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83- 000560 <br />FEB 2 8 1983 <br />~/~- <br />BY <br />STATEMENT ATTACHED <br />l~arrant~ Cemeterg Deed <br />-I N- <br />t~Y11T MEMORIAL PARB <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />a cemetery association <br />incorporated under the <br />cemetery laws of the <br />State of Nebraska <br />THIS INDENTURE: Made this_ 15th__~y or-------February-----------------~. D.. Ie_$~ _. <br />between WEBTLAWN MEMORIAL PARH QEDt6TE8Y OF GRAND fBLANG, NSBSABEA, Flret Party, <br />ana ----+a9hCL.L._F_].3~.itr-~IICL1~e1ATP_s-.1--f'-1313.~------------------------------------ <br />husband and wife~_as_1oint tenants and_ not_as tenants iR_~Q¢ffiLQCt~JN.l~h~- <br />ri~ht_ of survivorshi~__________________________________________-----------__-, secona Party. <br />WITNESSETH: That Flret Party for and in consideration oL the sum of <br />QD~_L~A.I~r~3QSj._OS J]~L_Y.3.1113f7.LE_LAC151dEL3t1DI1S----------------------------COLLARS <br />the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hen sold and by these presents does grant, convey and conflrfn <br />unto the Second Party sari to Second Party's helm aaa assigns __ cr_ to_ heirs__and_~s~i~n~__-__ <br />of_the _survivor_of_them_forev_ers_~ot 315,_5~aces_l_2,__Se~_tiQn_'~N"_________-__ <br />----------------------------------------------------------------_of WESTLAWN Id1dMORIAL PARK <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, situated in Halt County, Nebraska, a cemetery to be used for interment pur- <br />pwes only, bring so dedicated and declared. the Plnt of said cemetery being recorded In the office of the <br />Register of Deeds of Ha11 County. Nebraska. <br />TNe riled is aub~ect to all laws of the State of Nebraska, and to all by-IaWA rotes and regulations <br />of WffiTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY of Grand Island, Nebraska, and to any changes in said <br />laws, by-laws, rules and regulations. <br />Any transfer of UUe of any part of the above described property shall not De valid until the rime <br />bas bees recorded upon the hooka of tits First Party. <br />WffiTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, hereby cove- <br />nants and agrees to and with the Second Party and with the heirs and assigns of the Second Party, that <br />at the time of the execution and delivery of these presents it L lawfully seised of said premian; that 1t has <br />good right and lawful authority to convey the same; that they are free from encumbrance and Flrat Party <br />does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the premises against the lawful clafrae of all-persons whomso- <br />ever. <br />WffiTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, agrees to fur- <br />nLh perpetual care, administration and maintenance of the above described premlen ea provided by its by- <br />laws. <br />IIQ WITfTES$ WHEREOF, The said WI$STI.AWN MEMOtIAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND <br />- - ISLAND, NE8RASKA, has hereunto caused its corporate seal to be affixed sad these presents to be signed <br />by its president the day and year first above written. <br />WICSTIriWN MF,itIORIAL PARR CEMETI£B,Y OF (S~.piq,38LADTD,; NEB1iASHA <br />. ~ ., _-,~ <br />_ ~ , . ~r ----'-- <br />STA~lg O$ N$6~tASKA. <br />',! .:.. Cgtir~Tx oa`_'t3AI.I• <br />On wi.- 75~--day °f --------------Fehiua ;X------------------------------------~ Ie &3 __, <br />- =~a - <br />.F ~,F pefpid ale i~p;underalgned, a notary public, 3n and for said county and state, personally came _____________ <br />Peaiddaet of WaaUawa 1[amorlal Park Cemetery of Grand Inland, Nebraska, to me personally knowA to be <br />tM Psesldaat sad Lbe identical person whose Huse is affixed to the above conveyance, and ackmowledged <br />_ ilia axecuttoa thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such otflcer and the voluntary act and dead of tha <br />_ . a41~ WYtlavra Ntamorlal Park Cemetery of Grand Lund. Neluaaka, and that the corporate and of the said <br />_ .. 4fFa1~111~va liaaiorlat Park Cemetery d Grand Island, Nebraska, was thereW atflaed Dy its authority. <br />.`;fi~.,, hand and notarial and the day a~M year last above wrlttea. <br />i ;. ~ <br />~ '" ~~ 1 ta! L,L~ ~t~ <br />+ IsIU(BI~a4U93-9taN Ol Nehasts -' - - No - ~.~t'F -- - <br />~ Viz: :' ? _ r h,fkt HARVEY ~«f <br />~-~ .~ ~9 Comm. fxp, Oct. l9. 198fi <br />t - ~ . <br />