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<br />83- 001143 <br /> <br />and, wtthout demal1d, shaU be lmm&dlat~ly due Q~ payable Dy Trustor aM ~nlill <br />bear tntefQt at tm, maximum ailowable leOilIl ($'te; provl<t8d. l'lOWtHl'tf. that at the <br />optk>n of &.netfelary Of Trustee ~ sume- may be- added to 1M principal balance <br />of any indebtedness ~.. ,"J~Y and .hall bear the SAme interest <>> sucl1 <br />indebtednMe al'ld shall be Plyabkt ratably -oY\H' the 1et'nainlng term tN!reol <br /> <br />to. ....1Irginmeftt of "-sa. Beneneiary ,hall ha...e the right POWl'tr and authority <br />duI1l1O ttteoondnuanee jof tNt TlUst [)Qed to colteet the rents. ISlliWS and profits of <br />the Property and of any p&fsonai propeny loc.tad thereon wIth or wfth01Jl (",king <br />P06HHlon.ot tne ptO~ affected hereby, and TWstOf ht:rr&by abl.'lotutely a,nd <br />l,InConc'fiUonaUy atalgnS- ail such rents; iSSUillS and profits- to 8eneficiary. <br />Beneflclary, ~, hereby eqnsen-t, to the Tmstors ool1ecti&'! lind ratenli~ oj <br />etIOh-.rents,-&sue$ and j)FOflts llS they acctue and b&Come paYflb1e 50 !or!g li$ <br />Trustor 1& not, at $UCf'l Umes, In default wi11'l resf)01Ct to payment of lmy <br />llldebtedntl.. secured het'eby 0( In the pertorme~- of any _0,"",,,,,,.1 hereunder. <br />~ any such detauU, 8eneHclary may al any 11me. eltrw i-n pe~OI1, by /toeA!, Ql by <br />a tecetYer 10 be appoInted by a <::OUft, wRhout M11ee GNf without regard to ttle <br />adeqlJ4Cy:of eny tleClIflty for fhe- I~bteonns hereby seeureC. i<ll) I:t!lt&r upon and <br />take pcsMUion of the Pro-perty Of any p:art thMeof. and in its own name s.u~ !or or <br />ottterwt.-. collect $UCh '.nft., tasttft and-profits. including those past due aM <br />unpaid, and 3PPiy the ,ame, h3:ss costs amt 6xpe-nus of operation and collection, <br />IncNdlnO reasonabte attorney feu, upon any indaDtedM5$ $-&CUlOO hftf8by, a1N1 In <br />hCh otdef as .Beneflclary may d9tMmine; ~bl pertOfm !:l!Jcn acts o. repair Of <br />prot*'-tion .. mil)' be necetSiUy or proper to cons,ej"YtJ the value of tM PToperty; Ie) <br />fuy the> aatne or any part thereof for such rental, lerffi_ ana upon :;Iucn conOillOI1S <br />as' Its luctgeme:nt may dictate.. Unhtl$ Trustor and 8anetk.iary agree otMrwl!t8 In <br />writtno, any appl/ClItion of r&nts-. mues or proWs to an, indebtedness seCured <br />hereby $hall not eXfend Of postpone the du., lfate- 0' the ma!aHment P8l'ffl&l'll8 as <br />prov!ded in uid Dt'omi-uorv note or chang!'! me amoufll of such mstailment$. The <br />entering upon an<:! taking po-SseS&lOil Q-J the Propet1y. too collection 0' such 1('-"'15. <br />iMUea-~O profita,.net tne thereof alii aforeUiIO. g.J1.1I no' waive Of cure <br />any def8ujl or notice t:f default htmPuflmlr. or lI'lvlJ,Hdate aMy act done putsiJanl !O <br />auch.'notke. Trustof also a~li- to Benetk::lary, as tu:1he! S6Cl.lnty lor tf1e <br />pertorman<::e of the. obligations ~UrN ~reby, all prepaid Hmts l!Ind aH mOnllJ-S <br />which may have ~ -or may h&1'e.att~r be deposited wl!h Mid Trul;;tor by any ll:l5S00 <br />of the Property, In !