<br />t;i} +nonth prior to its due date the annual tnurtgage insurance premium fn order to provide such holder
<br />with funds to-pay such premium ?o the Se<;retary of Housing and fJrban Development pursuant to the
<br />14ational Housing Act. as amended,-and applicable Kegu!-ations thereunder: or ,
<br />(II) If and so {ong as said note o€ even date and this instmment are herd by thz Secretary of housing and
<br />~° Urban Development, a znonthly .ftarge lin lieu of n mottzage irrsrrrarree premium/ which shalt be -loan
<br />arrrount equal to one-twefffh (f/l2} of one-half {7/2'I per centum of the average outstanding balance
<br />due on the note computed wititt-tit talinu into ac<:outrt delitfoi:esfeies or prepayments:
<br />(b) A'sutrt equal to the ground rents, ft env, + xt duz, plus fire pr trrutr; [:rat wilt next become due and payable nn
<br />pefiicies of fire-and other ftaza+d i„suranu t av-ring tC:e tiu,rtyagac. proper] ,Plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />~on the moffgageil property fall us esttrrirved Ut. rfre dfr;rt+rak~,>I ;es<s+li 4uns already paid therefe.= diarided by the
<br />r+umber of months to elapse belora o:~e - ~r?nth prior t~~ ;Ize dart ~r3t.n su:l; kround rend, premiums. t:ixes and
<br />assessments w81 become delinquent, ouch sums to be t+eld Ci}' Alorfgagee in tract to pap said ground-rents,-pre-
<br />miwns, taxes and special assessments; and
<br />(e} AIt payments mentioned fn the two preceding subsections of this•pararraph ant; all paymanG to he made under
<br />the note secured hereby shall be added together, and the ag~~^gte enurutrt tltereot s:ali L=e paid by the illortgagor
<br />each- month in a single payment to be applied by the 'fart~agee ;,- +.+e t~l}oc.iw +,..,.,; iii rite, ottlcr set forth:
<br />(I} pram}wn charges under *_he contract of insur;::;cc ~„zt . tl+e Str.~etan~ of €{ousint and ?lrban Development,
<br />ix monthly charge fin iierr cJ'rrruth+rge rn,,r.rarc•e;~=rr= ziit;rr. a> the rase ma} be:-
<br />~II) =` ~aund rents, taxes, assessmer+rs, iue anti isthcr i;azatd nrsarancz prrnnums;
<br />(tII} interest an =,he note secured hereby; and
<br />(1V) amortization of the, principat of card Hate.
<br />Any deficiency in thz xtnofiiii of an, r raga ro;+t 3?=~_~,+;r :t.:d!_ unless made gcx~d by rite hfort-
<br />gagor pn`a= to :he due date af'he next ,u-l -:a}n -.,+st ra- an e=.~c- ~ . d ,rsua uadcr thrs nartaage. The
<br />Mortgagee may collect a "late charge' oat t¢-exceed ~fe.=r gents t4v') For each dollar ill I ufeach payment more
<br />thazf tifteen (h) days in arrears to rarer u,. eaff;t _x}r+:~:. tncc;,i i:, i.at3dhn•~ aie.linauent pa}=men*s.
