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<br />And the said first party hereby expressly covenants and agree:;: (I) To pay the said Xote and interest
<br />in lull on the da}'s the same shall severally beeome due; (2) Neither to commit nor pennit waste on the said
<br />premises, and to put and keep the said real estate, buildings, and impro\'ements in good repair; (3) To pay all
<br />taxes and assessments on the said re:u estate before delinquency and until the said ~ote is fully paid; (4) To
<br />pay all taxes and assessments upon this Slortgage and the debt secured thereby, together with allY other
<br />taxes and assessments which may be levied or asse:-ised. under the Laws of Nebraska. against the said second
<br />party, ur the legal holder of the ;aid Note on account 01 this indebtedness; (5) To p'ocure, keep in force, and
<br />deliver to the s..,id second parry policies of insnrance agalt1st loss by fire and tornado. in such amounts Hnd
<br />insurance companies as the said .second party shall select. and as shall be at all times satisiactory to it. covering
<br />the buildings which now are or nlay hereafter be- ereeter!" on the S<1.id premises. making the 10s5. if any. payable
<br />to the ~tid second party or its assigns. and every ~uch COIPr.let of insurance etIectl"{l b.\' the said parties of the
<br />first part or for their henetit shall ht' primarily :-;uu.tect to appropriation hy the said second party for the
<br />iXlyment of &"lid indehtedness. Failure to .so maintain :-.uch insuranct' shall authorize the second party, or its
<br />aS5.i~n.s, at its or. their option, to effect and main:ain. such illsur~11Ae at the expense of the said. first party. and
<br />tbe nrst ~art~y agrees to r~~y aU sums so p...'ud. with 1l1tt'n'.st at k1 ]:krcent~ an.~ snch sum~ 50 pald hy the second
<br />part~', With Interest atU percent. shall he :-;t~("ured hy Ihb .\tong;.-lge; {OJ Ihat the said second party or the
<br />owner of the said Note may make ::,uch r('pairs. pay such t;-tX("S. and pa:' and remove any lien from the said
<br />premjsts. upon failurf' of tht' tirst party to do so and aU THone.\':-> so advanced with interest at the rate of 1Q 18
<br />percent per annum thereon, from daH: uf paymellt. -:-hall be fcpaid by tht' said first party. upon demand. and
<br />shaH he ...,('cured hy this indenture.
<br />
<br />And it i." iurthcr mutuallv nl\Ttl:tlltt'd and agrt't'd t,hat in tht.~ t>\"t'nt of tht' passag-c. after the date of this
<br />.\longage. or an:,-' iaw deducting any lien tht'reclil fn)!ll the \'aiue lIf bnd tor the purpose of taxation. or changing
<br />in any wa,v the law.; now lTl lnrce for the taxation 01 mung-age... or dt.ht....; ';'l'tltred hy mortgage or the manner
<br />of the collectIon ul auy -:-,llch t~D,(':i. so 4:-> tn atfe('t tht.... .\lprtg-ag-e, tht' \",hole oi tht" prinC1pal sum ::'t'(~ured by this
<br />\lortg-agt'. together with tht' interest due tht'Tt'Ull, ...hall. at tht, nption ot the ~aid pany of the second part,
<br />without t1otice. hel.~o!l1t.' lmmt'diatel~' fitit' and payahle
<br />
<br />And the :-,aid tir!:!t part~> further agn.{'~ that if default iw made in the payment of any of said interest, or
<br />an\ ".;1rt thtT(:'{Jf, or Ilf ;my inkrt"':.-ol tht'rf'OIl, or \I! ..,;wl \:otL or an~' ll<lrt tht'f('ul. or rd any interest thereon.