>&Cure t/)8 pay1'Tl8f1t of afl~ 'ent, il!'ld U;:lon ootau!l !n tt;~ <br />p,rlormance of any Of the pro<;l$iOns heteo!. Trust.... J.grees to- del/vat suct: refits <br />and cMpo'Ilts to the 8~f\ltUelary DaIJvery ~l! .....rI!ten n;:-'J!cr= o-i !Me 8enel!cl.iHY s <br />811.,cis. of the riotlts granted NtN:tlrl, TO any ttmam O(:cupym.-g s.aid p<{'.fJ'\rll/!!'S Shatl <br />be sufficient to r-&quJfe sa~ tSnIlnt to pay said ren' to th@ Bene!iciary ur>tll furttlt'lf <br />""floe <br /> <br />".........~ Within 10caY$ after demand, Trustor !JosH furniSh to T'U'5t" <br />a acheduie certified to be true, setting lorth aH r.ases of :to&C-e l<:l the Trust <br />Propwty then In effeet:, InctWlng. in &aCe" case, :1'18 ".me etl the fenant$ i:Vl'l1 <br />occupanb. . deacrlptlon of t~ &paCII OCCupied by such te-n~nl al'\d occupant. the <br />~taI payaDie for .ueh :s~ an<3 such ot~r Inl0!1TlaUon 6nd documents 'N'tl'l <br />~I to auctt Je..-. ano tenanelQ "'M T!!J1I1M ma~ rGqUe!J1 <br /> <br />Wtthout the prtQt wntt.n -conaenl ot Trustee. fH/510f' ~h.i! ,~ot. dlI~Uy Of <br />1ndtrKti)', .11" rupee! 10 ~y ~ ot speCtl In t~ (18ScnbeQ pr&,"T11a$:S. *fl~tnor <br />tuch..... ~ now 01' her..fter in .xl-tlf.nce~ la) iWC&Ot;)f permi1 any pf~lJayme-nt. <br />dttcoun1 Of advance ront Pl:y-able 1h6fwum1er, Ib) cancel or IEJunlnattl (ht! s.m&, -or <br />K:CePt any eancetlation, tenntnatlon IX surrender lhefeo!, Of PMl'fl1t ally ~tlf'lt lo <br />()QC\ltwttlcnwould."tttte tn. tea...II'l6fflUna.r to tet'mlMte or cancel:tle- -aame; Ie) <br />~ Of modtfy the NmI' ao- U 10 'educe tM lillfm t!'lef80f !hf1 ('1\"181 Oily.bl4t <br />t~, or to Change any r.newal DrO'l'lsioos H,.,rein conhdtHKI. (dl waIve arw <br /> ~nder or br"Ch thereof; tel give an)' conMnt. w.h<~ or 3PPfQY.' <br />~ Of tak$ any otner actiOn In COftn<<:tiQn ITlef""U\, Ot wuh a Ie$He <br />t~. .mich wouid l\ave the .ntte1 of tmp,aiflno the ...-.lve of lM4oF!S lntet..! <br />theNunclw. on 1M Pmpwiy ~ tweto, or Of Jmpalrtng. lhe pMitlOO -or if'ot8fe$l <br />of In. Trutf.. Of 8erMIf1Gtary; or tt} self, ,"$Ion; pledge, fl'\O.1g&ge ~ o~hefwj.H <br />dtIpouot, OfellOUmoet', n.lntMMt In any suel'll&." or --'w rMla, hlsU8$ 0: CUDtlta <br />Inu!ng Of .rtamg thlnundrtr. <br /> <br />12. ~jf t1tiel0 any ~ Qf I1'le Property snail ~!.k~ If'! conoem~lioo <br />prQCMdtnga. by riGht ot em~t coma11\ Ot almhar: <<tWo. (}! shaH be wid Uf'\Oof <br />thrMt Of eotldemnatton, at! ""0$, ~ and ~ .