e record~,,/ $3-.._ "f1C16327
<br />~ -~--.. ii u ~ u~ 4
<br />I rrnirr, =+ra:.n .rrrecmern ur applic-ahlc taw. Borrower shall pay the amnunrof all mortgage insurincY prrniitims in-ihe-
<br />mannrr providcD unc)cr pantcraph 3 hereof. - - .
<br />'Any amrnmts tlist+ur.<c<I by Lender purvuant to this paragriph~ 7, with interest thereon, shall become additioha(- -
<br />inakbtednc_ss of ltarrowersecurzd by this Mnrtcuge. t`»less Borrower and Lender agree to ntherterrits-nf'payirieiit.~siteit"-
<br />amamts she+l Ix~-p:ap"able upon notice from- Lender to Bnrmwrr rcyursring payment thrienf, anti shall hear interest'ft'om`fhe -
<br />date-nfJ'rsMtrsemegt at-the rate payable front time to time on nutsronding principal under-the Note unless payrttentiof"
<br />interest nt such r:rie wrndd be contrary to a.pplicabk law, in u high event such amounts shall hear interest at t(te high8s[7ate-` -
<br />pertnissihlc under applicable low. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shal(require Lender to-incur any expense-oF(ake:- -
<br />::ny-action hereunder. - - - - - - -
<br />8. Enspection. -Lender mav.make or goose to he made-reasonable entries tipnn and inspe,;tions of the FYOperty. provided'-- -- -
<br />that Lender-.hat! give Bnrmwer notice prior to :my such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related-to' Lende_Ys'-: -
<br />iniereet in the Property. - - - - -
<br />9. Cnndemnntion: The proceeds nP any award rrr claim for damages, direct nr consegaeniiah in-connecfiori'wiifi"any--
<br />cnndcnuwtinn ornther taking of the Property. or part thereof, or for convrvtmce in lieu of cnnderrination, are herehp~agsigned
<br />a mi ;hall-he paid ru Lender. - ~- - - -.
<br />In the ergot of a total taking of the Property. the precceds shall he applied to the sums- secured 6y this- Mortgage: -
<br />,~irh [hc excess. ii' any, n;tid t.~ Borrower. In the event of a partial taking-ttf the Property. unless Torrower and Leaden
<br />otherwise agree in writing tficrr shall he applied a, the units secured by this Mortgage such proportion of-the-'proceeds`
<br />as is aqua! to that proportion `.which the amount of the alms cecnred- by this Mortgage immediately prior to the -date'of -
<br />n;i:ing he:vc to the fair markrt ,=;tiue of the Property' immecti:UCly prior to the date of taking, with the balance 6f the proceed§-
<br />paid to Rnrrower. -
<br />If the Rropert}' i<,bandoned h}' &,rrourr. nr if. after notice by Lender to Rarrnwer-that the condemnor nffets-fa make - -
<br />an award or ,ettle. a ,lotto ter d:nnages, Rormwer fails to respond to 1 ender within 30 clays after the-date -such-~no[ice is
<br />mailed. Lcndcr is authorized to rnlica and apply the pmcecds. at bender's option, either to restoration nr repair of the
<br />Propert}' nr to the cline >ccu red he this Mortgage, -
<br />i_!nkss Lender and Born:+ver~othencise agree ut writing. env such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due Joie eC t'::c monthly instalimenu rcierred ro in paragraphs I and 2 herenf or change the amount of
<br />such insrolimentc. -
<br />10. liorr»wer Noi Released. Extension t~f the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage grained hp Lander n, any succesor in intcrect of Borrower shall not operate to release. in any manner,
<br />[hc liability .-,t file orieina! Rormwer anti Rnrrower's srccessors in interest. Lender shall not he required to commence
<br />proceedings against arh successor or refuse to extend rime for payment nr otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage hr reason t,f any demand made hr the original Borrmver and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />1 L Forbrnranee try lender Not a K'airer. Any fixbearvse be Lcndcr in exercising an}~ right or remedy hereunder. or
<br />athetwise a(fnrtied by applicable !aw. sh:dl not he a waiycr of or preclude the exercise of any such right or tamed}'.
<br />The prtx:urement of iasurancc or the pavntam at texts or other [ens nr :harks by Lender shall not he a waiver of T.endet's
<br />right u. aec.!arate the matnritc of nc~ mdehtedness ~r,;urrJ by chi. Mortgage.
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative. 4(I roueJies praudcd in chi, Ainrtenac arc Distinct and amni6divc to any other right or
<br />remed}• coder this Mortc:afc of alinrded hr I:t>• t,r r,;ui n-..mD may he rxrrcised concurrenti}. independently nr successively'.
<br />2~, Suecessocs ;ant Assigns Bound; Joint and Se. oral Liabilih: Captions. The roamtants and agreements herein
<br />contained sisal hind. and the righb hereunder shall inure tn. [he respectise suecesutn and .assimts of Lender and Borrower,
<br />;object to thz provisions of poracsaph 1? hereoi_ ..-VI rt+vcnarts anti acn•emcnn of Borrower shall be i.,int and several.
<br />~Tho captions end hemiincs of !hc p;traaraph, of this Ainnen~r err t~.r ..on•cmcoce nnt~ :nnl :tre n:+t he used to
<br />interpret nr define the pn+vacions hercarF.