<br />or ill the If(~rformatl(t.' ui ;ill) of tht, ~'!J\Tnant:" Iwn<1l1 l-oTltaJIlnl. theIl, nr ;It ;tll~' tim(' thereafter during- the
<br />(ulltinuanct' tlf ~u('h de-iault, the :-,aid -.\ntt', and n\\llH'~':- l~ii.-l and advalkTd, ~hall, at the )iption ot the legal
<br />holder thereof. hefOlllt' at (111\'(. dm' :tud {,'HlIt"\.,tible. and ,!iall !l(';tr inh'n>:-.t at the rate of ldt}Serce-llt per annum
<br />from tht> date of ddauit. ,ltHI thi~ 11lflctimrc l!la~. ht'" j,)n:c!o",t'd to ~atisfy tht, amount of the. debt. including
<br />ad\'<1u(':t':<,. mt<'rt'~t. ;!Hd l.'oSb; ur tht' ~n,'(Jt1d party, It.. :--llCCt~M.'r~ or a~~15HS, may fnrt"Clost' only as to the sum
<br />pa.:-.t due, without injury to thi~ .\lort.gagT, ur the dispiact'ment or impalrmt.'Ht oi the lien thereof,
<br />
<br />JJJ
<br />
<br />And In the i:vern of the lOTft'loi.ure tA this :\iortg-agt.:. the :-o4-id tir:;t P4\rty t.'OVl~naHts and agrees to pay the
<br />cost of extending the ab:-.tr;t.ct tIt tale trom the dah' (Ii n,"Cord~ng this :\lortgag-(.~ to tht: date of filing suit..- and
<br />t..'pon failurt' (~d:he ::<<:fJU tlr~t P;:lrty tn du :.,0, ali money.. ...t,. ~Vh"all("t'd by the secuwl party ~h4\11 hear interest at
<br />the rate of tt\~rct'"nt per annum then'un ;:~nd ~hall lw ...t'\'ured !J\' tins indt'nlun:.
<br />
<br />It is further mutually (u\'t'nanted awl agrt'l,-;:j that the party 01 thl: ~ct:ond part, its S\Kce:.ssors and assig-ns.
<br />sh;:tB at dwir option ht' ~ubrOl:att'fJ to the lieu, ;dthough n-lt'ascd of fet'onL ui an)' prior t"Hcumhrancl'. 111l"chanic's.l
<br />H'u-dor's, or other lien on said premist':-' paid out OJ' tht' proctttb uf tht, h..k'1n St"Hlred hereby.
<br />
<br />And It is iurtht'f -agn-ed that III rase oi a default 111 the payment oi tht~ said principal Note or interest.
<br />or an)' part therwi. a:s it ~hall mature, or m (;is(' 0% t.uluH.' to kt't:"p or perfurm any of the covenants or agreements
<br />t'Ontain~d in this inrlt'uture, then the S>t."t.~ond ll;.uty.. Its :.-.urCt'~;,()fS or assigns. shall be and I';;' herehy authorized
<br />and e-mvowt:'r-ed tu lake inm1t'(hatc p()s~e~:;ion \It the xud prt"mi~e~ hert'b~' \'on\"t~)'ed and all crops thereon, or
<br />to colk-ct the reuts thercirom. and app!) the proceeds thert'o! to the payments oi the debt hereby sL-cured.
<br />
<br />.'\S additional ;-ind c-oUater,,-1 ~t'curity ior payment UI the :--':ole- and indd)t('dne~s hereinbefore describt'tl.
<br />the said parties or t~ rirst I)3rl hereby assign to ttw s.;.ud pany oi the st."Cond part. its- ~ucr-('ssors or assigns, aU
<br />the profits. revenues, royahit's. rights, .md he-neflb accrumg to them under all oil. gas. or mineral It.~ascs on said
<br />pf~lnise$. This assignment to tem1:tnate and be-come nuB and \,t)id upon the r("lea:st~ of this ~Iortgage,
<br />
<br />And it is furthcr 3grrt'd that in caSt.:.' any :oiouit is Lt.'suu to fun-dose this lmknt-ure. the Court in which such
<br />action shall t.: brought. ur any judge uf ::.uch Court. eitheT in term timt' or in vacation, is hereby authorized.
<br />upon application therefor. tu appoint a i-{t"\~ein"r to takt, po~,--.e-:s~ioll of tht' said pr~mise~ a.nd aU i..~~OP:"l theft.on.
<br />or to collect the n:tlt:s therdrotn. and tu do and perfurm :-.ud. mlwT a(ts H:-- may 1M? p,:'quin-d h.\' the order of
<br />tht- Court uJaking the: apl>otntmeu.!; and the rirst Joan)' ht>reoy l'onsents to the appointment 01 a }<eceivcr upon
<br />tM prooucIwn 01 this ind~ltur.., without <>thn nidenc<.
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