<<1 t'lere()y .astgne1 <br />and Ihatt be paid to ~ Who anafl awtr ~<ctl aw.afds. damagN and <br />~ to the-.m:s M>CUnd by 1M TNSt o..a, witt! the lllX-C'eh, if -arty, pa~ 10 the: <br />TfWlor. Trustor witt~. aN! witfl O\Jlt di1~ ~, all.- aoct flMtoftt th@ <br />~ part of the Tna\ Prop9rt" to its fOf'fMf condilJQn SlJOSlllnUalh to t~ <br />..wd thattM SUM may be f-eu,tble &nO kl &$ te constituI. _ comolat. and u~ <br />..... <br /> <br />1S.,.............Upon f~-ot r...tor. 8eMf~, al8eo1\ieticWy's optlOO. <br />prtor 10~"" of the ~ tQ 1M TrustQt'. may ma<<. lutU(. ild\farn.::8$ 10 <br />1M Ttuttof. Such tutu,. .".encn." Wltt! 'nt~ IMreOft-. shaH be- ~ by lhis <br />Trua4 o...a wn.n ~ by ~ ~ $1at!ng: t"'-t uid fIOtU .,. <br />~ heMby; ~ that .1 I\tI time $hail In.t MCured :pflflClpaf. f.,jlU~ <br />~ not tfldUdmg !kUma ~ ta p;OUK-t thf; MCiJfiW. e_cMd .:me <br />nundnld parcM1 (tOO"') of 1M OrigUl&I pt'tJK:.~i &l'nOUflt. ..cured ~y <br /> <br />14.........~ All ~ p<<wlli.1.a In !hill fruat -Deed..te dJstlnct a~ <br />~toaftJotberfiOl\t 01 ftIfftIdy unoer 1M TlU$t 0Md 0.- atf-ocooMd t:y taw Ot <br />....,.....,be~COftQlff'entty, ~uy1lfauce~ <br /> <br />16. ........... ....-.. ..... Upon ~ by TtU~ tn tM- Dt.1'fi'IM Of .",. <br />~MGUteCI""or in'" ~ot any ~I~. <br />........."..., cMclaM a&l1WM MC\Qd MrIb)I ~ due find oa~" by <br />..,., to ~ of wauten ~tioA 01 o.tMltt. n. Tn..... ....... Nve the <br />,.., of.... of....PtQpettp MCI it ~..... ~ ~ 10 _...,. n <br />.........wltb Truu.W. Tl'UiIt Daeclanct aU ~ not.. aad ~t. <br />........... .......... ~ ....,.. and ~ cMih'W to T~ . *"~ <br />~.. cIIIeu:b II'd tIAection toea-. the ~ to tt. -*i, _no Iftlt T.......I" <br />twft............ ....... ~ In tI'Ie fomt ,..... b't __, wN:cn sMN De 0Uty <br />---.,- <br /> <br />.. .uw.....otlMlCftnm...~_~tw.w~t!.rw::oro- <br />IDort of...a nottoe 01 dehwtt., aAd I'lOtioa of CIetautt Md: ~ o;t _ hQtng <br />__....... ~ b)' ... Tn.dttlI, lIritftOut o.mana on lrustOf, anatI Mil: <br />tbe~OI\_"IR'Id__tkM MCi piact dMlQnated In MId ~ot <br />....... JII;IMc IIiC80ft to 1M NQhMt btdcMr. u. ~ Drio4t payabt!t In <br />..... ~ of tM -una.d sw. at tM tkM of __, n. ~ c-onoucttng <br />ttItIt__...,.. for any cau:MtIrf ~ ~ l>04.tpone ~..~ fr:!)ft'l <br />...._.'IMft..~ard.ln~~--. ~oI ~ <br />............ by p&aOtk: Cllc&lleOiOft ~ by wc:h J*'Mf\ .., 1M tifM <br />...,... IMl ~ 'for 1M __ ~ << tNJ .... '" -P<*q;JOMd for <br />......._1"...._......._"'..........__ <br />..........eMttin _...."..,.... tbltOriginel ~~ Mtit-. <br /> <br />r........ ~ awi...... 10 "'* ~ ~ 0..0 ~ _ <br />........................ tIftY ~ ~ ....~_....... ~...... 1M <br />...... ...... 01-. ___., fMtt, ..... Cilt ~ Pf'QOt of t~ <br />~___, '^"'.....~~. may ~*t lNi <br />- <br /> <br />.. ...,.,.....~to....__~ melnm......, tM <br />...... of _'MIIt-......... ........ W'llI........ of ~ "'" <br /> <br />=::=:.::-..:~.~=:..