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<br />'ll1llcc;:ur UIll) VIV"'IUVU-13 ...UC;)~ ul n"'~_._... ......l"........~, .....,....... .-- ~J r-'
<br />NOTICE 83'-00:1Q:Q2:,'
<br />This. credit contract, fl.nancesa.purchase. All legal rights which the, Buyer has egalnstthe Seller. arising
<br />ol,l.tofthls.transactlon, Including all c1almsand.defenses, are also valid egalnst any holder of this oontrilct.
<br />The right to recover money from the.holder under this provision is limited to the amount paid by the buyer
<br />under this contract.
<br />. .... ~cla!m Js.,alegaIlYvalld reason for suing the Seller. A defense Is a legally valid. reason for notpayl"g
<br />.theSeller..A.holdet.,\s.anyonetrying to collect fo.rthe purchase.
<br />.' .fINs~cin::ANCE4>\iriON:lfI h~v~r.;q!1c:stedinsurance.in this.purchase. I may can~el such !'*luest for insurance for any reason within fifteen (15) days from tlij>i
<br />,;<late of thIS contractbyuonfYing you or th. e holdl'T of thIS contract In wntlng, I know that the caneellallon of my coverage will be arranged with the insul'llJ\ce carrier(s) and.'
<br /> ,
<br />; ia full refundofmypremium(s) together.with applicable finance charge will be credited to this contract. . ...; ,
<br />J jJ1I...EASE N~TE: I~ I have requ.est~ jnsui~ce'in tti'is purchase, I will recelv~ within th~rty '(30) days a certificat~ of ins1J!8!lce morefully ~ribilig ihe-~~cov_~..
<br />~ ). !!'. ". '!'._"~~.'. '. ,.~_~~t.t..h..~. ~ l~ ~.,y..c:,~nfh.ct. :,~_ th~ COV~~$. _c: OT,,~.... l_3Jlgu..age of the cenlficate o_~ I_nsurance. _ ~'the. ,-f~IO~. ng N. _?t.Ice or.~
<br /> .ins.. urance. _ . __ _ thilt-} wit glvcie~\j.~1i):Y. _10;,
<br />",;JQeel\~!\nl!!\C(lmthefolfowihgNOticeofProPAsedInsurance, r also know that I have Insurance coverage only.ifIhave beenchaQJedforit.. . . . . .
<br />
<br />
<br />I "Ikeuoticethat eitIier Credit Life or Credit Accident and H.alth Insurance. or both, wiU be applicable to tins Sales ConlnlCt on the reverse side only.iHhave ehoseD
<br />it bY. , Si$. ningthe. .....req. uestfor su. c.h inSUJ"an. c..e. This insurance W.il1 onlycoverthe~rson signing the request atthe,COS. I foreacb_type. ..Ofin..surance. shown.., Subject.
<br /> . . 1.0.. ac<:qlC8IlC. ........ ...e
<br />by the Insurance .company, the insurance will be effective as of today and wtUcontinue ODly for the Dumber of months after the effective date equBllO the,~j)f
<br />lIlOnthly payments. I understand that thiS p,u:licular insurance may not provide coverage for my last few l"'yments, and that during that period of time T.will not haVe any
<br />insurance coverag~_ AI~-benefi~ and pfoceeds of the insurance will be paid to you or to a financial institution or a ~ if it Purchases.the Sales-Co~ to the_~;of_ijS
<br />interests'arid _~Y balance will be payable to :me. The initial amount of Credit Life Insurance is the amount required to repay the Total of Payments:;'there8fter. tbe_iimmmoe
<br />decreases by die aD)Ount of each monthly payment on a scheduled 30 day basis, If I am jointly obligated on the Sales Con1I1lCt with aCo-lluyer and we have both sigJJed tile
<br />request for.Credil Life Insurance, death benefits will be payable only with respect to the first one of us to die, Subjecl to exclusions, eliminations orwaitingperioclstated
<br />in the insurance policy or certificate, Credit AccidentandHealth Insurance is for the benefit amount of Il30th of each month's paymentforeach day that I aitltoWlydisabled
<br />due to an iojury or sickness while I owe any paymen"o you; however, I understand that I have to be prevented from worlctng due tosuch toW disability fur tltORtltan.fOllr-
<br />.teenJI4).consecutivedaysbefon: the insurance benefit is paid hack to the first day of my toW disability,lalso _tball cannotohtaln...,.~fr!JmJOOIfI
<br />am over 65 years or age loday. and I also know lhal the insurance coverage provided to me may contain a JDUlmum lItDOIIDl ofcoverage1l'bIch will not pllJcm_
<br />C&1eS, tbeentire amountthat~ owe you. Due to the maximum amount of coverage stated in the-insun.nce policy. I know tbatany unpaid amountio excessoftbe~
<br />coverage will still have to be paid, If the Sales Contractis prepaid in full prior to the last payment date, any unearned insurance premiums will be refundedto me iMhe inan-
<br />ner prescribed by law, Withinthiny (30) days. I will receive the certificate of insurance more fully describing my insurance coverage, If the insurance is not accepted by
<br />the insurance company. I wiH receive a refund of the insurance premiums I have paid.
<br />"BUYER.: The next two paragraphs contain warranties relative to this sale given by us to the financial institution or bank. in order for it to buy this contract,' ~
<br />
<br />
<br />FOR VALUE RECEJVED; Seller hetebysells. assigns; conveys. transfers and delivers to ..'. ~
<br />(Assignee) all of its rillhts; title and interest in and to the Deed of Trust and Installment Sales Co ct, rogetberwith liens existing to its payment. and the property
<br />encumberedberehy, i\ssi~ is hereby substituted as Beneftciary under the Deed of Trust provisions of this con1I1lCt, Seller warrants lIJId represeots; (I) It bas the right to
<br />mal<c this aSsignment;.(2)J\,1l statements and figures in this contract and in the Buyer"s statement are materially true and correct; (3) This contract arose from the bona fide
<br />sale of the ~ lIJId servia;s described beICin; (4) The cash down payment shown in this contract was actually paid by Buyer and 00 pan of said downpaymentwas loaned
<br />directly or '"directly by SeUer to Buyer; (5) Each Buyer is legally competent to contract; (6) This contract is uot and will not be subJC(:l toaoy claim, defense, domaDdor
<br />right of offset; (7) The execution of this contract anti the underlying sales transaction giving rise thereto did not violate aoy federal or stat. law ,directive.ru1e or reg1llation
<br />now in effect.; (8) In the event that this contract or the underlying sales transaction is subject to a right of rescission or cancellation by the Buyer. such rescission or cimcella.
<br />lion period has expired and neither the sale nor this contrac' has been cancelled or rescinded. THIS COIITRACT IS SOLD BY SEllER WITHOUT RECOURSE.
<br />
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the unders~is.an auV ,:~~tive of the Seller and bas sigoed below on behalf of the Seller on this
<br />day of ~ - ,.;;? ,19iJ.d
<br />, . .' _I" .__,
<br />
<br />PA~R PRO~UCTS,~_),
<br />
<br />BY(r7~ /J-t~c:.-4
<br />t'c4
<br />o .,/;,,/,.s-;' "'~~'-';
<br />/.l'St...h'..-f'L:5';C,;~~!
<br />{(,/s~ Public ., ~.~* .:' ,:'";<,-; '-".- .^"'":."""<"-"~--'
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<br />
<br />by the authorized ~t of Seller who is
<br />My commission expires:
<br />
<br />t,?;; fiENtRat. NDURY - S1st~ ,.,,; tish.tth
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<br />.~:.,,~~~;~~
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