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<br />83-- Ow0054
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<br />DJUI'rOR' WAR.1UI.N'I"8 AJft) CO'V"IDN..urt'8: (1) '!"hat excePt for the eeeurtty lntereat "l'1Ult~d hereby DebtOl' tm. or to t!lIP .f'xtt/ll'lt thi~
<br />qreement .tat. tll.t the Con.te"'" t. to aequlredatter the date bereot, will be. tbe owaer':)f tb(!l CoHeter&! tree from an)' advN..e lien. I!le~
<br />eurtt'lftt....lto...neumbrance: and th.t Debtor wtU defend the Cot.tn.. &plut All claim. and dflmu..t. of allp.",oft. ~tan)' time clalml.ng
<br />the -.me or MY 'llIlterut theretn. (2) Th.t no ftJa...e1l'1l' .taterM1'il conrll'll' the COIl.t..... or .1'I)'proeeecla thereof .. on rue 11'1 -.ny plJblie offlt:e
<br />.&nd tt.t alUM req\lellt ot 8eeundPutY. Debtor will Join with 8ecu..-dPatty lJleacutlnl'one or moN finanelnr atateri1enU PUI~tto t.,~
<br />N.b..... Unlfoml.IOommeretal Codetn form ....fact01')'to 8<<Itured P.tty.. and'. "Ulpey the.,.t of tHin. .ucb ftnlneh11'IlItatement, . thle.Meurtty
<br />...,...,entaM"'y eontlllluatlon or termlnaUowa .atemeat; In alt putitte oMea wlM,...rflllnl' I. deemed by 8eeurtd Party tobene<<alluT or
<br />d..lrable: and If tbe CoUateral I. atblched to real_tate prior to the ,.rteeuOltOf t,he aec:unty tnterf'..tl'...~ted lllJnJ"',or if the CoUaterlll
<br />Includes crop. or oil, "11.'01' mtner.... to be eatraeted orUmber.tobeeut,Dtbtor wm. on demandof8ecuredX>&rtf. furnish Se<:'Q.t'!!ld Party
<br />'WIth a dllJelatmu <.r dhw.iaJm.,. 01' aubordlnatlon atrreement alped by .n penon. havlnl' M interNt in I,he 1'01,< diaelaJminlf ():F' SlUt>-
<br />oretln.tlng any 'l~ltere.t In the COn..te.... which' l.prlOl' to the In.terest of Secured Patty, (II) Not to .ulU, trlU'UJter diIlPm.:e of the (",Hatl!\!i'tiil.
<br />nor take the ..me l)r attempt to talc.. the ..me from the count). where kept u .bove atated, without the prior wnt,,,,:, '~lJnff,nt lIt the G!)>cured
<br />Party, Cf) Top&,r -.11 taxu and ......menl8 of every n.ture whleh may be levied or ....ea.ed a,'dnat the Colhl.teral. {b'! N(}t. to !'etrnIt 01" allow
<br />My ad vel'''' Uen,. securtty' intel"lellt or encumbrance ,.h4ltlJOe'ter upon the CoUatera.J, and not to permit the .ame to bll! Mt~<:hfjd or r"ph~l'!h\ed.
<br />(6J That the Collateral II, In good condition, and that he 11'111 at hi. own expen._~ keep the lIAtne In good condition I:md tl'W\1 Ul'iil'i tlt'l'll!:.
<br />forthwith, repl.etl e~nd reiPalr all iluchpan. of the Collateral umay be broken; worn. out or dam<<red without aUC>1':tnlr any lien to h~ (;rel!l.t~
<br />upon thf' coUateral on aecount of aueh replacement orrepal.... and that the l!Jeeuret'l Party may examltu.l and inspect theCone,te'i:"'liJ
<br />",h.rever loeAtM. f1) That he ..mat bill OW'll expeftll4!l knp tbe Conateralln.ured In a company lIIaUafactory to BeCUref)
<br />approprJate, by tlbett. colU.ton" tiN and. exteftded eoverace, with JOO payable to Seeured Party IU' It.. Interutmayappear,lI::nd 'Will' (,1n det'natld
<br />deliver. said poUc'lea ot Inasuranee or furntah proot ot such inllur.nce to Secured Party, HI) Attta option. Secured' P.rtymaY 'prooure '\Jeh ..II1#U1.
<br />ance, dil!Jchal'lre tl..e., lien. or aecurtty tntere.ta or other encumbrancell at &ny time levied orplaeed on the Collateral and may Pay t()r the l"ll!!11a.h'
<br />otaoy damage o:r :lnJufY to or for tbe p....erv.Uon and maintenance of the Collateral. Debtor agree. to reimburM 8ecuredPart:v Qft dl'lmluld
<br />for any payment or 'expenle incurred by Secured Party purllluMt to the torel'olngauthorlutton, Until lueh reimburaernen.t, the amount Of'MY
<br />such pa.yment, with Interest at the rate of 9l!f: per annum from date of payment until reimbursement. ahall be added to the Indebtedn.. owed
<br />by Dftbtor and shatt beMCUred by thll agreement. (9) That he will not use the Collateral In vlolaUon of a.m"apl~Heable IIlt.atute. l'tl&,u)a.tlonor
<br />ordinance and If .any of the Collateral I. motor ,'ehlclell the .ame 1I'ltl not be rented. WJed In rental service nor In any !peed or elldul'''tleeeon~
<br />telt. (0) Debtor will pay Seeured Patty .ny and aU coats and expenaell Incurl'tld In recovering pOllaenlon of the Collateral and Incurred In
<br />enforelnl' thla lIIeeul'!ty agreement. and the same shan be aecured by this 8eeurtty a,reement,
<br />
<br />
<br />UNT.tL DEFAULT Debtor may have posee.slon of the Collateral and use. It in .any lawful manMrnnt lneofudlrtent with thht t\l:fre;l;l'Illmt
<br />and f1,ot Ineonlll.tent with any policy of Insurance thereon, and upon default Se-eured Party shall hll\'e the immediate ,.:lBM to thepOl!llllelllllon
<br />of the Collateral.
