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<br />This form is used in connec- <br />tion with mortgages insured <br />MORTGAGE under the one- to four-family <br />provisions of the ~ National <br />HoitSing Aet. <br />83....~C~Q~~3 <br />THfSMORTGRGE,made-andexecutedthisl8th day of February ,A,D, <br />t9 ~3" ; byandbetween Kenneth W. Place ani#" Rita C. Place, Husband "and" Wife, <br />o€ thcGmtnty of Hall ,and Starr of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter vatted <br />ifie-Mortgagor, and Supe°t'zor Mortgage, Inc: , <br />a corporation orgartiied and existing tinder the laws of Nebraska , <br />party of tfie second part: hereinafter cafled the Mortgagee, <br />W4TNESSETH: Tharthe said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of iha sum of Twenty Five Thousand Seven <br />Hundre a d No/10 ths------------------- Dollars f5 25,700.00 ).paidbytlieMOrt- <br />gaget, "the receipt :;~ w~iich is hereby acknowledged. has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Bar- <br />gain. Self; Convey and Conttrm ante the Mortgagee. its successors and assigns, forevei, the following-described <br />real estate, sitaated in tfie Coumy of Hall ' , aridStAte <br />of Nebraska. to ivit <br />Lot One Hundred Fifty-eight (158), West Lawn Addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />of the Sixth Principe! Meridian, containing in ail <br />meet survey: <br />acres Govern-_ <br />TO NAV E hND TO HOLD the prenusr. strove described, with x8 the appurtenances thereunto 6elongittg slid including <br />alt heating, plumbing and lighting fixttues and ryuipment now ur hertaftu attached to nr used in contrection wiittsaid teat esitNe <br />unto [hr '.Nurtgagec, and io its 5ucresxrrs and a.signs, ferever. fhe h#catgagor rtpreaents to, and covcnan(s witb,:the Isf~tga•. <br />gte, that the h#urtgagirr has gaud right t:? .etc and ~.:nvey Said prtntisrs; that tht}° art free from encumtuAttcg„attd ihat.thra <br />Mortgagor will warrant and defend the same agaimt the lawful claims of all ptrsuns whomsoever, amd the said Mortgagor here- <br />hy relinquishts art rights of homestead, :end alf martial rights, either in Eaw or inequity, and alt other contingeni inferests Of the <br />Mortgagor in and to the aMrve-described premiss,. the intention trying to cnnvty hereby an absafutt title, in !te simple; itictud- <br />ingall rights of homestead, soil other rights and inttrrsts as atorrsaid. <br />PROVIDED A L.WAI'S, and these prestntr. are executed and delivered upon the fraUowittgconditions, town: <br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay to the ht urtgattec, or order, the principal sun: of Twenty Five TMusaAd S@YeA <br />Hundred and- No / l OOt hs--------------- Ikrilars tS 2 S, 7 00.00 ), <br />with Lttrrest tram data at tht rate ut Twelve and One-Half pet cxntum ( 12.5 `16) per antrum on <br />tht unpaid balance until paid. The ,aid principal and interest shall be payable at the office of Superior Mortgage, Inc . <br />in Grand Island , Nebraska , or at such other place as the holder of <br />the Wort may designate in w7iting. in monthly instailmtnts of Two Hundred Seventy Four and 29/IOQEhs---- <br />____________~_____ Di>itars tS 274.2 gg 1. comnreneing on the first day of <br />April , ty 83 ,and on the first day of each month thereafter unfit the principal and in- <br />terest are fatty paid, txcept that the. Sinai~~tymtnt ui principal and interest, if nut sooner paid, shall bt due and <br />payable on the first day of *fareh, 2013 ;all accardingto tht terms of acertain ptamis- <br />sorynote of even date herewith executed hg tht >aid Mortgagor. <br />Ffie Mortgagor rn order mute fully to protect the secaritp of this Murtgagt, egrets: <br />h Thai he w?t! pay tht indebtedness, as hereitthtfore provided, frvivilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole, or in an <br />amount tgttr~l to oat or more monthly payments on tht principal ihas err next due un the note, nn the first day of airy month <br />pdrx to maturity: PNatirfed, frowtser, That written rEOtrce «f an nuentior, to exercise such privilege is given at (cast thirty (30) <br />days prior taptepayment. <br />_'. Ci:at~ tugtthtr with, xtat=ur addition ta, Itte tuuntht> payattnts of prindpal and interest payabtt-under the terms of the <br />Wort stcutsQ.bettby, the fdtxtgagMrr wits piss to lht blurtgagte, oa the first deg of each month until the sai21 troll ix fully paid, the <br />falkrwiag sums: <br />fa) Amourtt sufitctent fa ptovidt fix: hullo hnreu€ with funds to pay the nexi mortgage insutmtce prriruum tt this <br />irtstrunrcnt anti the nrtte itivttted Irtrchy are insured, nr a monthly charge jirt lieu srjs mc:rtgapft fttrurtrnrr pre- <br />+rriurnl if tfrtir arthtltl lay the Stererary caf Hotismg acrd ttrtsan Derelaptmnf, as f allows: <br />(l i I# acrd Fo lc,rrP as c;:xG! :,=arc ,xf coal ci3te acrd ttt~ er~trurturn a€r trs~used „r err n~rr~nted trader the pro.. <br />vi~irt of iht ?rfariran:tl t#c+uslrrg Act, xn amount snfl`x~rent to aeeunrulate ire the hands ,>i the holder ~atr <br />Rrataoews t` a a , a s s+,t ,~rr;ar, +ri,v ae wrwr u ^~rst .,.»nw ;a a.t~:rt+at STATE ilF N6fl~tAr3` Eui <br />