<br />~fy23a & xr=ideznsria Y, it ~rokan, usband k r7ife
<br />r
<br />hereinafter called mortgagot(s}, in consideration of the sum of ~ * Dollars in hand paid ,
<br />r does hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, and CONVEY to HOUS~It~ip FINANCE CORPORATION, hereinafter called
<br />I mortgagee, the following described real property located in a _ County, State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />%oL ^ranty Cne t,22), in ;~2onk f?ns (1), in Sothmants subdivision to
<br />tree City ©f Cz-and Island,. ??a12 County, °cF:.rusita.
<br />It is mortgagor's intention to convey title in fee simple including all rights of homestead and dower.
<br />PROVIDED, however, that this mortgage is made on, [I~e ex~ress co}uJtnon that„(f the mortgagors} pays in full the
<br />Sr~~. ~~le payable to ae mortgagee dated " a ru ry ~ + 19.~, for an amount finartced of
<br />pay bie in installments according to, tlty,,~~eetpts_tk}ereof, together with interest thereon at the
<br />agreed rate of chazge provided in the note, in the amount of 3 ~- 7 . Utr if the note is paid according to
<br />schedule; and if,mortgagor(s} pays all taxes and assessments levied on said property and maintains adequate fire insurance on
<br />said real property, then this mortgage shall be void.
<br />This mortgage may not be assumed without the written consent of the mortgagee.
<br />If the mortgagor fails to pay any sum of money, either principal or interest, when due, or fails to ~romply with any of the
<br />above agreements, the mortgagee has the option to declaze the whole of said indebtedness due and payable at once and to
<br />maintain any action at law or equity to recover the same.
<br />In Witness Whereof, mortgagors} executed thu mortgage this__ ~ Zt Y~ day of e'ebx'uai'y , A.D. 19 _~ .
<br />G~ , ...~`.•." ................................
<br />in the presence of: ,...
<br />~.era~.~.. P..Le..~,ane~er
<br />LZe21 COUNTY)
<br />~Ch his ~'#.~_~'#i.. day of ~ ~bt'~~`g A.D. 19 ~_ ,before me, the
<br />unr,~aig[tt±tl FLFbBrt& L: :`eX'2B1" ,_ aNotaryPublic,
<br />duly ssiated and qualiCted for artd residinggm~ said wont personally came n_y;= ~ ~ k r ©:, n • and -
<br />f~8~~tl:tAT`~a~ x~ R ~I!QWt3a ~17ESST/&fld ~ t~i~~ ___ _ ___ __ ____
<br />t to ms ~gweri to', be the itbaticat persoct ~ whose nurtC ~ (is},{grgj,affixed to the ioregning instrument as mortgagors
<br />fL.., sad ~kr+awle$g©d the satac to be t~$,j,,~+ voluntary act or deed.
<br />my hand and Notarial Sall the day and you Out above written.
<br />`~ ~
<br />„.
<br />o ,
<br />;t~~ . `~,~` _ °~ ~- -'~4•~ Notary Pubhe Ny cantrnrssrort expires. ,
<br />•r+es ta- t~ tsnn. a~a1!
<br />