<br />I
<br />
<br />83- 0011J~:,
<br />UNIFORM CovENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree a5 follows: ~
<br />L ...,-.. of Priadptll and IDteItiL Borrower shall promptly pay when due the pnncipal o,f and interest .on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as proVided ,n the Note, and the pnnc'pal of and Interest
<br />Oft any FUlure Advances secured by Ihis Deed of Trust.
<br />:z. F.....few T_ and 1_, Subjeelto applicahle law or to a writlen waiver by lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to lender on the day monthly installments of principal and in.eres. are payable under the Nole, until the Note i~ paid in fuU,
<br />a sum' (herein uFunds~) equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments whtc~ may aU31!1 priority .over this
<br />Deed of Trust~ and ground rents on the Property. if any. plus one~twelfth ?f yearly premlllm Installments tor hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mort~agc insuram:e, If any, .all as reasonably estlm~ltcd initially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and hills and reasonable estimates .hereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which arc Insured OJ guaranteed ny ~l Federal 01
<br />stat~ agency (induding Lender if Lender is such an institution), Lenuer shall apply the runds to pay said tall.Cs. as"cssmcnts..
<br />insurance_ premiums ilnd ground rents_ Lender may not charge for so hoJdlllg and applYing the Funds. amllY/lOg "iall! accoun1
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and biHs, tlnles~ Lender pays Born~wcr ml.crc'\t on the .funds. ..lIul applicable fa~-
<br />permits: Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree 10 wCltlng at Ihe tunc of c.xcculton of thiS
<br />Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower. and unJesc; such agreement tS made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid. lender shall not be required 10 pay Borrower ~HlY mfere'\t or carnjn~s on the Fund.... l.ender
<br />shall give to Borrower. without charge, an annual accountmg of the Fund'\ showmg credits and den,1\. to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made:, The Funds arc pic:dged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust.
<br />If Jhe amount of the Funds held by Lender. iogcJher With the future monthly installmenrs of FHrld~ pay.lhlc pflor 1<)
<br />the due dales of taxes. assessments, insurance premiums ~md ground rents, shall c.\cccd the amount requlr~d 10 pay said I~_xcs.
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground renb as. they tat! due, such e\c:e~~ ",hill! he. at Borrower's option, etther
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited h.1 Borrower on month!y insrallments of Funds. If the amount of the Fund~
<br />held by Lender sha.ll not he suflident fo pay taxes. assessments. insurance premIUms and ground rcoho as they faU due,
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount necessary In make up the deficiency WIthin 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof,
<br />Upon payment in fun of all sums secured by thiS Deed t1f TrU"~t. Lender shall prol"nptiy refund ~o Borrower any Ftinds
<br />held by lender. If under paragraph' 8 hereof the Property;... sold or fhl~ Property IS othcrw:sc acquired by I.ender. Lender
<br />shall apply. no later chao immediately pnor to the "iale of Ihl~ Property or its 3cqmSltlOn by Lender. an)' Funds held by
<br />lender at the time of application as a credit against the sums ~cured by thiS Deed of Trust.
<br />3. App&icadon of PaYlllents.. Unless applicable bw plll....ldc<; otherWise, all paymcnh rcc~I\>cd hy l.ender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs] and 2 here~f shall he appltcd by Lender firsl lfl payment ot ;u:nOl.IIll\ p~yahlc lo 1 couer ~y Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof. then to Interest payable on the No!e. then to the prtnl'lpal of thc Note. and then to mterest and
<br />princip.1 on any Future AdVances,
<br />4. Ctunwa; IJens. Borrower shall pay all (.He", J:-.scssmenh and uther charges.. tint'''' iHld 11llpn\Hions ;ltlrjbllt~lblc hl
<br />the Property which may auain a prionty over thIS Deed nf Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rent!i. if any. in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid lil such manner. by Borwwer makmg payment, when due. directly
<br />to the payee Ihereof. Borrower shall promptly furnidl to I COtler all n(lHce~ of amount'" due under thiS paragraph, and in the
<br />event Borrower snail make payment directly, Harro......er sh311 promptl}. furnIsh hI lender rt'l..'ClptS CVI(kIKll1g sw.:h payments.
<br />Borrower shall promplly discharge any lien whtch has pnorily "...n thl" Deed ~lf 1 ru"it; pW\'ldcd. that thll fPwcr "ihall nut he
<br />reqUl~d to discharge an)" such lien so long as BOrfower <.;ha~l ;l~H:l...' HI \\-rltlng 10 Ihe pavrncm tlf {.he ohltgatlOn secured by
<br />such hen in a manner acceptable to Lender. or s.haH m good t;uth i.-OWeSl Sllch lien hy. or delcul! cnllln__cmcnl of such hen m.