<br />:i_ 9Jtat, if dte torn/ of the pa}'menu rnrde by the Mort f::grtr under :;_ :=i po-tr~raphv preredin~ ;half exceed
<br />the atoouht. of pa}mems actuall} made b} the }lortQaaee ="„ ±~rot+ttd rents, taxes and asse~smunt~ arinsurancc pre=
<br />miumg, as the esi_se mac be. Such access. tf the Loan is arrrent, a=. the anti~u of ti+e ptarrgagbt; shad lie credited by
<br />the liurigagee tin subsequent pa}~ment:~ to !rt• made by tf+e :lor[_'aga.•< or r,~tunded rn the Vor[gagor. ", however, the
<br />month/}• payments made 6}~ the ~fonfiat;_,r under : t>i rsraeraph ' ,~recc~ii^s shad aot l.c sufficient to oat ground
<br />rent taxes and a~e~sments or insurmue premium-, as the c v mat ,., i,t>n the same shrill become due and pay-
<br />abfe, then r1+e ~{ongagor shall pay to the ~Inrt~aFtee :mv :[mount Hates-San- to ma?:e up the deficiency, on ar before
<br />the date when payment of such gmurtd rents. [axe=, asst=-.aments or tr.snrxnce premiums shall be due. ff at am
<br />time the 4lortgtigor shall temicr to the ~fnrtgagee, in accurtl3ncc t;td+ the nrn,i~ivtrs of the note secured hereby,
<br />full payment of i~he entire indebtedness mpre=anted there bF. the ;tortga~ee Mall, in computing `the amount of such
<br />indebtedness, credit to the account of-the Mortgagor all papments +natdc under the provisiaxfs of t,<;~ of paragraph 2
<br />hereof which the tlorigagee ha- nut Gecame ublit=,ateii to pat m the :recratarv of Ao+tsing ..nd l'rb:fn Development
<br />and any- balance romaining in tha• hinds ;+rrvrnul:tta•d under +h+' psovisrons of •'-' of paragraph °_ hereof. !f there
<br />shall lid ti default under :ut)_ of the pravi-tat- tit thi= murt~+s~e re>uhin~ ;n :f lruh!ie ~aie of the premised covered
<br />hereby, or if the tloripaRee acquires the propertt ofhenai=r :fu=r ,iefaul+_ she ;lurtkagec> shall apple. at the time of
<br />the commencement of such proceeding-, ++r ~: the crime th+~ prolse>++r t- .+thereai~r acouired, the balance then remain-
<br />ing in the funds aecumulatc~f under. ~ ; of paragrauh ' precedina_ s- ;+ +,odit a,:f=n<t the amuur,+ ul principal then
<br />remaining unpaid under said Hate, and =h;rif pn+pcrly :+djt+>= _-^s t,:+;n~=r=*~ :>itii°h =gait hs;r heer+ made under i;
<br />of parer=raph ~, >
<br />4. -Chat the Atungagur will pat _rucn+a ren+., ;+-rr>. ;..ae>nnranr+. ~.ac+[:r r:€tec, anJ other aucernmrntal ur municipal
<br />charge., fines, ur imposition>. for w hick nro.isien hm nut been =? ;sir hrrt+nt>tfcse. _ts3 in der:+uh therm: the Siungagee mny
<br />pay the same; and that the ~fortgagur to ill prunfpti} siriiser the of^c+al rrCtipt s thrrfrr t.> the \9c=rtgagee.
<br />>_ Thr y4arrg:;gar wit/ pay a'a is+aes which ma} he ltaie;i apun the ~!.=r[F;arre't ;merest in wid reel estate una irnproue-
<br />menu, and w-hick nfap hr Vra 1rd atpur, thi. fi;oriia~r ur the ucr t sec urev hcrrh_, cool .;nlr ra +he extrnr that ,urh i.. not prohibit-
<br />ed by law and oni}' to the extent that .uch ~,i-sll nut ntaee thts i.~au u,unuu,t. ;tit _sc1=tiding .+nc income 6rc, Siatr or b~rderai.
<br />imposed on Mortgagee, and wit/ Cite the official receipt shawyng such payment with the \tortgaget. Hpon ; iolation of this under-
<br />taking, aP if the i4iortgagar is protfibtied.b~ any tats now ur hereafter existing front paying-the whole or any p+tniun of the afore-
<br />said taxes,~at open the rendrdng ai any court dreree pra+hit+idng the paymertt by the Mortgagor ur any such faxes, ur if such law
<br />erdecree provides that any amount sa paid by° the Vortgsgor shall hr crtdited on the murtgagr debt, the ,4fortgager clod/ have
<br />the right m give ninety days' written notice m the uuTter of -the rue*rti..ged premise,, repuirng the payment uC the n+urtgage
<br />debt. If such notice f+o given, the said debt shall hectana due, pa} aMe :ttfu collectii+le of the rxpiratiun of said Hiner} da} s.
<br />6. 'fhal strottld.he fail to pay any-sup+ ur keep any evvenaut pruvi+kd Tat in ttus ~tartgagr, tiftn the Aortgagee, at it, op-
<br />tion, map pay or perfann the crams, and all rxprnditutr. co made st+;+ii he added to ihr principal sum owing tin the abort note.
<br />shall tx secured htrrhy, and shall hear incere,t .+t the tart set turth u+ the said note, +mtil pa+d.