<br />
<br />DEBTOR SHALL BE IN DErAUI.T under thle agreement upon the happening of !an)" of the followln, ev<entl!l (H' condition.: '(1) d.efault
<br />in the payment of performance of any obligation, covenant or liability contained or referred to herein or In any note evidencing the Mme: (2)
<br />any .....r..nt)'. reprell4!lntation or 8tatemertt made or furnished to Secured Party by Or on behalf' ot Debtor proves to hl\v~~ b~enfal8e Il'Il.ny ma-
<br />tert.l ....ped when made or furnished: (3) any event which re8ult8 In the acceleration ot the maturity ot the Indt!.btedMlllll otDebtor to othens
<br />under any Indenture, a",,"ment or undertaking: (oi) 10slI. theft. damal'e. destruction,' little or eneumbrance to or of .Imy of the CoUateM'l,I. 01' the
<br />maJdnl'ot My It"1. 8elaure or attachment thereof or thereon: (I)) death: dle.elutlon, termination of eXistence. Insolvency. buelnNIll fllllut'e. 8.p.
<br />pOlntment of. reeelver 011 any part ot the property ot, ul!ligl'lment for the benefit 01 creditors by, 01' the commencement of any proe~dlng under
<br />..., bankl"lJP." l)r Il'llOlvenc:y taws by or against Debtor or any guarantor or surety tor Debtor.
<br />
<br />UPON8UCH I1ICrAULT and at any time thereafter. or If It deem. Ulfelt 111l,e<:\I1'e. Secured l"l1rty Ynay declare aU ObUptiQ'l\8 !1,'j(l\U'l.'Jd
<br />bereb)'lmmediat.IIY due and payable and ehall have the remedlo of . secured party under the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code, S~eured
<br />P.tty 1ftI,)' require Debtor to auembJe the eollateral IUId deliver ,or m.ke It available to Secured Party at It. place to be deIJI&,f1ated by Secured
<br />P.arty whleh i. rUlIOnably c:on\'enlent to both partie.. Unl...a the Collateral I. perl.hable or' thr-eateDl!l to decline speedllyln value 01'1. ot ii, type
<br />cutomartly 110M 0111 a rel:ol'nbed market, Secured Party will give Debtor reuon.able no\iee of the time and place of any public Ale the,',,*of' 01'
<br />ofth. time alter -whlcb e.ny private sale or any other Intended dll!lpoalUon thereof 11'1 to be made, "rite Utluirement.e of re&lonable n()Uc~l.'Ihall 'be
<br />met it such notlee hI maned, poalace prepaid, to the address of Debtor l!lhown at the beginning of t.hls agreement at le< flve day. herON! the
<br />tim. of the...I.. lor dlspo.IUon.
<br />
<br />No ....Iv.rby &.cured Party of any default shall l).~rate SA .. waiver of any (lthel' default or of the l!IaQU~ default on a future ()If(::.l:u!liOlJ.
<br />The takinl' of lhl_, .eeurlity .,,,"ment .h.l.notwalve or Impair any other .~urlt)' _ld Secured P.arty m.&y have or heret.fter l!I.cqulreforthe
<br />")"IDe..t of the "~)\'e indebtedn.... nor ahaU the taking of any l!Iuch additional eeeul"lty waive or Impair UII. 8lilCudty llgreement: but _141
<br />s.eu," Party, m&)lr re.Olrt to any .ecurlty It may have In the order It may deem proper, and, notwlthatandlng ..ny ~on..t.ral lleeurUy, S6eurtld
<br />Part)' ,lIhaJl.' ~..l~ "I'hb' of.. Mtolf ....Iat Debtor,
<br />
<br />All nIb" .>f Sec:lilred Party bereunder .h..l In1ll'e to the benetlt of Ita lIueCf.lIIaor. IUId &11.11'111; t\nd e.ll promi... and duties ot~1Mor
<br />.....1... bind ,hit h.t,., ....cuto.... or admhalatratOl"a or bl. or Ua asucce..or. or U81111.. If there be more than one Debtor, their Ilablllth)shere-.
<br />\law .han . bit JjlJillt u4 .......1.
<br />
<br />Thil .........Mat. 'nail'~. e:t;cUv; "l'l'ben !t !e e!.gnl1ll! by I)ebtor.
<br />
<br />L.J
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<br />_I
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<br />L
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