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<br /> <br />MORGGRG£ _ See L 23.079 <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 24, 076 <br />KNOW ALL MEN RY THESE PRESENTS: That Gregory D. Roberts and Dixie A. Roberts, each in his <br />and her own right and as spouse of each other, Mortgagor, whether Otte or more, in cotrsfdetation of the sum of <br />Fi ft•ac+n 'ptvxtsanri FI.Ve_. T~L~C{red alld Im~1QQ----------~_~--------"`------~- DOLLARS <br />laareed to said mortgvgor by The F.quitabte Building and [.uan Asstxiation of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 155 shares of stock of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L , du hereby grant, conxy and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the fotlowivg <br />described teat estato, situated in Halt County, Nebraska: <br />Lot Eleven (11), Centennial Gardens Subdivision, <br />an Addition in the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />together with all the icreemenu, heredttamenta and appurtenant~cs thereunto bolo^n' o, including attached floor tovetittgs, all window acrtx~ts, <br />window aftades, blinds, storm windows, awning, heating, sir amditionrng,and piumtwigand water equgrrtront and accesso[ies thereto, ptttnps,stovea, <br />refrigerators, and other f x1nTCa and equ:pntcnt now ur hereafter anadsed to ur used ur wrutettnm with said real estate. <br />Arad whereas the card mortgagor has agreed and dues hereby spree that the nturtgagor shah and will pay alt taxes sled assttsvoents levied or <br />asseaxd upon card prcrnises amt uprut this nuxtgsga and the Mind s~eturrd thereby imlirre itx saint shall bewttte delinquent; to furnish approved <br />inswana uprm lace buildings un sad ¢rrauses srtuaed m the sum ++f 5 15, 500 , 00 payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deBver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for zed inxruana; and nut to cummtt ur permit env waste on ur about and premiers: <br />In war of drfardt in the perfexnurnec ui arty of the arrears and wmtitions of this msrr[gage or the fired ae~tted hereby, the rnottgagee shah, <br />on dereumd, be entitled to immediate pusseatun u[ late nwnppged premises and the mortgagor hercbY assigns, transfers and acts owes to the <br />mrutgatgec a6 thz rents, revenues and income to br derived Lam tbe nwrtgaged purrriscs during soda time as the rrwrtgage ietdebtrdnem shall Rroain <br />unpaid; aed late mungagee sttaiJ have the paver a+ apdxnnt any agent cn agents n may deanc fur the purpose of repaving said premixs and rcotitrg <br />the same and r'utkciing rte rentz, revenues aril insx>etrr, and tt nuY pay tort of said irtivime ail expenxs of rcpairietg said pceatiaes snd etecemary <br />commissions snd expatses incurred in renting and nustagurg ttx Sarre and of arlkttirrg rentals therefrom: the baLnte rcerraining, if ury, [o be <br />applied toward the disthargr of said mortgage indrWedrtess, these rrgt+ta of the emrrtgagee Huy be exercised at any aline dttriag the existence of sttdt <br />tkfaWt, inespcr.Yive of any temporary waive of [he setae. <br />Tlsese Prev~rtU, however, err upon Ile Comtittrrn, That it tare said Mortgagua shall repay and town on ur berate the maturity of mitt shoes by <br />paymcm; P®Y monthly ur Lard AS5OC'[AfI0N of the sum speufrcd in the Bursd xtwed hereby as intrust and prirtapal tin mitt hsan, on or before <br />the Twartieih day of rash and every mooch, unfit said kwn is fatly paid; pay alt toes and asseaztrrenis levied agaieffi said pteertives and on this Mortgtye <br />anti the Bard secured tfrcreby, before dchnqueuy; furmah approved fnswaewe upmt the buildings thercwt m the sum oI S 15 r 5f)Q .00 payable <br />to said ASSO(:IATI(NJ; repay to said ASSCX'IA77OIv upon detrraud off money by n paid fur sttrh taxes. asaeaatnents amt insurance with 7ntmeat at <br />the rnsxienum legal rate tFrererm from date of payment alt of which Mrntgagn beuby spaces w paY;peemit no waste on saidpurrtises;keep andcoetrply <br />with sit the agrrenreuts and tonduisurs ar the Bond fat S 15, 700.00 thts day green by the and Mortgagor to said ASSSOC(ATI()N, and eamply <br />with a6 the requirentrnis of the Cututttutiun snd By-Laws of said ASSOCIATION; then ttrese pretense zita6 become Holt and vofd, othetwiae they <br />strati remain rn full fluor and Huy be forrr:tused at the option of the scut ASSOCIATION after failure rot thrtx trronUu to rwka say of mid <br />pvcyments or be three months in arrears m ntaktog sad monthly ptyrteents, ur to keep and aumply with the agtcettteats and conditions of said Bond; <br />std Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appuigtrd furthwrth W such Cuuttusttte ptuueedirrgs. <br />If these is anq ttwegr in ownership ut flee real estate erautgaged ttetefu, by sale ur utheewise, then rho entire rcntaitting iadebted~t hereby <br />aectued duU, at the opiiun of The Equitable Buitdrng and l..uxn Assuriatioo ur Grand latatd,Nebratka, become immediately due sad payable without <br />ftuthu rrotice, and the amount rcmauung due urge and bold, std any other bowl for any addltiorttd advances made thereunder, shall, from the <br />date of exercise of said optwn, bear inuresi at the nuxrtrtune tegyl rate, and thiz nru[tgage may then be foreclosed to mtisfy the amtrunt due on said <br />bad,and any other brt~ for additional advtmcrs, t ~gcthcr wish a6 sums pad by mW 7'he Egnitabk $niiding and Loan Amoc3ation of Grand -staad. <br />Nebradta for irtaruance, taxes and assesunertta, and abstracting extension Jurges, with usterext thereon, from dare of payment at the noximum <br />legal nu. <br />As ovitkd in the Bawd secured hertby, while this msuigage cemains is effect tM rnori rtuy txrearttt advance additional sutra to the <br />makers at said P.ated, their assigns ut susrs in merest, whicA sums shall be within the seturity of this tnurt~ge the mote as the funds origioal~y <br />s~uxcd thereby, sate total amount of prurcfpal debt tort to exceed at ae•.y tune the ur iguud atnount or this erwrtgagr. <br />Gat ttris 16th day of Ft~rtkuy, A. t)., 1!~ 83 <br />__,..._~ <br />D <br />A. <br />SATE r)F NEBRASKA, ~ ~ (?rr stns Ibth r4y of February, 19$3 , before tor, <br />C'tH)NTY OF' HALL <br />the urukrargrsrd, a Notary Public in sad fu[ said Cotmty, persursaBy txvte <br />I3. Rat~erts t'3lfd Dixie A. Rt~ert~, each in his and her cAVn ri~t and as ~ lc~a to <br />G3C O SE°r, art <br />tart to be Isla rdtmtiwt posartaig vrhrue rsaute g tiYr^' elfxxed hr sate above inutwmont u mtntgagu: g and alley trscrally <br />adtarrwkdgd laze said iwslrtuzzal3 tx IM thk:lr xdwttary set artd decd. <br />w[TkI^7iS' ray hand and . I ~# the data afuresau!. ~ ~ --~ _ <br />tdy Cntnrnuairm t:Fuc+ ~t"% f ~ ' _ w ~ "` <br />I ~~~ -' l ' <br />,r , <br />_ t <br />rt.ssataru ~ i~iNAIM>ifAR-fiw.Mgarty,t <br />