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<br />r <br /> <br /> <br />52Y:r-SE'eOND REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-With Tax Clause <br /> <br />Hullman and Felton & Wolf, Wallon. Ne.68461 <br /> <br />83-001 OJ t'i <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />THAT I or WE, PATRICK A. JAMES and ~iJY S. JAMES, Husband and Wife, each in his and <br />her. own right and as spouse of each other, <br />of Hall County and State oj Nebraska , in consideration of the sum of <br /> <br /> <br />*FIVE 'lHOUSAND SIX HUNDREDlIND NOjlOO'lHS------($5,600.00)----,----DOLLARS <br /> <br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto MELVIN K. PATmRSON and OOREEN P. PATrER3CN, <br />Husband and Wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other, as joints <br />tenants and not as tenants in camon , (mortgagee), <br />of Hall Count)', and State of Nebraska , the following described premises <br />situated in Hall COllnty, and State oj Nebraska to-wit: <br /> <br />The Easterly 40.3 feet of lot Eleven (11) of the County Sulxlivision of <br />lots Thirteen (13) and sixteen (16) and part of lots Eight (8), Eleven <br />(11), Twelve (12) and Fburteen (14) of the County Subdivision of the <br />Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (~) of Section Sixteen <br />(16), Ta-mship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />The intentioll beillg to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple including 01/ the nghts oj homestead and dower. I <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, 1<.;th all the appurtetla..ces thereunto belo..ging ,mto <br />the said .nortgagee or mortgagees a..d to his, her or their heirs and assigns, fore'Jer, pro~.;ded alu.>ays, a..d these pres- <br />ents are UP01l the express condition that if the said mortgagor or mortgagors, his, her or their heirs, executors, admin- <br />istrators or assigns shall payor cause to be paid to the said ,twrlgagee or mortgagees and to his, her or their heirs, ex- <br />ecutors, administrators or assigns, the sum of Five 'ihousand Six Hundred and No/lOOths <br />($5,600.00) Dollars, pa}>able as follows, to-,t'it: <br /> <br />Five TOOusand Six Hundred and No/lOOths lbllars ($5,600.00) arrortized at twelve per cent <br />(12%) interest over a period of two (2) years with twenty-four (24) consecutive IlDI1thly <br />payrrents in the arrount of 'lWo Hundred Sixty-'nn:ee and 62/l00ths lb11ars ($263.62) each, <br />to be payable ccmnencing on the 15th day of each llUlth after the closing and a:mtinuing <br />on the 15th day of each IlDI1th thereafter until the note is paid in full. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />with interest thereon at 12 per cent per anlu.m, payable llUlthly IllIlIIIIIINlL aecordi..g to the tenor alld effect of <br />the promissory note with interest coupons attached of said Mortgagors, bearing evell date 'U.;t!J these pres- <br />ents, and shall pay all ta:ns and any interest on, or ,ootKring installmenls of prirlcipal, due all allY prior mortgage arid <br />assessments levied "pan said real estate and all olher taxes, levies and assessments In.;ed Up01l Ihis morlgage or the <br />1l01e which this tIIttrtgage is givell to seC1l,e, befttre the same becomu delinqu.'Ilt alld keep the buildillgs 011 said <br />premises insured for the....m $ 35,OOO.QOoss, if a..y, payable to Sl<<:h first mortgagees or this morlgagee, or both, <br />lhen these presents be void, tttlt8nt>ise to be and ret.ldin in full force. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if Ihe said mttrlgagor shall fail 10 pa}' suel, taxes alld such illterest Orl, <br />or mat"ring installments of principal, dm on any prior mortgage and procure such insuTallce, then this llwrtgagee 'MY <br />pay SMeh taxes and sllch interest on, or maturing installments of principal, due all SlIch prior mortgage and procure <br />sweh insu'a....e; and the SUtll so adwlICed with interest at nine per ce..' sl.all be paid by said mortgagor, alld this mort- i <br />gage shall stand as secumy for Ihe same. (2) That a failure to po:)' allY of said lllOlIey, ,ojther prillcipal or illterest a'" <br />Ihis or any prior tIlOrtgage, when the same becomes due or a failure to comply with /ItIy of the foregoillg agreemellts, <br />shall cause lhe whole sum of tnOaey herein sectU'ed to become due alld colleclable at orlce at the option of the mort- <br /> <br />~ I <br />IT IS"E.1JRlHBR AGREE/) Thof said mortgagee, pending fo,eclosure of this mortgage and after decree alld <br />pend<ng stQJtM." ,.~IIHw..~ pending sale of premises lIl<)rtgaged, may pay such laxes alld maturiug , <br />inlerest CII" '.' '~;Qj,''1~pal, all prior mortgages, procure sweh insuTllrlce alld such SUllloS shall be I <br />add~d to tk:".,1fW'~~;_lih'i>on conjirtMtio.. oj sale by Ihe court ordered taken o~ of proceed.s oj, sale; I <br />,,!'f red,emid unltg stay, a"eal11T sale, such amounls shall be collected Ihe sallie as though It ,vere a part a) sllch <br />lUeTec. <br />SigJwd fhis 1st day of March .....-19-83 I <br />1.. PresftlCe of // .j. I".. /' / <br />I. ",1.",)< , // . I <br />W~~. .' A:'""~ ';"V."."""."....<:>-..,.", I <br />~ 'tyn'VH.~ >::'\ .r.. 1 l'-" . I <br />Tanmy S. J~' J ci-eL. ....:)~ i <br />v <br /> <br />