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<br /> <br />REAL ESTATE LI N <br /> <br />83-. ')0004~ <br /> <br />WHEREAS Ralph and Imogen H scock~ hu band and w <br />(herejl~lafter usually referred to lU "HOmtHJWner", wh th r nf? r <br />more) ha~; entert:~d int() tai.n wri. n SNG REHABIl.l'fATION <br />GRANT AGREEMENT dated thE! day of , 1982 with th <br />City of Grand I.sland, (;~ raska, a mun c pal orp<)rat ()n <br />(herel1Luafter usually rf~f~H'red to as lICi "), acting through it <br />Community Development Agency, for rehab litatian of . dwelling on <br />premi~le:s owned by Homeowner which fJre her inaftf!r described, snd <br />for the ~~ranting by City tol1omeowner ofFf~deral funds in the <br />amount 0 f Tw e 1 ve Thou san d F i. v €~ Hun d r(:!! d S e v en and () 0 I 1 0 0 f) oIls r s <br />($12,501.00) to be applied in payment of the cost of such <br />rehabilitation, and <br /> <br /> <br />WH ERE AS, H 0 m e 0 w 1"1. E:~ r ins u c hAG R E E ME NTh as, a m 0 n got her <br />thingsl, agreed (a) to repay such amount or, as the case may be, a <br />pa r t the I' e 0 f t 0 C i t y 1 nee r t a i n c ire urn s tan ce s des c rib e din the <br />AGREEMENT, and (b) to execute and deliver to City an instrument <br />in recordable form granting to City a lien on the premises to <br />secure such repayment, <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of such AGREEMENT with <br />City, Ralph and Imogene Hescock, husband and wife does hereby <br />grant to CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, A Municipal Corporation, <br />its successors and assigns, a lien upon the following described <br />real Bstate situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br /> <br />Lot Five (5), Block Five (5), Koehler Place <br />an addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />according to the record plat thereof, <br /> <br />to secure repaymE~nt to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, its <br />s u c ce S S 0 r s and as s i g n s, 0 f the am 0 un t 0 f the g ran the rei nab 0 v e <br />referred to or, as the case may be,a part thereof n accordance <br />with the terms and conditions set forth in th(~ HOUSING <br />REHABILITATION GRANT AGREEMENT to which reference is made <br />hereinabove. <br /> <br />The lien herein granted shall run with the premises for a <br />period of two (2) years from this date, and shall also bind th(~ <br />successors and assigns and, except as provided in such AGREEMENT, <br />the personal representatives, heirs, devisees, and legatees of <br />Homeowner. <br /> <br />Dated this <br /> <br /> <br />day of <br /> <br /> <br />, 1982. <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss <br />County of Hall ) <br /> <br />On this day of 1982, before me, the <br />undersigned, ssioned act ng n and for such county, <br />sonally appeared Ralph and Imogene Heacock, husband and wife <br />t.o me t 0 bet h €lid e 11 tic alp e r so ns who s e s i g 11 a t u res are <br />to the f~regoing instrument, and they acknowledged the <br />of sue h ins t rumen t t 0 be t he i r vol un tar y ac t (s) and <br /> <br /> <br />witness whereof, r have hereunto set my official hand and <br />date las~ above written. <br /> <br />At Nor A,RY , State oj Nebrllska <br />. GARROUTTE <br />I), Sept 2a, 1983 <br /> <br />