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<br />7, Condemnation. In the event the Property, or any part thereof, shall be taken by eminent domain, the Mortgagee
<br />is empowered to co!lect and receive all compensation whicll may be paid for any property taken or for damages to property
<br />not taken. and Mortgagee shall apply sucb compensation, at its option, either to a reduction of the indebtedness secured
<br />hereby or to repair and restore the property SO damaged.
<br />
<br />8. Pmormanceby Mortgagee. Mortgage1! 1M)', but shallbave no obligation, to do any act wbiehtbeMortllallor
<br />has agreed but fails to do, and Mortgagee may also do any act it deems necessary to protect the lien hereoLMortgagor
<br />agrees . to repay, upo;n demand, any sums so expended by the Mortgagee for the above purposes, and any sums so expended.
<br />by the Mortpgee shall be added to the indebtedness seeured hereby and become subject to the lien bereof.Mortgagee
<br />shallnotlneurany pe",oitalliability because of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br />
<br />9. Default; Assignment of Rents. 11nre is of the essence hereof, and upon MoItgagor's4efaultin any covenant
<br />OI'agreementofthisMortgage,including covenants to pay wben due the sums ""cured by this Mortgage, tbe Mortgageeslillll
<br />be I>Dtitled, at its sole option and without notice, to dffiaro all sums secured by this Mortgage to beimmedlately due and
<br />payable and may commence foreclosure of this Mortgage by judiCial proceedings; and, provided further, that uponsllclL
<br />default the Mortgagee, or a recei\'er appoint.d hy a court, may at its option and without regard to the adequacy of the
<br />"",,,urit)., enter upon and take possession of the Property and collect the rents, issues and profits therefrom and apply them
<br />first to the c'O!it of collection and operation of the Property and t.hen upon the indebtedness secured by this M(lrt~;
<br />said rents, issues and profits being assigned to the Mortgagee as further ",~urity for the payment of. the indebtedness
<br />secured hereby.
<br />
<br />10, Transfer of Property, Ir all or any part or the Property is sold or transfem>d without the express written con-
<br />sent of tbe Mortgag<><', Mortgagee may at its sole option, d"c1are all ,urns secured by this Mortgage to be immediately due
<br />and payable,
<br />
<br />
<br />l
<br />
<br />11, Future AdvaneeS- Epon request or ~lorlg.gor, :-'Imtgagee may make additional and future advances to
<br />Mortgagee. Such advances, with interest thereon, ,ban be ,e<'Urea by this Mortgage when evidenced by promissory notes
<br />stating that said notes al'l' secured hereby. At no time shall the pnncipal amount of the indebtedness secured by this
<br />Mortgage, not including sums advanl'ed tn prot.eet the s.cllnty of this Mortgage, exceed the original Note.
<br />
<br />12, Miscellaneous ProVll;JOTt<.
<br />
<br />ta) Any Corebeanmce in e-X(~TCI$lng any nght or H'mpdy shaH not be a wai\'er the({l;of.
<br />
<br />(b) An remMlf'S provided ht'n'm an' distind and l'umulatl\it:' to any other right affordt'd by law or equity~
<br />and may ht> \'xprciwd ":-oncufn'ntly, indl~pt'nd('ntly t")r ~u{'ct"ssin'ly
<br />
<br />((~) Th~ ('o~nant.s >>.nd 3grt'!'-IDents eontaaH'd !It'ft'Jn "hail hind. a.nd thl' rights inure to, the respective
<br />successors and assigns of thp MOft ga~or and t ht' \fon~a~\'.'
<br />
<br />td) AH t~O\'('tla.rlts. and aen'>l;'mt>nts of tht, MOrl~actir are )\H!H and '>{'\\'ral.
<br />
<br />{(.~) The hf"adin~ of thi' paragraph>; of tht.; \tortgagt. .H" for COIH"\'IllPO<,'t' only and shall not be used to inter~
<br />pret or dr-fint' thp ptovismns ht'T('of
<br />
<br />la~ Release, l:pon pa~'mt'IH of ail surn;-. ~t""ui"t'd :~\ :rn" \lOril!a~l. \lon~.i.;;!n' "hall tilsC'harg.ft this Mortgage and
<br />shall ex~utt' and dtl'}ivE"'f a saUsfat"tOf\' rdt"~ th(>rt.'fnL
<br />. (",
<br />IN ....1TNESS WHEREOF, Mortgagor h"" n<nu"1 'hi\ \lurtg~Y'\' ,;.. 3rd day",
<br />
<br />IJ~~ ·
<br />I rbnald D. .i~ "
<br />t7t4_?~_/Y'~ i ..-.~/ "--- /~c~'-"J f
<br />Ibrroie M. Janes"'/' 'n'-~------a;;;;,,~
<br />
<br />H_~~_' 19~.
<br />
<br />Borrower'
<br />
<br />State of Neb........ ...___.HalL
<br />
<br />\ ,~Ulll \
<br />
<br />On thili __-3n:L.... day of
<br />
<br />March
<br />
<br />1:-. 83 bt'fo~ tnt', lht, undt'fStgflt'd. a Notary Puoue
<br />
<br />dub t."OmmlSSiout>d aDd uu.ahflf'd (or '}AId count \ . pt:'r..onajJ\ ntH1\'
<br />
<br />IbnaldD. JlllW:3 and.. Bonnie AL..J.alIui,
<br />
<br />_~~_~d....!~fe ___.._.. to me known to be the
<br />identical pt"DOO(S) wbOSE' nArtl-('-.S) 3ft' <,:ubs<'nb.t.d f(' tht, fnf'-'j:!:omg ;n"tnmwnt ..tnd tu.'kno~lt'dgt'd th~ ('Xt'('Ht1on thereof
<br />
<br />lo be hi~_~~~r __~__. Htlunu,,,. act and deed.
<br />
<br />Wil.'l'" illY hand and nOlanai seal at
<br />date aforesaid,
<br />, .-. /9;:;?r
<br />My I.'omm.....", n~ J; ~ O'
<br />.E.--. '........
<br />......... -...... ..
<br />
<br />Grand--lsland-
<br />
<br />___< in said county, lht.
<br />
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