<br />'. 'Chat he hereby ;tssigos_ transfers and sr[. a=,er to the >fortgagee, to he enplird trwsrd the pa}meat oY the uotr and alt
<br />sums secured hereby in cast of a drf:ruli its the perormurxe of s+ty of ti+e terns and cond+uons tit thts :xlongage ar the said
<br />note. all the rents, revenues and income to t+a' dcritcd from the n+ustga+ged p+-rm+,c±auring such time as the mortgage inde~ted-
<br />ness xhalf remain unpaid; artd the Marig~ee .hall hate power to:+ppaint any agent or agents it m:+} desire fur the purpose of
<br />repairing-said premises and of renting-the same crud collecting the rent>, rr+enue+.:r3.[ tncon+e, and it may =?a} oat of said in-
<br />eomes aft expenses of repairing said premises and neres.-an caroms-stuns and expenses incurred in renting and managing the
<br />cattle and of trolfecting camels therefrom; the balance remaining. if ant. m he applied toward the discharge of said mortgage
<br />indebtedness`.
<br />8. That !fe will krep the improvements nun- existing ur hersftrr erected on the mat>tgaged prope[ty, insured as mac he
<br />requited frgm time to time by the itarrk;,gee again>t lac, b} izre ,rod other ha:ards_ cascalnes :+nd renungencie> its such
<br />amounts and for such periods as may be required by the 'lforgagcr and ;tit! ; u} promptly, t~ her+ due. any premiums on such
<br />insurance prevision far paynfent of which has oat been r:tada hereinheturc .all insuc+r,, e .half he aarrird in wmpanies ap-
<br />praved by the lfurtgagee and the paiic+r and reneu:ds thereat shall l+r held by the .'durtgagte and hate :+ttaahr>3 th~~tto to>s
<br />payahk etausrs in favucofa+ni in fum aea>{itahk+-ttwthe hiartgagee. ro eventaf foss .'tfongag.:r will g+rt immed+e+tt n.+nce by
<br />mail [o the Mort~agce, oho mty make prawf of foss ii oat mace prompti!" h \io:tg.,gvr. and earl insur.+nr:uatpan}~ eon-
<br />cerned is tterte3ty aulltt-Yi~ed arul directeai to srs:,kr pay:nrnt for sua-h foss directly to the 4forigc+gee instead of to the Mortgagor
<br />surd ttta kfurttragee jaimf}.:uuf the incur,+n.e p:c+ieeds. +>r ztny part thereof. may- t>t ,+pphcd h}~ the Vto+'[gt+yec at ns o}~+uon adther
<br />totf+ateduciiantttthcimiebtedtmseh+~aby°sa>tsuredorfcsRha'resturhtionatrrep,r+r+jfthfpropert},iamaged. hteccntuffotedo-
<br />sure of tax nwirgageaar atheriransfer of talc to the tntutga~ -d pmpert} in < 1 + knish-Want of the rntiabtcdn+ s c u+rd hereby,
<br />all irghi. tuft Had tt+tereat ai fhe MartE.,ty~s r,+;, .+r to .m ins+a_,u,:a t.+-side, that, +n f.u;. ,hail pa-._ r, the. purer n,+.a s or g+ama.e.
<br />y- 'Cite[ as additionat amf rotlatrrxt ae. utit} for the , u} uteat of the Hate desinbed. and ail sums Ie braunle dun under this
<br />f[u~rtjtagt, rite "+f+utg.gtar ha>rah} +ssigns i ttx ZAa+rgy,ca ,~#t p uu~;rtiat]{k:~~~}+~ai~t~,~1t~ an+i heneflt5 aa~cruing to the
<br />tdurtkagar utider ant- nd .+li use .o+d gas .ra_~s on „d pr. Huse,. witfi3ttie ,tight to+re!ei4e and raticipt fur the ss+me and apply
<br />them to .aid rndehtcdnzss us Weil hrfure as ; Citr defauh in the.uns:it+un~ .'~! this^rortgagc,.:u,ai t e llartgagtr may dcn+and. ,tic
<br />for and rceos~rr :utp such pa}~maa[a w•herf aloe ;+ud pa)~slzie, ;xis shall nut i+c-: c yaured „= t„ ~i.~ ftx+, ,rssignatent +s to terminate
<br />:+nd hccautr dull and ;`.*ii upmn +alca.a •.r th+s n,ungape,
<br />
<br />