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<br />I <br />83-o011~L~ <br /> <br />(l }montlrprior to its diie date the annual mortgage ,nsurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development p~rsuantto the <br />National Housing Ad, as amended, and applicabie Regulations thereunder: Or <br /> <br />(II) If and so long as. said note of even date 3lId this Instrument are held by Ih!, Secretary of Housing and <br />lJthilil Development; a ~nthly charge (in Ueuof a mor~ illSUf/ltlce premium) which shall be in an <br />amount e<jUaltoone.twelfth(l/12) of one,half (1/2) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due bn the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments; <br />(b) _ A $!lilt equal to dte ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on <br />polic~,of fire and,othll<-h_rd insurance_covering the mortgal!<d property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />OIlthe;Jn,Qrtgajjed property{allas estimared by. the Mortgagee! Jess all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />assessments-.will become delinquent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre. <br />miums,t"es and specilllassessments; and . <br />(c) All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this'paragraph and all payments to be made-under <br />the note secured 'hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each IllQllth in a single payment to be applied by the Mortg"8l'e to the following items in the order set forth: <br /> <br />(I) premiwn -"barges under the conu"ct of insurance with the Secretary or Housing and Urban Development, <br />or -monthly cbaige (in lieu of tnortgaj(€ insurance pre.t?'riuml. as the case may be; <br />(II) ground rents, taxes, assessmenlS, r.... and other hazard insurance premiums: <br />(lH) interest on the note sceured hereby; and <br />(IV) amortization of the plincipal of said note, <br />Any deficiem:yin the amou!lt of any such aggregate monthly payment shall. unless mad. good by the Mort. <br />gagor prior to the due date of the next such p"ymcnt. ,,,"stiIUl< "n event of default under this mortgage', The <br />Mortgagee may collect a "lale charge" nol tu exceed tour ccnl. (4,;) fur each dollar ($1) of each payment more <br />than fifteen (15) Jays in arrears to cover the extra expense involved in handling delinquent payments, <br /> <br />:1. That if the wtnl of the payments mad" b~ the \lort~agor und..r ! t! of paragraph t !)f'pcpding shall pxceerl <br />thp lU1Iount of payments actually made hy thp \~llg"" for I1round rentH. ta,,'s and assessments or insurancp pre- <br />miUllIs, as the case may be. s\leh excess, If the loan IS CUrIent, at the option of the Mortgagor, shaH be credited by <br />th.. \lortgagf'e on subsequ..nt payments w be mad.. hy Ih,' \Iortj!aj!or, M ",funded 10 Ihe \lortgagor. If. however. the <br />monthly payments made by the Mottga!lO' under (b J of paragraph 2 precedin!! shalloot be sufficient to pay ground <br />rt.m~ taxes and a.s~essmffits or insuran(~(" pnlmjum:--. a...., tht~ \'<1....,.. may be-. ",hpn the ~ame shall be-come due and pay. <br />able, then the Mortgagor Khall pay to thl' \lortga/l"" any amount n"""R,ary to ma!... up th.. defkipncy, on or before <br />the date wbenpaymf>llt