~;::~-: <br /> <br />......................... -... --....... <br /> <br />.. -......___..-.....\lIl...._....'_'" <br />_.........___.,~......11 ~.....~1 <br />.................. _....... ot............ _.. ord!W..... <br />..-- <br /> <br />.. 0IlIt..................... Jft~.....~.....,.., ~ <br />...--. <br /> <br />" ................... <br /> <br />__ ,"-_.M.., ,._...................~ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />16. OUu.. end Obltgatlona of Trus1... ~aJ The duties and obligations o~Trust~ <br />shall be determined !SoleI)' P'y the I:Bo'pr$5S pro'Vlslons 01 the Tru&1 Deed and Trustee <br />shall not be liable exceptlof tM perform-ar\Ce 01 such dunes and obligations as are <br />specifleally set forlh her&in, aM no Implied covenants or obligations shall be <br />ImpoSftd upon Trustee; (0) No provision of this Trust Deed shall require Trustee 10 <br />l)J(pend or rIsk (lis own hinds. or otherwise incur IIny f!nanclal obligation in the <br />performance ot any ollis duties h&reunder, or In the exercise of any of Its right or <br />powef8. If If shall have grO\JOOS for believing that the repayment 01 such funds or <br />adequale Indemnity against such riSk: or OabHlty Is not reasonably assured to It; (C) <br />Trust" may consult wllh \:ounsel of his own choosing and the advfce of such <br />counsel &hall be- full and complE/te aulhOftzatlon and protection in the respect of <br />MY action taken or suffered by a hereunder in gOOd faith and reliance thereon; (d) <br />Tftlstee shaft not be Hable for any action taken by him In good faith and <br />believed by him to b6 authOriz:ed or wIthin the dlscretlon or rights of powers <br />conferred upon It by this Trust Deed. <br /> <br />11 Addmon.l SIlourtty InstrutMnb. Trustor, at its e:tpeMe, wlH execute and deliver <br />to ttul Trullt". promptly upon demana. s.uch security Instruments as may be <br />NJqulr&d by Trl:l:stee. in lorm and su.b!ltllncft sahsfactory to Trustee. cov.rlng any of <br />!h4P Property conveyed oy lhl, Trust Oeea. whk:h aecorlty Instruments shall be <br />llddttlonal securIty lor Trustor's lan~ful performance ot all of the terms, covenenta <br />and cOnditlons ot t!':~s Tf'tlst 098d. the promissory oot88 secured- hereby, and any <br />other JJ!ltCUrlty Instruments e-X8Cuted In connection with this transaction. Such <br />fnstrJment!i shall be recorded or flied, and re-recorcIed and reflled. at Tru.tor'. <br />,"""".. <br /> <br />18-.M~~ <br /> <br />ill) In the \Went anyone Of more of the prOVisions contained In this Trust Deed or <br />the promissory no-:e or an)" security Instrument GIVen In connection with <br />this 1{8:nsacUon $~ltB 1m any feason be l'Ie-ld to be Invalid. lUegal Of <br />unenforceable '" any f81lilect, such lnvaltdlty, illegality, or unenforc.abtllty <br />shalL at {M, optlon of 8$neflciary, not aflect any olher proviaton of thts Truet <br />Deed, but thIs Trust O&ed shal-l be con.trued as If such Invalid. 