<br />legal procccchogs- which operate (0 prevenl the enforcemenl "! the lien nr f,--.rtetturc (,t" lhe pfppt.'ny ,If any part '.hereat
<br />5. H.......lft5Ul'aIItt. Borrower shall ke-ep (he unprovcmenh now t:'\.l'wng or hctc:.illcr eri.'t.:lcd i,\fl the Pm~rty IOnlfcd
<br />against loss. by fire, hal.ards included within the term "e:\h.~nded cover..g~", dnd ..u..:h other nal-ard.. ih J cotler may rcquir.::
<br />and in such amounts and (or \uch pertods .i) I.ender may rC-4Uift:; proVided. that LClH.kt .,hall fll){ fCqWft: th.-\( the amount of
<br />such coverage exceed thai amount of coverage reqUired tfl pa~ the sum... sCl.:ufcd b~' Jill'.. DCt~d of rm.;,1
<br />The insurance Larder providing the in'\uf,lOn. ...haH he dlO~n hy Borrower suhject (11 appl'O\'.ll hy l t'ndcr. flfOVldcd.
<br />that such approval shall nor be unreasonably withheld_ Ail prenllums nn IIlsurancc policies shall t>t:- paiJ in fhe manner
<br />provided UDder paragraph 2 hereof or. It nO[ paId HI ~uch manner. hy 8orrower making payment. ",..hen due. directly to the
<br />insurance carrier,
<br />AU insurance policies and renewals thereof shaH h" In t.,.1fnl 4"-l:cp!ablc 1\1 I cover and ..hall InC"~lld(' a standard mongage
<br />clause In favor of and in fl..1rm ai:ceptabie to f .endcr I coder ..hall have the fight to hold the policies ;.md renewals thereof.
<br />aud Borrowcc shall prompdy furnish w Lender ::ill n:newai notices and a.1l recetpts {If p.uJ prc:mltlm.... In the event of los...
<br />Borrower sha11glVc prompt notice to the msurance carner .t.nd I coder Lender may. make proof ill' loss II not made promptly
<br />by Borrower,
<br />UnJes.'\ lender and Borrower tJlherwl5C agree m ""flt!ng. msuram:c ptocet..-d:i. "hall ~ :.1pphcd In fC-;;;;foration or repan of
<br />the Propcrt)' damaged. provided soch ~roration or rep;.llr h t:>.;"(mHOlII,:aHy Ie-.bible ,u1d the: "'Ci:llflt)' or rhl\ D1:cJ of 1 rust '"
<br />not thereby impaired. H ,uch restoratton or r~pil.lr 1\ O\.lt L'1:tmnnlll.':allv tca~lhl(' tU It the ~CCllrlty of thl', Deed of Trtl"it would
<br />be impaired. the insuram.'-C proceeds. shall be apphed to the 5ums 'Scl:ured by lhi'\ lxcd of "I ru~t. WIlh tht.' C\l.C....", If any. paid
<br />to Borrower. If the Property is abandoned by Borro\\cr. ;.'r if (klrfo..-,cr !'uh ttl rnp\mo to l.ender wHhm 30 day~ trum the
<br />daCe notice is mailed by l.ender to Borrower that the !I1surann:: ..:arner (.nCh to scuie .t daml (or m~"raw.:c hcm~fit'l. Lender
<br />IS authorjzed to (;oJlect and apply the lmliurancc pro~-ce\h at Lender's op',on either to f(,'storatlon or repair ('If (he Propeny
<br />or 10 the sums ""cured by IhlS Deed of TntSt,
<br />UntC$S Lender and Borrower otherw,~ agree Hl wfltln!t. .tn~' ~u~h i.lpphcatlon lit pWi.'ccds hi prinCIpal ...h:til nul C1I;leno
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly inslaUmeuh n..tCHt.~d ii-I In pamgraph" 1 and ::! hereol or I..'hangc the amount 01
<br />such installments, If under parqraph IX her\Xll lhe I)ropen\ l' ,i...qUlfeC bv Ixndcf, ..II nght. wle .tod Ifltcrc\.l lit BorrnYo'er
<br />in and 10 any ins.urance poh~J-~ .and m and It.' the pnxeeO'!. thert.~of r~ulllng tr(t1ll damage to lhe- Pnlpcrty prI,}r Itl Ihe ~i.\ic
<br />or acquisition ~haH pass to Lender 10 the: ('",tent 01 the \Ulm, .,.t.~~urcd tl\ Ihl'). Deed llt I"rU:'lol IInmedtJ.ldy prH.lf" \ll ,uch !:laic or
<br />acquisition,
<br />6. 1'nMr...... and M.am-e of P""",rl)' (,._hokk: ('ondominium.; Planned Unit ~..Iopm.nb, Borrower
<br />"haJl k<<p the Property III gu\i(j repair ..md ...hali lll)f ~_,'nHHt[ '^';t\l.h.." O~ 0:ffH1! Ilnp.wnwnt l'r ..kh.'fh"j";ltlun nf the Prtl~r\}
<br />and shall comply with the P-fO\,Is,I\)nS of ;u)\- lease If thiS Deed ".f TrU!!oll!o (Ill J. ica~chold_ JI thl" Deed ot Tru~tl:o. ('" 11 uml tn It
<br />condom.nium or a planned unil de\'ciupment. Borrower s.haH pedorm ..i!i t't H-orm'A"cr-, ('hhg~tth)n'}. onder Iht: dcl"l..ralloll
<br />or covenants creann8 or gt.')vcrnlOg the t.:oOOomlOlUm ~'lr planned LHllt tie"'-Cl(lpmem. the by"l;iW~ ;1nd T~gulation"" {It the
<br />condominium or plann('d unlt de:\"dopmem, and Cl..lnSlHuent dlX:umenh_ il ~t ..__omjornulluOl l}f planned lIl11t dC'och1pment
<br />rider is eJ(eC:Uled by Borrower and recorded loge-fner With thl\. Deed pI 1 ru~[, tth: \.-oVefl:"lIlh .HUJ .igrccfHcllh nJ ':ouch fide!
