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<br />83--001098 <br /> <br />(1) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pJly SUdl premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urba~ Development pursuant to the . <br />National Housing Act. as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder: or <br /> <br />(II) If and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development. a monthly charge (inlieu of a mortgage insurance premium) which shall be in an <br />'UI1OUIll e{juaI to one-rwelfth (l! 12) of one.half (l/2) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed withnuttaking into account delinquencies or prepayments; <br />(b) A sUm eqllaJ to the ground rent', if any, uext due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on <br />policies of Dre and other hazard insurance covering the mortga~ed property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged property (all as estimated by the Mortgagee! less all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date whell such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />assessmentS will become delinqucnt, such stlms to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents. pre- <br />miull1S, ta.~es and special assessments: and <br />tel All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections uf tillS paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the note ~~"red hereby shall be added lo~ether, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each mondt ill J '\w1tie payment to be applied by Oll' Mortgagee to the following. items in the order set forth: <br /> <br />0) i)n~rmum charges under Ihe \..'l)otrad of insuran;,;e \\-"ith tht' Secretary of Housing :md Urban Development, <br />1..)( rJ1unthly (hargc Un lieu of 1tl0rfgage insurance pri'miuml. as the l.>~~se IndY be: <br />(Ill ~(~ltmd let"HS. !a..xes, ,Jsses.srnents. fire anti nthe-r h:u:ud !n'mrance pr~miums: <br />(Ill) irt{eH.'Si on the note secured h~reby~ ;md <br />(IV) l\mt)rtizatlon ,-'\1" the pnncipai of ~.Hd Hote <br />Any defh.:i-enl'Y in the amount \)f any ':l-udt .lggregat(' 'HtHUhiy pa\ment :-.hail. unless made good by the Mort~ <br />gagur prk)( 10 tile ju~ d3te df the next sadl paYl~le"l, ":t;n~t1HHt" an ("vent dI th:fault under this mortgage. TIle <br />Mortg.allt't: n13)' ,..'oH-ed a "!ate c-hJr,~" lIP! ill t.'