1lI.1. or <br />i.mef' provl,:iofl h.eO t:eV&f ~n contained hMeln or therein,. <br /> <br />(bl 1"t!i.$ flu!!.l D$ed snail be> construed sceo",lng to tM laws of the State of <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />le) ThIs TrIJ8t O&ed ahAlI Inure to and bind the hek$, legatees. davlsen. <br />admlrus1r&.tOfS-, axeo::utors, !:UCCl!t>>Oo"$ and uslgna of the parties herelo. <br /> <br />(d) Tru.$ICt Stl-att pay all tS,ll.8S IO'iled upon this Trust Deed or the dabt secured <br />hafl~by. logather war. aft.., other te-xes or asses&m$r1ts whIch may be tev1ed <br />dgai-os'llile Truetaa- or BeneIICia!)' 0' the legal holder of said promissory note <br />en 3~CO.."t of ~he inaebtoonftSs llwldenced thentby. <br /> <br />iel Whene'\le~ I.'tI$O MfiIW1. lt1a SlfJQl..llar "umber ahall Inetud9 the plural, 1M <br />si"gul~..-. lnl'! 1.I~ of ally g{tf!oor sh.." be applfcable to all gendef1l, .nOlhe term <br />'Beneflciary' ~na!l mc!ude lin.... payee of ~he indebtednesa hereby secured or <br />;I.'1y IraolJf-e! theltlol. ....~E!JM. o~' otletation of law or otherwlM. <br /> <br />19. Succ.ucw Tru.... E,!.@f!I!)T;I::Huv!n.l!lrfro."lltlmet01lm-esubstltuteasuoceuoror <br />~vccenors to any Tf~t" narn(l{l ' or a~tlno hentundlN' to execute thll TN,t <br />Deed. UOOfl ...'-Ch apPOlf\tl'llel1t an<! ....ithoul con"."anee to the succeeaor Truatee, <br />!~ ialter !tnaJi t!fJ> \'tlSle<l wl{n aH title. POWttl'S. and duttn conferred upon any <br />'-'\J!lIH tljil'll'U1 r>-amed or acUrtg ner.lInder. Each SUCh appointment .nd <br />~lJbSUtuUon .nall be m&Oe b) WHiten Inatrunwtlt by BeMflcluy. <:ORt.loln; <br />r.'-'ehCt'l 10 "'IlS Ttusl Deed ano it& place 01 ~, which whtl\ recorded In the <br />olt1ce at tM AeglSUf nf ne.o" Of t~ COURt)' Qf countlMi In whletl Mid property '. <br />!ti!u&t~ snail be (;'t'l oroof of "fop&!' aP90lntment of the eucc-euor TN.t.... <br />T~ t~no powe.r Q! $ut)stlh.ltlon anO the procedure tMrefortt ahall not be <br />!I.chJSI~ of the a.rtd prOC~Uf. Cfov1ded fOf by iew fOf the aubstltuUon of a <br />Trvslee Of' T!U9t$8S!:'< tNt place or tn. TfuMee <br /> <br />2'0- ~ by a.n.ttd..-y Qt' Tna... Not . W..... Any forebearance by <br />'*l'f Of TrU$tM 1rI\\) any f!gin! or remedy hereuncffJf. Of O1henrrlae <br />.ttora.a bv appiic-&b(e f.., s-nall !'lot De a W&Mtt of or praciude the flll.n:tHMt of any <br />liQ:ht Of ~ t\ef'tN~, Ll~e*,h_. me walvtN Dy ~ficlary or Trust.. ot .ny <br />deJa",! 