<br />14. Native. Except for an} nacre rryriircd under ., iy,6c.~hic tart at he riven in another manner (a) nnc notice to
<br />Burrower provided rot in this \itangrec shall t~~r Ln rn %n- :n;u iin,• sash ntstic.: h.. certified mat sddressad to Borrower at
<br />the Proixnv Addre>s or ^r sari other ,+.!drrs, .,; &,r rower mst decign;rtc ht notice m T ender as provided herein, and
<br />(b) any notice to Lentkr shall he eh-an hr .cnaiid n..ui. r~tnrn ~„ reyucged, ;o Landers address stated herein or to
<br />c m;
<br />such ether address es Lcndcr mat dccign;ttc h. rt~aisc r., fiat, t•u o' as prat idcti herein. 4n}~ notice provided for in this
<br />Dtortgagz shat! he deemed to bare been given !, Borroucr ar I ender uhcrt g;vrn in the manner designated herein.
<br />15. C`niform ;itortgagc; Go+crninK C.aw; Sc+erabilih. i hi, term ,,f nxutgagc cnntii rtes uniform a,ecnants fur national
<br />use and non-anitonn cnventnt; is ith limited ,.arierinm h~ u~ncd~anon to ~~onsatnte a uniform securrty instrument covering
<br />real property. This Mnrtg.,ec shall h;• gas arned by tL•e tau .,i the inrisdiction in which the Property is lecated, Tn the
<br />event that any proeismn or c!su.+: ttf this Aion_a~•c „r the A',~ir contlia, uiih uppiicahle flow, such conflict shall not affect
<br />other provision .+f the '+tong'aga or the tiotc trhich can ha raven e(kct uiihoul the ennflicting provision, and [o this
<br />end thr provisions of the 4k,rtgagz and the '~oic arc dzciarcd n, he severable.
<br />16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower sitni! ho furnished a rondxnmd copy of nc~ Nate and of this Dortgage at the time
<br />of exrcution or after rocnrdation hereto.
<br />t7. Transfer of the Property; Aa~muptioa. li al! nr am pun at thz Propmrtp or a intcrzst ttrercin is sold or Iransfe-rreci
<br />6y Borrower withont Lender', prior writtca loosen;. excluding tai the .:realign of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to
<br />this Mortgage, fhl the creation of a purchase mono}~ scauit} interest for household appliances. (ci a transfer by devise,
<br />descent ar by operavon of tau upon the death ~t t }oin t n tot ur -° _
<br />t end r may, at (- ndcr c option. declaer afl the sutt~ sp~pec (~y~r ~V~r, t be
<br />immediately due :md pa}•abie. T zed- r shall hate a-ai, d -trh option to accelerate i[, pn r tip ,er. L- er
<br />and the person to whom the Prop n is to h ,old nr transt erred tech agmenteni in wet ~~>~
<br />is satisfactor}° [a Lender and that the interest payat±le on thr sum: szw red b} this Mor[ga
<br />shall request. iE Lender has waived the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17, and if Borrower`s successor in
<br />interest has executed a written assumptinrt agreement accepted in a tiring b}' l..ender. Lender shalt release Borrower from all
<br />obligations under this Mortgage and thz Note.
<br />if tender cxereises such option to accelerate, I znder shall mail Borroucr ratio rf acceleration in accordance with
<br />paragraph lA hereof. Such notice shall provide a period of not lass than ?0 days from the date the notice is mailed within
<br />which Borrower may pay the suers declared due. if Bomracr fails to pay such sum, prior to the expiration of such period,
<br />Lender may, without further notice ur demand on borrower. utvoke any remedies penniueti h} paragraph 1 S hereof.
<br />- NorhUNtt~oat+t (.:,ovzae~;rs. Borrower and 1_ender hn'ther covenant and agree as follows:
<br />t8. Ae<tlartrtion; Remedies. pxcept as provided in paragraph ri hereof, upon Borrower's breach of any covenant or
<br />arscema(t!. of Borrower in kris Morlgagr, including the covenants to pay when due any sums secured 6,y this Mortgage,
<br />-Leodv prior to acceeration shall omit aoflce to Borrower as pruyided in paragraph 14 heretF sperifyhrg: (t) the breach;
<br />(Z~ (ttt actiwr regpired to, cure such breach; (J) a dale, oat less than 30 days from fire date the notice is mailed to Burrower,
<br />_ by t-htch sticEi- bretteh iitt~t he, eared; and (J) that failure to rare such breath nn or beforr the date specified in the notice
<br />may resnlt (tt aGCe(tretioq of the sums secured by this Mortgage, toreclwure by judicial proceeding and sate of the Property.
<br />The rrutlce snail-farthee inform Borrower of the right to reinstate alter arreierution and the right Gr assert in the foreclosure
<br />proceeding the noa•exlateuce of a deEwll or any other defense of Burrower to acceleration and foreclosure. if the breach
<br />oat crircd on or-before the bate specified in the notice, isrulcr at tender's option may declare all u[ the sums secured by
<br />this ;41or(Catie to qc iiaiuediatelj~ due and payable without further demand and may forertose by judicial proca`rdin8. [seder
<br />shalt be oet(fkd to ca-left ht such procecdfag all espet>xes of turerh>sur€, [achrdlag, but aot limbed ta, eos9s of documentary
<br />evidence, abstrerts and-title reports, -
<br />19. Btrrrowerrs Bight to Reimtate. Nonvdhstandurg L.cnder's acceletaRon of the srun* sa'aoed h}- this sfortg~rgc.
<br />Borrztic~cr stwii Ttave tfk right rr+ h:;vc any pt?x~edings begun h} Lender to enfore this titortg gc uk+eniirurcd at any dine
<br />