.'\.:ct'd t,'::' \..'~nb 14>11 !m t'.h.:h dnHar ($1) e,t' each payment more <br />than Iiftt~\"fl {I S I tIJ\::' In ~I1eJf:'. t(\ '\:l)Vt:f the t''XU::! "'~f~nse Ulv,llwJ 1Il hJnJlin~ Je-Iuh.{uent payments. <br /> <br />:L Thai if dw tofal of toe pa~mN\L" mad.' h~ Ilw 'lorti.!:l~nr mld(>f of p:tr~raph t pr(,t'pdin~ ~hall f;'"xl'ped <br />tht;. a.m'~u.nt 1)f I)a~'rnt>flt;.;. a("tWtn~ made b~ lhr.. \lnftgal!PP for r-rnund rf'nt:--. ta\l''';' and a~~f?~~ment~ or insuranef' p~~ <br />f1lwm;"" :i~ ltH: \-,1,0...#. Ill,H be, '"'-uch t'xt.-.('......, If the io.lfl P.. nltfNlt. ,n dK nptil,)H of tht:' Mortgagor. shall be credited by <br />th(' \lnflgat!P~> on :-'llh--t'tIUf'nl p;.i~ rnf->n{.... t.t) {w madt, h\. tlw \lor! ea~!Of. or fpfundptl tn tht. \iortgagor H. IHHH'Vl\f. tht\ <br />.I\tmthl~ p-a~mt:'nt" ltW.J<: h~ t!H.' \hJrrg(lHur under ,..\1 pitf.l~r.a!-"~ .: pH'LTdlll~ ~h(lll not h<.> 'iuffil'lt'nr to pay ground <br />rent. taX(','"' and a''''~t'~~m",.nt~. t'f !fi~urann> pfl~mJUm"', ii,'" tilt' Ct,..P m.1\ bt.~ :,.\h(.o th" ....amt.. ~hall b,,'('oml' due and pay~ <br />;ill1t. thpn \!~Hr ...hllti pa~ to th{' 'Iort.g;lJ!pf,' iU1\ ,lmount ntTl'.-,"o<-tt\ to mah.l' up tht:' d('fiei~'nl'!'. on or bpforf' <br />Ill{' claw. Vrfwn p~:t-\!'rt{'nl of :-tl(,h ~round r{>nl~_ Lt\(....o ~t"',...(.--....mpnt- nr lo,..;ur;-trH'l' pr~'mlUm~ ...hall h..- tim' II at any <br />ltmt' thi(' \ttJrtffiHtJZ:t)r ..:hllil tfLnd..r to 1h4' \h~ttg~lCt'... in ~HTlil1i:HH't' \\Ith lih> pro\l...inn..: of Int' noh' --pcun.d tWfphy. <br />full i.Hi~ mr"nt of l~t' enltn''bh'dnt..,--- tt'ptt"-l'ott>d thPH'h\. nil' \h'nC-il,!f'" ....hall, It! ('ltmputiug tht' amnunt uf ....u(,h <br />lnddu(.-'<s.... I..'rc.,dlt to (hl' ,h:I.."{'Uflf 1'( rh, \tor{!Z~i.!."f ,!Jl f),I\lltnll'" 111,idt l.ln..i(,:f (ht. t)f~l\I"I()n'" ()f ,:/ (If p,U<:1Rr.lph :. <br />h,'n'of 'Ahkh lht, \lort~a~!('~' hll~ nut t~"'onw ohlll.!ilit.(j 10 pJ.\ lu Ow ....t.('I"t'l.lf\ ot Hl\ .m.t l 'rh~u, Dt:\'elopml'llt <br />and ~Ul.\ halattn. tChmlnin.t !n Hn' fund" .~I l'unwL,tt,tt llfukr dw fHH\ !....Hlfj- of Ill' p.\uc.raph :! hf'n'uL if tht'n. <br />...hall t.M" ~\ d('(;mh ufldt'r a.m Hf th.' prH\t";j(lU- oi lhi- mnrt,j:;;tCt' n~-u!tlH~ HI ;1 puhlic -all- of uw pn'mi:-:(:>~ co\'pri'ci <br />lwn~h~. nt If d\{' \t..irt.t.:a.:z~'(' ~t("l.JUlf1.l- li,t' propc.n.