of suclll1round rents, tax..", It;<s,',,,,ment,, '" in~uran~e premiums ,mall be due, If at any <br />iiilit' !be Mortgagor shall lendpr to the \Iortgllgpe. in a"l'ordall"" with Ihe provi"ion" of the note "e~ured hereby, <br />full payment of the entire jndebtedn.."" repr"''''ntlld ehereby, eh.. \lonlllljl;ee "hall, in ,'olllpuiing the amount of such <br />indebtedness. credit to the account of rh. Mortpllor aU pa)'ments made under the proviSions of i 0) of paragraph 2 <br />htlreef. whid1lhe~toRl!1ll!e& baa 001 00<--01111. ohlillated 10 pay 10 \he'relary of lIonsin!! ~nd llrban Developmenl <br />and any balance remaininl! in the funds ...,cullIulllood und..r \he provisions of (hi of para!(l'llplt 2 hereof, \fthere <br />shall be a defaull onder any of thl' pro\'S""" of this IllIltlJl3j!" ,,'''ullinll in :t public sale "I' thO' pt1'mises ('overed <br />hereby. or if thp \Iort.gagee acquire" the pmp.'r" Hlh.'r",,,e "ft.., d..fllult, th.. \lorlJlag.... shall apply, 8tthe IUne of <br />the commen".....""l of RUI-n proc....dinIlS. or at th.. ,im.' lh., pro""rt~ .,. (leh"""",. acquired. the balanc.. then r..main. <br />inll in the funds ac('umulaood unoor, 'i (.f par,,!!ral'h ! I'",....din/l, :I>' a n..dit "ll"inHlthe amount of principal then <br />remaininll unpaid undO'r said nol.., and ,hall,'rh adJu"l any pav-"," "h,,'h ,.hall hn.. bl'el1 made under ia.! <br />af paragraph ;!. <br />01< Thai the Mortgagor Will pal' ground r~nb. r~1"e~. ~'-',e~smenh, '-'ater rate~, .J:nd othtr governmental or municipal <br />charges. fines. tir ImptlSilJOns. for whi..:h pro\<lsion ha~ 0\11 beCfl made hereinbeh.lre. and In defauh thereof the Mortgagee may <br />pay the same' and thai the Mortgagor Will p"'mptl) deh'''r Ill<: official recelpt< lherdor 10 the Mortgagee. <br />5. The Mortgagor 'A/ill pay un t~H,t:-. which ma\ ~ k""ltU upon the \h)n~tt'~ tnh::rest In :\o.aid rea; eslate and improve. <br />ments. and \\.'hich ma) he ievled uPt.1n thi~ mortgage llf the del:tt ."e-.:ure-d h~feh). ittut ,mh- to th~ t"xtent that ~uch is not prohibit~ <br />cd by law .and \mh' to the' e'tent that ",ulo:h \\.-ill not make:- thl~ !i.)an U\UfI'\Ju-s.L ~Ul e\fiudmg any In\'\)m~ tax.~ Slale vr federal. <br />imposed on<<. .mo "ill file the l\ffidaf recelpt -;howing ~u..:h pa)mrnl "tin tilt- .\t<lffgDgee. Upon Violation of this under. <br />ta.kjna. or if the Mortgagor I~ prohibited hy an~ !a~ ll(H\ lH hC'r('ah~f e.\lstmg frtlm p"yang the whole or any pt.luion of the afor~~ <br />s.aid hl.~~, l)f up(ln the rtnMnns of an}' ':\llirt dC!'(.'ree I'h'hibttin.tbe pa~menl ~y tht- Mortgagor or any such taxes. or if ~uch law <br />or deeI'<< provides ,hat an~ amount ><, pailll... Ihe \Ioflllllll'" shall t-c crelllled on Ihe mortlllllle debt, the Mortltllllee shall have <br />the right 10 gi\'c ninety days. wrincn nO{i\,'( 10 the l'\IlOC'f uf the mon~ rJemt,e~. reQutr11tJ the pa}:'meot of th~ mortgage <br />debt, If such nOlice l>e gi'-.n,lhe said debt ,hall heo;ome due, pay..nle aod ",'llecliNe .tthe upmuion .,f ,aill ninety days. <br />6. Thai should he faillO pay any sum or keep .n~C"VCtldnt p"",d"d f,,, m Ihis Mortgagc, then the Mortgagee,.t its 01" <br />tion, may payor perform the, and al! evpendlturcs s" made ,hall t-c .dded 1<' the principal <urn (,wifll! on the above note, <br /><hall be <ecur.d hereby, and shall t-car mtere>t.llhe r.le "'I lorth m Ihe ,..II nole, unlil paid, <br />7, That he hereby aSM&ns, lno,feu and ,..f; o""r to the Mortgagee. to t-c applied toward the pa~ment of the note and all <br />sum, _ured hereby in case of a default .11 the pcrforlBllJl<:Oe of any of the t.rm$ and condition, of thi$ Morlgage or Ihe .aid <br />note, aU the rent., r..enues and income to t-c derived from lhe _'rlgaged I'renllses durifll! ,uch time aSlhe mortltlllle indebted. <br />ness ,hall remain ullpllid; and the Mortllllll<< <hall lla" power to appoint an~ agent ," agents it may for the purpose I,t <br />repllirilll said preftlUe. and of renting the ""me and "ollecufll! the renh. revenues .M,ncome, ,md it may pa~ out of ",id in. <br />eames all'upcnse$ QffelltTm. said premises and nece'>at) ,-ommlS..,>ns and ex pen.., incurred m renting and man",""tbe <br /> and of collectilll rentals lhere-from; the ba~ remaini..., if am', to bc applied toward the dischargc of said mortgage <br />iftdclbtedness _ ' <br />ll. ThaI he wil keep-the ~ now uiMina 01' hercalter CfCCted on the mortp&ed propert)-. insured as may he <br />requiretlfl'Ml-ri_ to liIM by the M~ against loss by fire and orher hal-aN., casualties and conrill3"ncies in such <br />~s and forSIICbpcriQIIs as 0111) be requftd bylhs: Mortpg<< and will pa, promptly. when due, any premiunls ,In ,uch <br />~ provi~ torpal~1lt of whidlllls llOl been made bereinbc:t.>re All in.urance shall be ,'amed in companle' ap. <br />~by tfle MOI'tJlaIee and the policlh and rene,.,.I. thefrof ,hall be held hy the Mortg&&<< anll h",e allaclled thereto loss <br />payaWc cIaUK" In bvw ,'f and In (,'rm a.:ceplable 10 the Mortl1as<< In e'ent 01 to" Morllll1llOf wm lI"e .mmediate noliee I>y <br />""'II ro,~r.tort"", wbQ Inll) ~ pwof of lo>> If ootmade pwmptl~ h~c ~..,,~, aM each lIlvutance mmpany con, <br />~lS~aU1bo<i~ and dinocled t.. make payment fN 'ueh klss direclly 10 lhe Mortgaaee ,"'lead o( '0 the MOfl&lll\'f <br />...... ~ "'llntiy,wtbe m~unmce """'eN,,.'1 on, part lheret<f, mllYbe' applied I>y tM MOl1J88ff at it. option either <br />tolM_~tW fhe ~t1ted_~ "'um! 01101_ res_loo,,, ~ Ilflbeproper1ydalnqed, Ine,,"t of force II'. <br />- ..., tilt. ~<< ~f uj&!\.t" of Itllc 10 the """!Pied llI'OfMIl1) me 'UllIu"h,nenl 0/ the .ndeNedne" ,ecured hNel>,. <br />all rittol, .___oIl1lP Mon..... ilI.nd loanyill.unloctl: pollelte, thettlotf(ll\;e <hall pa" !l1the pUICh.lSer or IIrant<< <br />'1'_ n.t ..lldd"klI1aI ...0 c,'IWflal ,e"...") for tbe,J>aymfllt of the lI<>le>eU, and all 'um. \" !le,-,..... due ,mdcr Ihl> <br />-taofIt. t!lc Mwt...... be""by "\lFI' hI tbe M~ lilW...., "'V-., "',allle'_ nJht. .,1<1 henefits ',,"CIU'fll!!I' Ihe <br />~. ~ M, * all ,..I alIIi lP' In"'. ,." ;.aid 1'"'_"5: ~ah the IItillt ll> 'e.:e... .nd recelpl t." lhe ,.me and awh <br />Ibetft to .... ~". .\ ...d lletou ". ..ft1!f d.c!1II1l1 HI the <:ondll..."" ,,f Itl" mill'''''''', and the M1>rtpace may demand, <II(, <br />tCH ~ t<<:(~'., M)- ~h pil\ ftlC'Rh- ..hell ~ tttW Nt)'abJ,r. but ",hid, fK-.t be ttquu..-d ".(l tll ,i\l t hi, .,.menl 1'\ ,"0 tC'flmnate <br />..... __ molt.....t '-,...s _", ,,,,,,,.-oc ..f tlit. "',utaW. <br /> <br />H\JU-ii214)M llHlll <br />