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~i <br />tr ~, <br />. _.. _ ..~, wn <br />_ S2/Q-SECOND REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-With Sax Glsuw Nuftman and Felton & Wolf, Wa)ton, Ne. 68461 <br />t r ' <br />~ KNOW ALL MEN BY TfiFSE PRESENTS: S~- ~~U9.24• <br />THAT I or WE, Jaek L Alttner and Larry B Parker <br />of Ha11 County and State of Nebraska , in considerationof the Burn of <br />f Two Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-One and itro Cents ($2841.O~fJLI,ARS <br />in lured paaid, do hereby SELL and CDNI~EY unto Eldon E. Ault and -ianna K. Ault, Husband and <br />wife <br />(nrortg~agte), <br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska ,the following described pr¢itiises <br />situated in Hall County, and State of Nebraska to-xait: <br />Lot Two (2), Block One Hundred Forty-Five (145), Union Pacific Railway Company~s <br />Second Additior, to Crand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Subject to Mortgage for ~p11,200,00 recorded as Doc. Mortgagee <br />agrees to remain in :a second mortgage position if mortgagor refinances <br />prior mortgages. <br />T}ae intention being to convey hereby a>r absolute title to fee simpiz including all the rights o,f honresteud and dower. <br />TO HAVE .4ND TO HOLD the premises above described, ecitl: all the nbprrrtenmtces thereunto belonging unto <br />the said mortgagee or rnortgaaees and to ltis, lrer or their heirs and rssigns, force+er, prozided alumys, and these pres- <br />ents are upon the zxpress rondition that if the said mortgagor or mortgagors, his, hzr a• their hers, executors, adn»n- <br />istrators or assigns shall pu:~ or cause to be paid to the sairi rnortgagrz or mortgagees and to his, her or their heirs, e.r- <br />erutors, administrators or assigns, the sum of Twc Thousand - ~~t ~:undred Forty-Ono -ollars and <br />`ftao Carts Dollars, payable s follows, to-edit: ', <br />Payable at 12~ inierest, amoritised over a twelvel2)~•ear parcel, payment being <br />Thirty-Seven Doiiars and Thirty-One Cents (:17.31) ~'cr Forty-Eight°onths, begin- <br />ning February}, 1983 and continuing thru ire?.: r.?~ r't~: 198'~,when the balance of <br />the loan shall become due and payable. <br /><' <br />with interest thereon ut 12 per cant per a»num, payable ~3 ;,31 goxnx~ according to t}re tenor and effect of <br />the promissory note with interest coupons attacl ed of said ,tlortgngors, bearing c~zn date uith these pres- <br />ents, and shall pay all taxes and any interest on, or nraturinc' installments of principal, due ou any prior morlgnge and <br />assessments levied upon said real estate and all other tu.res, !tt-ties and assessments leuizd upon this mortgage or the <br />note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the sarr:~ becomes cialinguant and keep the buildings on said <br />prerises insured for the Burn ~r14,000,00 loss, if an}', payablr to such first mortgagees ar this »wrtgagae, oroutA, <br />then these presents be void, other4eise to be and remain in full facie. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED {lj That if the said raartgagor shad fail to pay such taxis acrd such interest on, <br />or maturing installments of prirrtipal, due on any prior rrwrtgage and procure such insurance, then this mortgagee nwy <br />pay such taws and such interest on, or maturing installments of principal, dui on suite prior rnortgaga and procnra <br />sash insurance; and the sure so advanced -with ixiterzst at nine par rent shall bz paid by said nrortgagar, and this nrart- <br />gaga shalt stand as security for the saran. (2) That a failure to pux~ any of said mm~ay, ~•ither principal nr interest on <br />this or any prior rnortgaga, whex rtes sans becomes due or a failure to comply ~:it}r an aj the forzgoisrg agree»+ents, I <br />shalt cause the :whole suns of rnone_y her:-in secured !o become due and rollectable at once at the option of thr wort- <br />9aJae. 1 <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED That said ruartgagae, pending fareclasurz of this rnortgaga and afdar decree and <br />pending s3ay thereon or appeal therefrom axd pending sole of premises nwrtgaged, eery pay such lases and maturing <br />interest or maturing installments of principal, ors prior mortgages, prrorure such insurance and such suuu shall br ; <br />added to the amount due on decree and upon ranfrrmution of sale by tl:e court ordered late*n out of proceeds of sale; <br />ar if redeerxsd during stay, appeal ar sale, such amounts shall be callzrted the samz as though it xe~zra a part of sorb <br />dames. <br />"Signal this 7t.Yx day of .?aruary rg83 <br />In Prestncr^ aj <br /> <br />s; <br />is <br />,p <br />. ,r <br />`,ri?'t•y ~,±."~ T'trx•i;rx, <br />