\ Ilth4'rMd"~' ,ifh'{' dl'LlulL du' \IHrtgaL!t-'t.' -hall ;l.ppt~, ;l.t 1114" limp Hf <br />tht, ,'ommt'"nU"nu."H uf --tlth iH(W4~{'dln~"', Hi' :u lh~' l:nlt' ttH' lU'Upf'f!\ !- ,.lht'f" i-,' ,H tll111Pd. lht' h::thuH'f' thpfl n:main~ <br />in~ In tIlt, fund:-- 4{'\'ufl\uiah:O UOdt'f ill }l.iL\.C:L\ph ! fltt>(,t"dill~, ,1~ .i dt' ,:l,o!~lIn"'l th.' .unuunt llf pnncip;tl Iht'fl <br />f~~-umng unp~\id iilHh.r ....~Hd 11t,H' , ~ind -hall P!'Hp(.rh .nhtl'-! .un p.i\fiWnl:-". ~'dHd! ....hail ha,,' IW('f1 madt. umh'r ,i) <br />or par~raph :!.. <br /> <br />~.tUi! :~.~ .r~~~:~~r ~~;ll~:;;:~:::1:~ I/'!!f 1: ~~:;\i::lrl:~ I~~\i,li~ ~ h'1;~1 J~~"; ~;~;':I~~:~:n~:'J t~:~l~:~ (,;; .;!f,:;}~'r::: d\;~'~::j{ ~~~~;~r:~~.t~j1 \:~t~~ll~~~~;~~:! <br /> <br />P~I" the ~;..m('. ,-l.Od th~H the \'kn~...l~~'\f V.!J1 pWl1lrt!\ ,kin n th~ ,~fh.. i-...d r~...'t.~Ir'I" ~ht'rd\~l {,l the \1,:.rtg..*Ct' <br />;;;. Tht' \-kn~,t~ni ~IH p;n ,)0 L...\.o ,I,oh.:il m~" t~ i1..,'.J:t.'J" llj'\.lH the \t,1fi;>1~C''' ~ lnt ('rt' "\i in -';Ihi ,t:al (...t.lti:" "no 1J11pr,I\('- <br />meH!'>.. ;lnd ....tH...'h nl;l\ t->t' k\tt:"d Hp-tm !hi" nh'n~~~C ,If the \.le~t ",e-... Hrt'J ht'ft"fo-\ It'>Ht .\l1h h"l the t~\tenl th~'it ,t.h:h 1\ not rrohlhu- <br />(J b\' tn\ .Hld (\ljl\ fi' the c\f\.'fH th.:.t! '\U-\--h \-\..E i'1tq :Tl.Ilc 1.hi'" i.'_;:n t....urhlU..'_ t>ut chlu\.llng :!n\ mt:\.'m~' I.i\, State ,If f'cJeraL <br />lfn~~...(.',J tin \1,'", .ll1d \ql] hi'/: tht' ..!tkl.11 rt",:r:q't"...;n~ "iJ..:h r.:E\ in,,'!!l '" ,~h {he \l"ft~i~ct:" l"p,IO \'h\latlon of rhi, unLkr. <br />t~lLin~. tlf if tilt- \h\(tR.a~OI 1\ pr,1hl,."lUul"o\ ,;fH la\\ H\!\\ \\r rl,,:rt'.:!ter (.'\!'Hn~ !r.'m r;n Hlf;I tht:.' \I. holt.- nr all\ porth10 l,f th,,~ ;\f\lr,,' <br />"'~i1J U\e:--. ,,-'1 Il;x~n tht~ rcodenn): t)f ;tn\ i.,',.lUfl Ut"'...fC"t.' rh'h'~Hm~ the r-~i\ m~nl t>\ lht' \hnlgag:..1r l,!r.u1\ ",ul..:h la\e'," ~lr if '1u\.:h I<t\\ <br />\Jr de\::('(,~ Phl\, Itk.... t.h<.tf ;\11\ ;tUhllHl( 'II} p;wJ 1'>\ lh(" \h'n~;t~~)r "fl.l!! r.c- '- ft"\.lHcd ,In lot' qh'rt~a~C' Jt"~t. the \t(\rt~~lg~t;.' ,h;ll! h;l\ t' <br />1M nght w gHt m~ltt\ d~\.. \lnlh."n fll..\lh:(' l~\ !h(' ..1\l,Ucr ,.t ~ht: ~'\pn_~..lf:(.',-i ~'tl...!111'("^ It'4UlflUJ;: the.' I'~l\'nlt:'m tlf iht' lll..