<br />83-- UU0&2'~~
<br />THIS INDENTURE, Dade this.___.215t __-__.__._.___ day ot__F2_bY'tLdry - 19 _$3 by and between
<br />Wayne_~~..Schrne.de.r__andS,a~1.X. _Scaroe.de.>",-husband and--w-ifs,--each--i-n-ti.is-and-nPr cwt,
<br />right and as spouse of the other,
<br />of Ha 11 County, Nebraska, as mortgagor _S-.___, and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized atM existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />mortgagte;
<br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor S.._--, for and in consideration of the sum of
<br />Twelve Thousand Ten Dollars and noJ100---------------------
<br />12,010.00
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by these praetors mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, its succtssors and assigns,
<br />forevtr, all [ht following described real estate, situated in the County oC _-_ -_ ___ _. Hd 1.1 _ _ _ _ __ _ _
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot Eight (8) in Block "A" in Parkview Subdivision, located in the Northeast
<br />Quarter (NE;) of Section Twenty-Nine (29), and the Northwest Quarter (NWq) of
<br />Section Twenty-Eight (28), all in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9),
<br />West of the 6th P.M., HaIT County, Nebraska.
<br />9'ogether with all heating, ate condiUOnmg, lighting, anti plumbing eywpment and ttxtures. mdudmg screens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, and window shades or blinds, used on or m amnecUOn wuh surd propene, whether the name are now fixated on said property ar hereafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />TG HAVE ANll TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances [hereunto be-
<br />longing, or in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant the tide !o the same. tiatd morgagor $ hereby covenant - with said
<br />mortgagee that they dre . at [hr delivery hrrwf. the lawful owners of the premiere above conveyed and describtd.
<br />and .dre seized o(a good and indefensible estate cif mhentance therein, tar and clear of all encumbrances. and thai_ t hey.- will
<br />warrant and defend Che title thereto iorever against the ctainrs and denwnds n( all persons whomsoever-
<br />PROV 1 UF,U ALWAYS, and this tnsLrurnem is executed and delivered w secure the pay meat of the swn of _ _.. _.. - - __.
<br />Tw~l ve Th91~~and._Ten _(~] lees and not 100------------------ih oars l$ 12,O1Q..9_Q_ -- __ - i.
<br />with interest thereon. together with such charges and advanu;n as n:ay br due and payable to said mortgagee under the lertns and conditions
<br />of the promissory note u( even date herewith and securrcf henry, executed 6y said mortgagor S _ [o said mortgagee, payable as expressed
<br />fn said note, and to secure the performance of all the terms and conduions contained therein. 7'he terms of said note are hereby incorpureted
<br />herein by this reference.
<br />it is Na intention and agreement of the parties hereto chat this mar[gage snail also srcum any future advances made w said mortgagor. ~ .
<br />by said mortgagee, and any and all indaba~dness m adduion to [he amount ntwve stated whic}, said mortgagors, or any of them, nmy owe to
<br />said mortgagee, however rvidentxvi, whether by note. txwk account or otherwise. Phis mortgage shall remabt m full force and effect txtwten
<br />the parties hereto and their hairs, persoral represrntatnes, sutressorn and asst(,ms, until all amounts secured hereunder, including Futun•
<br />advances, are paid in fuG' with interest.
<br />Tha mortgagor S_._ hereby assign _. _.. to saw' mortgagte afi rents and income easing at tiny and ail times from said property and
<br />hereby authorize said mortgagee or its agent, at tie opLOn. upon detau[t, to take charge of said property and collect ail rents and income
<br />therefrom and apply the same to Che paynun[ of interest, pnncipnf, insurance premmms, taxes, assessments, repairs ur improvements
<br />necessary to keep said property in tenantable wmiitiun, or to other charge or paymmu provided for herein or in the note hereby secured. 'I~his
<br />rent assigrunen4 shall continue in force until the unpaid balance of said rwtt u fully paid. The taking tit possession hereunder shall in no manner
<br />prevent or retard said trmrtgagee N the rnllectian of said sums by fonclusun~ nr otherwise.
<br />The failure of the mortgagee to assert any of iGv rights hereunder at any time shall not tug constru d as a waiver of its right to assert the
<br />same at any Eater time, and to insist upon nerd en[urcr st act compliance with ati the terms and provisions of snot ante and of this mortgage.
<br />tf said mortgagar$ shall cause W be paid to said mortgagee the en[iro amount due it hereunder, and under the terms and provisions
<br />of said rote hereby setttred, including fuWrt advances, anti an}• extensions or renewals thereof in accordance with Lhe terms and provisions
<br />thereof, sad if said mortgagor S___ shall comply with all [he provismns of said note and a[ this mortgage, then these prnsents shall be void;
<br />otherwise to temsin is full tare and effect. anti said morib'a8re sha116a entitled W flu possession of all of said property, and nwy, at its option,
<br />dedare the xbole of said rote and all indet,tettrreres reprearnted thereby to be immediately due and payable, amt may totetiose this mortgage
<br />ar take any other legal action to pro4rt [ta right. Apptaisement waived.
<br />This rtwrigage shall ba binding upon and shaft enure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, udmintstratore, succe.satrs and assi(,ms of the
<br />reapective~parLi~ hereto.
<br />iN WfTN ESS K`kf 6lik'OP, said Mtuxgagnr 5 ha VP,. hereunto wit ,tllei.r. hand tftte"da} ynd yrmr brut above
<br />~,
<br />wRiten. •~ ~, / d~•r ~r,~~ri~ /~,
<br />r ay F Schroeder ~ ,
<br />Carol K. Schroeder
<br />