,;vldt!lnced lhereby <br /> <br />ie' Whene"8( ,;"ec !'>eHHr'! !r'lt' SHlQU1ar number 5hJ11i Include the plural, the <br />~_'!1Qur-ilr :~-'! ~Sl! 01 any li"nIJBt Shall D9 applICable to al! genders, and the term <br />8l!'nefi-e,a",,- 1hal! ,:-:c!ude any paYM of tho Indebtedness hereby secured or <br />;:1;'" lrane!l:H ('1-8'aGl "''''ethe< by <>-Di!tr*t10n of laW' or otherwIse. <br /> <br />19 $ucc,Mt&Ql' Tro...., 8~!"\eflelaf)' m8)' Irom time to Urn. substitute a IUCCMSOf Of <br />"!JCC888Of:S to 4f1y '[''':JIM ml'n&C ~fe;n 01 acting hef~f!der 10 execute thl. Trua1 <br />!)mld_ UCK1I'~ ~>Jc" apPVlftlmt'f1l i\nd .....lIt'lOUi C:Qn"'eyance to the successor Trustee, <br />1!"Ie lanGI ftN11! 00 ,..~ftl&a w,th a1l lil(e, pow.r.. a.nd duff" contMrMi upon any <br />l, !'\e(IIIHfI ,.....m&<! 0' iH:tlno hereunder. Each such appolntm.n1 and <br />$<1bstllullon ~rtail t"fI made 1:;)' .....rltten loslruma.1t by Bflneflclary, containing <br />!,f.,.~-. to tl\!s r'u.,t o.&d altO U$ place of lecof12, whiCh when recorded In the <br />olttce 01 t1\8 Re.gllltar 0' Dettds 01 to. county or countl.. In .hlch sald proptH'ty I. <br />1;1fua!1W:t S,.,.ll be COr-:Cl\.lSi\.l\. [l.rool ('t pr~r .POOlntrnent 0' tM aucCMaOf Trustee. <br />The !01'~f.f'!;1 P<'W~I Qf !wOUltutio..'l and ttle orocedure therefore .hall not be <br />tUC~U!lI"!!I o~ !~ PO;tr;llf 1iIr'.,a t'1<x:e-dUIl! prOVHl&d tor by I....... tOt the substitution of . <br />Tn.l1l{HW f'us.fHa'~ INt p'.C~Q! the TIU-ilhM <br /> <br />Xt FOItIMra"" by 8~ld4I,., or Trv.tM Men . We"'. Any torebeafance hy <br />s.nehciary or Tru.tM H'> e:l(jftclsl~ any f~nt or rem.dy llefeunder, Of othetwlH <br />.It~ by eoom;abl& !aw. sha.lI f\Q~ be a waiver of or preclude the exercfM of any <br />~ht ~ f~.., h$rlNnOer, ...iile_i". ~M WiUYeI' by Benatlclliry or Trustee of any <br />~";Ji'l o~ Tr-"stw- u,",16r l+1l" Trust CttoC sha!! not be dMmed to be . walvet of any <br />o-thef Of ~!m\!4t ffillau1HI Sl.JOs.eQ\leOUy occurnng. <br /> <br />21 TNSlOr Hot R-.Md. btf!IOSIOf'l Of U\e Ilme for paymenl or moc:llflca:tlOn or <br />am.1)(1JUh"n ot 1M S<J~-S ~ur., t-~. 1!'>1, Trv.f!.t 0t!4d granted by e.,..,hciety to any <br />8UC~ rn ilHetMI of TIU-SIO~ shall ~! OOfIfat. to relUH, In ...,y manne!", the <br />"&tlillli' of tl'le t.-.rlgm.l\l! Tru$tor or frustor'~ SU(;Cft$OI' In Interest. 6entlfJelcry &hail! <br />?"!Of b& feQVj'ao;: !Q -c.o.rnme!'l.c. p'~MlOoa aoainst 8Uctl ~ Oi' f.rUM to <br />s,-.tend :""'t!- f~r t.-ar,.,.,...t t'1 Nl<e""'~-S" mOCht.,. a,m(Htll.alion o! the sums secured by <br />'~IS l'r~Sl r1O<<l~... 'N-SC-fl -0~ a"',' '~.M mld41 0.,. 11'Ie Of"i~inil! Trustor aN2 Trusl(l('S <br />~UC~&OfS ',-: 'rt~"I!I.t <br /> <br />n Defeuit ,1 !