<br />sbaU be IllCOf1'OI'lted iOlo and shall amt'nd and Suppic-01em the l.:"PVenant\ and agreements l't Ihl~ need (11 rrU\l ,l~ if the f1der
<br />-... a part hereof.
<br />,~ PncedIo..of l.eadft'''s ~y. If Borro\ll-er ta!l~ 10 pertHrm rhe CQvenant!\. anti <J~rct."mcnh (~!nialllt;d in lhl....
<br />~ ?f Trua. or I.f any acl10n _Of proceedlnl.lS i..',ommcnced whl!.":h m.Hcnally ,ttfe':b LcnUer'~ mlcr~{ 111 the Property,
<br />fncia.tin,. but not !tmtted to. emlnem dom.am. !nM.lt,-enc}--. ..":ude l"ntOfl.:cment. ,-)r ~Hr.Htgcmenh or pflx:ecJmg'1 lll\ohll\g .1
<br />bankrupl-or decedent. then Lender at Lend~r's O~ton, upon nohcc In fl<lrroweT. may mat..i' -such aJ'peJfafH.;~" dl\hurw ~lh.:h
<br />$UI'DS. and take litkb c!=Hon a\ IS. fltX.~ry liJ pn.ltect Lenuer'" Intefe\L !nciuJH1~, hll lUll lillllh:d tp. \.it...i"'lH~t'rnent o!
<br />rcuonable auorney'i tea. and runy upt'lft the Properly 10 m..ke f'Cp;Ur'l, If I .:nder r~4UHCU m\'H(g~ge m,iH.tJh':t' ,~.., .\
<br />~tion C?f maklftll~ toatl ~tued b)- tht:! Deed of Tn"l, u.orn.)\\:er \hall pay lht.'" rrCtlllUm~ rcyuHl'ti h~ Hlall1l~lIn \\H:h
<br />~ ~ dfect un..1 such tune as the r~uuemenl tor ,"uch m"uran...c tcrrmnate\ m .lc"I;\lrdan(,~c Wl(h IhHn'lWl'r\ ~nd
<br />leader. wnt;ten --arcemcot or- applicable law Botn,..er s.haH pay the ..t!ununt nt all monga~e In\Ufal1Ce rrcmHun~ In the
<br />- PfOvided under paratn.... 2 hereof.
<br />. MY alDOIUlts dlsbuned by tender pu-rma~t to thHi par~rarh 7, '4.fh lll:h."test Iheft,'~ln :-h;,n h.....::(lnlr.' ;,uJIIH.n,ll
<br />Imh_UA1.!U of 8onowe-r tceUl"ed h-y th., lleed of l"rust_ linles" ~1rro..ef and tender J-gft:C h' ttltWf !ernl\ ;)f pa~l11eHf. '\u\.'h
<br />~ tllaU be: payable upon nouve: hum Lendct to &'lfrt\\io\'c-r rcquC'~liI\~ l.Xl)'mem tfittcof, ;md dl~H f"C<!l !fltc'e~t !htlH thi:
<br />4ueo-f ~UUlU . at tho rate payable from li:lnc UJ time \.l.n \luhtandinv. prm~lpat under the N\l{C IH\h:\\ pa""'lelll ~\t lnteresl
<br />at ~._r_ would be cunlfary to apphcahlc t.\\. !O ",tw..." eVi,;nt '*'.tN.:h amounh ...h:ttl ~iH n:~kn.'''1 ~I! dl(' htt::he.,t u.tt'
<br />~ Uftldet appbc_bIe ...... Nothmg (tmtau\eU- In th,"\. p.H~Jrarh '"! ~h..H l'i.."Qmrc: I endcr It, If\\,'ut M\\ l'_\f"t!nsc \.\! lake
<br />.., - hemmdet,
<br />I.. ........... Leader may ma"e t..H i.,;jil\lW- \(" be made n:oa,"m.bte cfltne.... llrl't~H .tn\.1 m"pt:dIHn... p! lhc Pr.lfX"'tH'_ pH'- lIh:d
<br />t..... 1..... ""1 'live 8ofn_., noh<:t prWf In .ttiy ,,:u;,;h u~th.~n ..pr(j{~"mtt ft~a.~pn.lN(' ;;;au",c- H!t:,~.tN rr.I.I:l'..t L\ t \'pd\.'l '\
<br />,_ '"lhe ~
<br />