\rt~a~l' <br />J('~I. if -.u..:h twHre t~. J.:tYl"n, the '.lid dc:j:-lt ...h;)1i t"'('\"-,'l'llt:' .hlt., r,l\ .lt~k "nJ ~',,"lk," lihk dllhe ':\.plfalhlO ,\1 '1;ud nme-t\, ,tn... <br />r., That '}wuld he f.H!lt.) p.i" ,in\ "um ~1r ~Ct.'~~ ,\11\ ,._,.t~,,',' rI,;\ h.letJ fl': mlhl' \h\n~..t~<. 1h~n lhl.: \lorl~;.wt'e. ,It Ib ,.Ip' <br />lk}n, lHa\ p~'} (of PCrf\)(1i1 the "\...HH~. i.~n,j .:til t'\fX'nJlHJh."'- 'II m.h.le ,hkt!! t.C .tJu('u 11.\ the rrm":lpal ..urn \I\\mg(!n fht: 'l~H\e n..llt.'. <br />...n..H he ".t'"~uft'd hetl'~\., .md ..h~lH tx'-ar !f,tt"tc-..t .:! the LIt;: ...t.'1 t~~nh In ~h(' 'J.u.i no[('. until r.ild <br />.. I'ruu he httt'h~ ~ts...l~n..., tr<Hl..Jer.. ?fl\1 ,,{'h ..i'.C'f hi !he "h>.ng:ag~t', h" t>e "rrhl"d h\\\<trJ the r~l\meni {II [he !1...Hf .H1d ~~i! <br />"\um-s 't"i.."ured h('fe-~\' tn CJ-'~ i..'f ;i ....It:oL.wh In ~h(' r<rh)rmanl.:e .,f eln\ ni !he t('rm, JnJ (t1nOUlon, l.lf thi, \1,)rtgJ.~t~ pf In.: "lid <br />l)(lt.e, ~lU t~ rents.. tt:'\'('IlUe\ ;{ud ifk'Hme h' r.e ~~'f1'cJ ff\\m the r;wrt~l~cJ rrt"mht"~ Junn",- ....Lh,:h time ,V\ the- ml'n~.Jil( indt'~reJ- <br />>>e'i~ ,hall r('"m~fn l.lt1Nlid: ~.m...i the !\1t'l'fg~('e ,h.JY k'i...: r<(i~a h\ ,ir~~int .10\ ..sgent ,1, ;I~t.~nt\ 11 m,!\ t1<.....HC t'...f thl:' rilr;W!i.t~ of <br />repairm.p: ~i~ rr('",r~e'" .ind 1}f r(nnn~ tho(' "',ime ...toJ ....(^}Hc-..:tm~ the re-fH', re\"eHm.'" ;lnd i,li,'OnH:'. :mJ 1l n1<i\ p:n ,\0{ tlf ....atd In" <br />~'-l)me~ uU e-lpcn~:\ ~Jt reralfm~ ~uj J"fCml",('" and nt'-\'e"...ltr\ ..'t)mnH";-.h}fh ;-l.nJ t' \pen-'e':- m..:urrt.J. In renrinjl rn;:lOa~t'l~ tht' <br /> ~nd {)f (\.ltieqi~ reot.ti!\. lhert~fh"m_ the !:1~ibn...''-' fcm~Hnmg" tf .lH\ !\' t-e ,lrrhcd l\l....ard fhe JI,("haf~c of ",;ud mortgage <br />,,!deb/edit<:' , <br />~. Th;:il he ..iii ~("('r Ilk Imphl\"t'tUef!l.... nt~\\. t,"1":\Hn!: \11' h~featter e(t',,:teo lln !ht' ml)rt~a~eJ rrlip~rn m...urc-d :i\ ma~ l1\" <br />f'C"quu--ed from tj.m~ hy- tcme hv tt\c' \h"\rt~;i:f!<t" ;i;F;.'iHl..;.t h~\", fl\- rire .>00 tlther hiil.aHh, ...."hU.iItJe' ;Inu ..,Hli1n~erh,:u:' lH "'Udl <br />a-mount' and fOl ..:uc:h pcrn"ld~ N.. ma\ flit rC'q\l~rcJ rn the ~h~tg~<< ~lnU \ql! pa\' prilmrth, wht"n dUt:, ~m\ premlllm" {~t1 "\1..:11 <br />t'nwri.l:fi('~ prO\,hH.'ft tor pavmeflt t1f ~l~ rh~ been made- hCfetnbd~.te .