01 TnBto: u~ !N$ Tn:rsl Deed :!hall not be ~ to b>tt a WltiV<< of.any <br />other O! sunilat' 08taulta suMeQuenllV oc.cutrmg. <br /> <br />21. r,._ MOl RliMMd. ht~'IDn Of the tlrM to!' payment or modlfleatlon or <br />IUN)fUuttor;. m In. $ams ~Uf.o by this Trust Deed granted by Beneftctary to any <br />~ In iflterMt of Tr<J1ttOl' II"'." not opera,. to f....... In any mannet'. the <br />JlabHl1v Of tM Oftgll'1ai Trustor Of Trustor'S succ-..or In in1erot &m.fietGy anall <br />~ ~ '-.autn.<a to c-ommence p~ .gal,.t such ~SOf Of refu.. to <br />u~ tllnt !tv ve)'1t\er\l 0' nt~lh modify amortl:tatlon of the eUmf; MCUf80 by <br />~~It TruslQeed b'ftM$QflQf fl'Wdemand Tt\ilde by t"eOOo,"al TnatOfandTrustor'e- <br />'it\.lC~'SOI'S I~ mt.,..t <br /> <br />'12_ o.e.k. It t~. ~il be . dtlt.utt tloo.e- thls 0lMd of Trust or undef any- prtof <br />~~, If\e &.n.t!CUlI'" may C-YItJ. e.-uch 9taul1, ana the amount. ad'wlll't~ by, <br />.no othw costa ~ ..pansat. ot t,- benef;clary In curing default, with <br />1nl...' at 1M o.tatm rate <:ont.uned: In the Not. MCt.Ued heNby from the tlIM of <br />lM "'ancu 01' pII~l. "Mil be-1WdeG to the lnd:ebtednMa HCur" by th~ <br />u..o ana may 0. cot'-Ct*i I'IeteUnGef' at any tirroeatter the tlm. of soch advanc:ea <br />'F\SlIo.~lo~MCWeohf,rwbr. <br /> <br />23, 0pII0n-.. F......... Upoh the occur.nce of any t>>fautl he1euftdef. a.neflclary <br />-"all ~.tNt QpttoO to tor.cJQM Hi-I. TrUSt 0M0 In t1\t manner PfQVtdec:I by law for <br />1"- ror.c~. 0' mOOQaoe:s Ofl ~i Pf'QDl!Itty <br /> <br />2.. T........ "tel*. AbMnt DefMIft. lJotil any o.'ault In the payment of <br />''lOM:1~ ~ MeureoOt un"l tt'\tl ~ho' .ny~1 ~nconl.lned. <br />tM lroatOI\ It& a.x.~ aM .HiOM. $l"laU pQMeP and an}oy the propwty. and <br />r...". the ~ .<\0 J)!'O"tl t~. Upon payment of aU euma QC\INd by Ints <br />TfUt;1 0Mc1 ~1MV .sf\al-l ~t Trvst.. to r.e~ 1M f)ttlCMtl1y and shall <br />~ tr>q Tru"- t>Md and all MI._ ~ indel)tednNt ~ by tnla <br />Trust o..d to lrU$!ee- Tfl-.i$l_ ahatl "tC~ the. oroperty -nthout w~ and <br />"-lt~' thA~ to' \!"4 ~toM ~n)' .,-,Utled 1~, The Grant.. in any <br />r~&nc. ".*" tie dc.&ctftleQ U- '"tntJ pe:aon CI' ~ 8I'titted tMrelc," ancl <br />m. rtlC'tlllt$ l~'" o-f .tly m.1t.,. ('l( futa shall be ~ !)fOOl of tM <br />l1'U'lhfu~ ,,,*-..>t SiJC~ ~SOl"l (>> tler~ sh&'IPtJ'j aUC:OIIt. of~ If any. <br /> <br />25. ~.... t:~t of T.......... in tha ~t in. t1U. to M-Mi , <br />!~. 0< ~wact--.d\S~, fn:)m tn.~fofany r-.oflOf <br />Of any ~ ..t\a~. t.... .f1U,.. prlnct;lal .un; ana ~ int...t at <br />~~ OfIyabSe at t~~t\On 0' tt\f: e.nef'ICfa'Y, failu,. to..~ <br />"'*. OfIt~ tAclbl" 01 ~:--aNf.. <:'it Ht~ IlS tWO'nJ .l&l~ il't 0l'lIt li'\ala~ ahatt not <br />OO:nSlml. a *~ of tl".. nght I~ __..:iao1Nlaame m. t~..-.n' of any subMqUlH\t <br />t!lNi* <br /> <br />.. Ti'tts..... 0' l!Va1 11, Nf'OOof to 0f'lI o.e.o ~.~JiJ.A...~-_~_,"~_ __~.____.. <br /> <br />eseo.l*' W l'fVt.tof 10 ,_.. .~. __.""__~~, T"'*M, <br /> <br />~.~~~f"" <br /> <br />~and-.... kK ftlICOt'# _Ill'> tN~Nttt)>f OMcM-and IOInt...... ~ <br />