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i ~~: <br />ii- ('~62~/a.-SECOND REfL ESTATE- i4fORTQAGE-Witti Tax Clause Huffman and Felton & Wolf, Walton, Ne. 68461 f ~! <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 8~... f) U Q:~ `'~ <br />TFIfIT Ioy WE, Timothy G. Jensen and Lori L. Jensen, Husband and Wife <br />of Hall County and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the siim of <br />OPIE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100{$1,500.00) ------------------- DOLLARS <br />iu hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY ustto Larry L. Tuttle <br />of Hal T County, and State of Nebraska <br />s%tuated i9i Hall County, and State of Nebraska <br />(mortgagee J, <br />the following described premises <br />to-wit <br />The Westerly Fifty-two (W52') feet of Lot One (1) in Block Seven(7), <br />in South Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Ths inte»tion being to convey hereby ax absolute title in fee simple including all eke rights of homestead and dower. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, atfth a!t the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto <br />the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, her or their heirs and assigns, forever, provided always, and these pres- <br />ents are neon the express condition that if the said mortgagor or mortgagors, his, her or their hairs, executors, admin- <br />istrators or assigns shall Qay or cassse to be paid to the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, her or their Aeirs, ex- <br />ecutors, admi+sistrators or assigns, the snm of One Thousand, Five Hundred and no/100($1,500.00) <br />Dollars, payable as follows, to-setit; <br />At Ten {10) Percent interest for Two (2} years, with one payment <br />of Nine Hundred and no/100($900.00) Dollars due on February 28,1984 <br />and a second payment of Eight Hundred and Twenty-Five and no/100 <br />($825.00) Dollars due on February 28,1985. <br />with interest thereon at 10 per teat per annum, payable annually, according to the tenor and effect of <br />the promissory note with interest conpoas attached of said Mortgagors, bearing even date udth these pres- <br />ents, aced shad pay all taxes and aay iaterast on, or +iwh+ring installments of principal, due on any prior mortgage and <br />assessments levied upon said real estate and aU other taxes, levies and assessnut»ts levied upon this mortgage or the <br />note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the same becomes delinquent and keep the buildings an said <br />prspsiass insured for the sum $ ,lass, if aay, payable to such first snartgagees or this mortgagee, or Goth, <br />then thesq presents be void, athertuise to be and reawin is fuU force. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (zJ That if the said mortgagor shalt fail to pay such tares a»d such interest on, <br />or saatnring ixstall+aents of principal, due on aay prior mortgage and procure such snsurance, then this nwrtgagee nwy ' <br />pay sxrh tales and such interest on, or matxriag instaUmeats of principal, due an such prior mortgage and procnre '. <br />such uacsetatce; and the sum so advanced with interest at nine per cant shat! be paid by said mortgagor, used this snort- ', <br />gags shall stead as security for the same. (aJ That a failure to pay any of said money, either principal or interest on <br />this or any prior mortgage, when the same becomes due or a tailors to comply teeth any of the foregoing agreesnessts, <br />shall cause the whole sum of +aoasy hersuc secured to become due and collectable at once at the option of the mart- <br />9~s• '~ <br />IT IS FURTHER AGR.&&D That said mortgages, psading foreclosure of this rnortgnge and after decree and <br />ptndiag stay thssoa or appeal Nutrifrorrc and pa++ding sak of premises mortgaged, nwy pay such taxes and maturing ~ <br />intarsat or nuitutis4g. in.ii~€ of pxiwsipo+t on prier mortgages, procure such insurance and such sutn.i shat! be <br />added to the amdunt dwe oa det~su,m+d-npzn~coafirmahon of sale by the court ordered taken out of proceeds of sale; <br />or if redeemed daring stay, appeal or-eats, such amouak shalt bs cotketed the same os though it wars a pnrt of such <br />da,~+ts. <br />~ +~ 28th ~ of February . tv ~ <br />!n PwCSSNCr of -'~ r ~ <br />~ , f. l ~.. ~ ~~ <br />i <br />.....-„ .. ............ ................... .......................... .. .. 1", <br />- i <br />f <br />