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+ ~ 103ys--R£LE118E OF MORTGliGE- porsltoa 83.w~ ~ a00 ~, ,~, uffman and Felton 8 Wolf. Walton, Ne. 68461 k <br />IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of she debt named therein, the HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN <br />ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND hereby releases the rreortgage made to <br />HOME-FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND <br />by CLARENCE A. PADRNOS AND JANET L. PADRNOS, <br />husband and wife, each in his and her own right and as spouse of the other <br />on-#Ise fallowing described real estate, to-wit: <br />(see below) <br />of Sectian in Toumship ,Range of the P. M., HALL <br />County, State of NEBRASKA which is recorded in Book of Real Estate Mortgages, page , <br />of the records of said County. Document p 79-000079 <br />IN TESTIMONY GIrHER,F,~QFe, the ei~I~OME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION has caused <br />th be executed by sYt~`presiden~ and'its Corporate Seal to be mixed hereto this 9th <br />.•~-~-~9`r~fr,~'` February 79 83 HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN <br />s 1:4~,~.,.~'~~~, ------h~S~SII~CIAILON_OF..GRAND...LSLAND---------------------- <br />s~ <br />r-~ ,-3•--- - --------'~r„j~--a -- - .._ .. ............._.._....-.__...._ _ - By..n!.~~`?Step n jR ~~ - - - - ---°. Vi C~iresddent~ <br />:~ ~~~~ ~_;._'~ . ~ -Tiler - <br />Yr-------- --- ~.- -- - - - - - - -- - -- -fittest - -- ....-..-_.....------ ---- •--------, ~~Fif')fX7FlEdFihiFtaFlf} <br />a: ATE Cx~i ~:.;~~ tt<rtH~.K1.1-•---------- ------ ---- -- -l 9th- -- Februar .-•--°--- 3-•-- <br />=' ,~ *•~~-«'` O'ff' tss. On this....-- - --may of------------- --- -- --- ---Y 19$-- <br />'1"~K ~~~\ _ HALL County II before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for <br />t ~ said Coiaty, Personally came . ---- S Lephen--R :-_ Bel tzer --------.---- -- -Vice ~~~rthe <br />gHOME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND - ~ en <br />[ _ ........................................°----•----•-----°----....---- ----- -- ....----- -- ----...--- - -------- ------ ---------------- --..a Corporation <br />1 to trio personally known to be t~i~~Teside~~CaStti identical person whose name is effaced to the above release-and <br />' acknowledged the eaecution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and ', <br />deed of said Corporation, and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by its authority. <br />i <br />~} Notarial Seal at..Grand.- Is-land-, _Nebraska... , in said County the day and year <br />s ~ ,~ , i <br />'. -`--~?..~.L~ ....., 1s~C~' ~.:,~:-!~r~~~~,t. ~-.:. ~¢c-+1-q:~.,:,~J rlotaryPublic~ <br />yr ._.-. .., ...~,. -. - - , <br />descritad real estate in Hat{ County, ae^raka: A i'ART GF THE SOUTH HALF OF 'fFiEµ <br />i~DRTH4•iEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER iSINW,-,SW~} ?F SECTION THIRTY-THREE i33} TOWNSHIP 12, <br />:dORTH, l:Fl~'dGE 2~111VE, WEST OF TFSE OTH P.h~., i:J HA! L (~t)Uiii'~', R~EBRASKA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBER <br />r^,S FOI LC!svb: Beginning at a point 055.51 Feet Sou-;h .,;.~d 65 Feet East cf the Northwest Corner of- <br />said Southwest Quarter ;hence running r,aralla! tc and along and upon the North line of said <br />~cuthwest Quarter, a distance cf i256.^0 l=est, thent:e r-unning South on the East line of said <br />,.';r;!~west Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (?J9wS::~}, .a uisfanca of 490.44 Faet~ thence running <br />~.t:si para!!ef to the idorth Tine of the saiC Northwest ~~~uarter of said Southwest Quarter(NW'ySW'a), <br />a d.s:ance of 487.42 feet; thence turning at right a,:_;ies and running hJorth parallel to the East: <br />1 ine of the rJorthwest Quarter ~f th2 Soutnwest ~Jcarler ;fJ;a;;S`r+,~), a distance of 283.75 feet, <br />thence running West ;>7.3I Feet parallel to the PJerth !ine of said Northwest Quarter of the <br />`outhwest Quarter (NwsSW;i) to a point 6b fast east ~f the west !ine of said Northwest Quarter <br />:.;f the `3outhwest Quarter (MV;SWi); thence running crth ;>arailef to the West Line of said <br />'Jorthwest Quarter of the Southwest (?uartar iNW,=,,$td=;}, ~ distani~e cf 207 Feet to the point of <br />i n... . <br /> <br /> <br />