\H In'-Ufdni,'(' ..hall ~ \';l.nieJ' III ":l'lmp~lmn ,Ii' <br />pru:\-ea b-l d1e 'tttf1~Se-c- ~-tOd the- l".ojt(tC'\o. ;wd r.:o("~ ~i.h there,ll ..h~tn tx' held l'\. the \h\rtt;..l!o!ee dnd h;n I,~ ,llt..h..'hc-J thereh\ 111" <br />ra~.iibk C"hu.t'it~ m (~\\.)f <n! .'tad rn tOfm ac;:(rraN~ to the M(\H,as-ee In t?\'Cnl {If h.'\i~ '1t..lf'~"t.:l\r \nll ~l\(.' \mm(~dj;He rhJ{h.i.' P\ <br />",111ul to' tbt \4\-,:rt,~~" "'ft\l nl3\.' IT\t.Ike rh)\lf i..,f l,l:'o.o, if n~1-t mai.k promptly p~ \ttlrtgaJwf.~ ;';ld l'Oi>.-'h'tn...uran.:-c i:1.'rnp;un ",'f"ln <br />.:.-ernc;;i t'l> N:fC't\\' JQltKJt'llni ...nd \:htc....'k-d tv makt pJ.~ m('nf rOt \~h.'h 1.1.11'1-' Jirccth w tht- \1on}.:i.t~('c In,tcad ,'li it' the \hlffg:~i~\\f <br />ilftd tit<<. M\1fl~ pOwtflt.. &00 the In,u.U",,~ rn~c.e('ds. ,"}f ao\- tnerC(l!. m.ll\ f"t' ;'1rrl~c\i t-\ the 't~lf(~,i.~('\.' ,,; It' \'l'lh~n (,IIta.'l <br />hI dw f~-u("ho'h'" the tn4t~tNtW'.,;s ht-re'hv 't'I.'Ut~tt .~t to-the reil(ltal<<1H l~: ti'fi;UI ;:\f rtw pr'-'l"'{'"fl\,l~.;d !rl t'\TtH .'1 !lllt'i.'hl <br />'Uft' i-lf' ;bj;:\ m.<\.)fl~ f,r nJhtt tf-.,.n.dtt \,f tttk h.~ It\(~ m.)r\lf~c:d Nf!-r"el"1\ In t'\UtlJtuhhmt'fll ..,t !h~ Hhleblt"\:"~ ....~\.'lJr('I.! f1t'H'b\ <br />JH ~tJht. tit... .If''\i H'ltr-r-~i ~~f tht J\,.ti"'ltJ:.ii":lf ;tl :,md h' tUl\ m"'l.l,an\"(' }Xlhc-k'-;. lht'n 10 hlf....t~ ...hall r)'I"~J"" ~" the rur\.'ha~t'E ..~r ~r:lfH(,(' <br />'4 T~1 OJ, ~~J.hl.lf\~~ ;~nti ..:dt;';.tt ,e..:utIH tm tht' Il-lvrnC'ftt ('It fhe nole tit',rritot'''d ,Hid ,tll "'um\ 1\1 r'('l.lmW dOt' lllh.kf !Iii' <br />U\vHpQ(', ~_ \t(\tf~4,", hc:ff'~~ ;J'~l.fh hi th-t \'h}ftp~<, -ilH pr.\f!h, rnenut;'"-,., f<lLl.!W:,_ nghh .inti I'v!'u"ftt, ,hTfUH'lj.! h1 rht.' <br />~~~.If ~~tt~ ~~\. Ami ~H f,..t ~OO ~..t'lj. !~~\-.n ~1n ~td Nt'IDIM\ 'Il--uh the nght f," it'\.('1\'t' ;~n-li rt''>'tlf\1 hr Th,' "~H1'~' .Ifhl .q.rh <br />thrm h~ ~JDd ~M:C1!tte..!< .It\. ';A:.('11 ~f~lr(' .~\ ,If!('f ~jt'fauj, In the ,-,,-tndHlOH'" "j thl' !1hl.l: (~~r. ,tn",j the \h\f~~;\~t't" m;i\ den\~Hh!. ~uc <br />~;,,'-t ~mJ tt;,:~}"("t .;in) ~.tti,'h (1..~'f"if.."t'H' .... ft<>f\: tit>...- MlO,t rOiy;ihk'. ~Ht ...~B f\Ht t~"'1-r~nuC-\! ...p hI ..1,1 I hn ,-i"'i~l1m(~H I' h> 1\~tmtn;1h:- <br />3:tW htn~tb~ r'iwll ,tf\.d ... wd ~fI'l\n H'-h;~, f HH'\ mt\rt~~r, '< ' . <br /> <br />H\.';' '1}14 'M .~~ ".)l <br />