~. $1"..1' be liI 4!Jfl1>.f;! l.lrlt;ter mla Deed Of Trvst 01' unclAtr any prior <br />'~;of1ii.Qe 1~ 8e'l8hCI.,'l' 11".al' ,',,~<r s"t;fl ~f.ult. ana Itte .mounts advanced by, <br />~OO ~H~! ,;Oli!$ .~ tIJlp*~!-6$ Of I~ bltneHclary in curing tu-e!'! d.f.uU, wl1h <br />nt.,..t .1: Tn. 1Bia-ul! f.le (,0'11aln.o: I~ thit Note MC:uf1ld ~ from lhe time of <br />~ ao.ancu ~ pa..menl1 '1'Iail r.. .~ed 10 :NllfldebtMneaa lNCuted by thl. Trust <br />o..d and ~.,. e.. i:ai>eeted tle.t&<J'I<1er a' .lty !lfTtfl an., In. tIme, 01 eUGh adva~s <br />~ pe.,ment. and sNali ~ 4iMm.a!t> btl Ml( <br /> <br />Zl Opbon; 10 Forwetoee_ Upon t!'\~ OCi:ura"CI!l of any a.t.",1I h&l-"ndor, Beneficiary' <br />~.!'I&i! /'l...... ItI(o op!lOfl tc '01eeIO:l.t! l!ll' Tf>,.I'11 D6lId ln the'l$f' prO'olided by law for <br />!~ !Cf'8o::'l~f. o-! ~;.O~ em 1..1 prb(:>el'ty <br /> <br />Zt: l""W. RIOMa. 40Mlm o.tlturt. Until ,,"y dllfault I., the payment of <br />"'I,.tH~~ "Sf~ 5&I:,;req Of \jn1ll1~ t)rNct> Of ."V CQ....".nt f\efWin contalned, <br />!"te Trl.l.!C<". its $<n:ceUOl& and .UIQ1'I-J, l'ih&U poaao. ancJ enjoy t~ plQ06r1y. and <br />r~ the f-.nts arid a-rct!1$ t~trot"!1 uoon pay~nt of all suma secured Oy IhlS <br />T"ruat Oeeo. ~hc!ary s",..H ~eq\JM1 to rec()nvey the property and ,tlat! <br />aur~ tms T1"\!1It o..c afl(j .Ii 1'\01... "'~n; i~NSS NCurMf by Ihte <br />T'\iai~ o..d ~~ rt<.Jst_ "'-1J~t.. shaH r~....); t"e (lrnpet1y "..Ithout warranh and <br />...t!XNl '-!'\.'Q~ :' .... ,.\,!,''!>~~'''1' '''V.sito ~r'>ltt!ed 11;eff!tQ_ Tke Gr.nt.. 1!1 llin)' <br />.tl>CVO,...".nc. '"'1..) t.... ;}f~,,,t>+;l 4.$ lh<tl ~>ef~n Of personfl $;llln~ tne,.IQ:- alld <br />t"- fltCtt.J~ !~r",'''' 0' I:<ry "".ttftf'tl ,">1 f.et8 111"&11 be tooclu.w. tm)Of ot lhe <br />\lUH'\'..l",,-" li'\efe;::f 'S,-,("j'l ()$r~!' (I' l-<~'"!>I11l smail pay all cost, of feco,Cil\Q.. If any <br /> <br />2'5; ~ it! tne E~I of Tr...._ 11' ~h~ .~t li'te Uti. 10 "10 real Mtale !. <br />!r.~~twJ, 0' C.:'l""tra;::t~ Hi N tr.,"'~1t1/fMd, !rom the 1.l~IOI'led for any '.-.on or <br />~ .n. me1!';CJ4 *to.4HK>fI'I''f.!" ~hg I!l"tl!~lt ;,:"~'pa.l _u,," al'\tJ atiCf\A(J l"t.,..1 shat! at <br />'y"".. !)eC..""'l-,. Cu. 1t'10 p-II"at;,,. III t~ .1l!KHt..-"'" 01 tn. ~tK:l.ry Fsn",.. to h..-else <br />H'It. l)pl~" ~"s.e ;::-j l'il1);S'.t c,! I't~t'! ~s iilitIQv-e llt.t~ 11' one instan<",e .haft not <br />;:-on..-lltiUt" ..i_ (!o t!'e ''Ul'tt ~o ttUt!t'lM t~ sam. 11"' f~ PtMt.....t A!To; Sl) <br />t..nst.,. <br /> <br />.. T~ doted Qf I'll.l '. lv".Qf j(' ':>.'" QaT-.a _ __~_Ni.A.~, _.~_.~ <br /> <br />..aoc;;.,.~ tlt Tfu.'~ 1,- TI""...... <br /> <br />-.ewtinQ'. p!-Jl"rC-)~ 1"'_"0 t~ <br /> <br />~. 6fWt tr..u -Iu. '''~')f-i.' 'f!tlth I~ ~.1. Of o..oa .h4ldiat!tj~" tOllOWll <br />