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<br />- .:, <br />MORTGAGE 83-- t)C}~'~ ~~ <br />TH'I$ INIlENTURE; mlade this.-._ lbth _----.--- day of _.__.._February ._._ __ ____--- . 19 83_..._, by and between <br />V~NGENT A_„~AVAI.tC~i+SNI} SHi1RON K. ZAV?,I:A, I1tiSBAND .AND WIFE AND VAUGHN V. SMITH AND <br />MARTHA E. SMITH HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />of H~~ County, Nebraska, as mortgagor 3 ,and Home Ftderal Saving; and Loan Association of Grand fsland, a rnrporation <br />organized and rxtstiirg under the laws of the United States of America with its princtipai office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as <br />' $ad«; <br />WITNESSETFt~ T/tatsaidmartgagot s _.tora~~dinrnnsiderationofthesumof T .N HO Ft~F, HIINnRt3- <br />Ftjr'pglrpi .DO Rc eurt°NO/10f1=____________________~~__ natlars{S I~.,K13 ~n(1 ). <br />ttteraetpt of which is htrtby aekuowkdged, do~ by these presrnts mortgage aiiG warrant unw'xaid mangagee, fu Successors andassigas, <br />forever, all the fotlawittg descriF+cd rrsl estate, situattd in the Coumy of Ha 7 7 ~ ~ ' <br />aM State of NeMaska. to-wit: <br />LOT TWO (2) ZN BLOCK THIRTEEN {13) IN SCARFFrS ADDITION, CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Together with all treating. eu conditmrung, lighting. and plumbing equipment and fixtums, including screens, awnings, storm windows and <br />doors. and window shades or blinds, used on or N connection with said Rroperty, wlu:ther the same are now located on said property or her~fter <br />placed theeeon. <br />Tt? HAVE ANI) TO HOLD THE SAME. together with ell and singular the tenements, herniitementa and appurtenances themurto be~ <br />tonging, or in anywise appertaining, tarevez, amt warrant the tscle to the setae. ~eicl morgagor S-_ hereby cavenant.__. with said <br />mortgagee that .. the -.}'_ _ -- _ .are- . at Che delivery hervof, the lawful owner .. `~ of the premisex atwve rom~eyed and described. <br />and-.--8yp_... _ seized of a goat and intietessibke eswie of Inheritance ttcerem. tree scot clear of all encumbranern, and that__Y-he ~ will <br />warrant and de[emf the title thereto fomver against the rtavns and demands of alt persons whomsoever. <br />PAOV3DED-ALWAYS, end thin instrument fs executed arld delivered to secure the payment of the sum of _.__,.. _ TF,rL.THOiLSANr1 __ <br />FIVE HUNDRE~FIFTEEN DSO ,ARS ANU_NO1100 ----- - _ _ nauar~ta 10_,5,15.00--_--- .-~1_ <br />with intareat:thereon, together with sucb charges and siivances as may be due and payable w said nwrcgagee under the terms and conditions <br />of the.promiasay note of even date herewith and sarurrd hereby. executed by said mortgagor __S__ to said mortgagee, payable a' expms'.svYi <br />-in said note, sad W secure fife paformaaca aE all the terms aed conditions contained ti:eroin. The terms of said note are hemby incorporated <br />hueiu 6y t}ds. refereaea. <br />- ft is t,M intention and atiteeooeut of the parties hereto that this mortgage ahaU also secure any tuturn advances made w said mortgagor. __g <br />6y said mortgages, and say and su uldebtadness m addition w Che amount akwve stated which said mortgagors, or any of them, may owe to <br />.said ttioKgage6, however evidenced, whether Dy torte. book arcuuat or athcrwise. Phis nwrtgage shall remain in toll tonx and effect between <br />Ute Parties hereto and ltwir belts, personal ropreaeritacives. survessurs and assigns, until all amounts secured hemumfer, including forum <br />advaems, are paid in foil with interest. <br />The afortgagot S , hare6y assign ___.._... to said eortgagee all mats and income arising at any atxi all times from said pmperty and <br />Irsreby authotize said mortgagee ar its agent, at fits opLron, upon default. to take charge of said property and collect s11 mnt5 nmf income <br />tftaretrom sad-apply the soma to the payment of interest, principal, insurance premiums, taxes, assessments, repairs ar improvements <br />~- tfapesauy t2 kaep,tiaidptnParty in tanantrltla_oortditfota or w father ctfarges,or psytaaota provided far herein ur in.the corn hert:hy atv:ured. This <br />- tint asaign®ettt shall oantidue in force tuttii the unpaid batence of said note is fully paid. The taking of possession hemundar shall in nn mannrr <br />ptsv~t or retard said mortgages in tM caliection of said soma by Foreclosure ar ath~wise. <br />- ~--TU®tar3iue of tshs mortgagee m aaae<t any of its rights hereumier at aqv time shat( riot he coeserued-as a waiver of its right to assert; the - <br />same at any tress timoc-and to insist upon and eefotce atricx cwaplianca with ill the terms and provisions of said nciral amt of ihi:; mortgage. <br />- tf said noC g. shalt eat>,va W 6e paid ice said rno+t8a8ea the entire nmauat dun it hemundar, aril under the terms and provisions <br />o(,aaid aoOe hMreEg satvred, itachtdiag fuptre advaacea, atsd aqy extensions ur renewals tlisrvof in acmrdarfca with the terms and pn~viskuis <br />tkwtiot, std ~ said mOtSlpRAr S~„_ a6st1 oomph with all the Prorieions of said cote and of this mortgage, (ben these pnaaettW shed be void: <br />nfAssarila to egmuiew is fs~ f«w aadnHact, and aid mortgagee shall 6a ontftkd w the posaeeaton of alto[ said pcoPertY. and may, at its option, <br />dst tlal atpa..itfziaaid note and ail ~ sx5freaatad tlf~e4y to be immediately due and payable, and may [urerfose khla mortgage <br />ae taicn_lagp oWst astfl action to pmtoaQits right. Apptaiaemeul waived. <br />Thar ~ p1ta11 bs bindfae upoa sad shall enure to the taaratrfft of the hairs, axetvcura, adminwcnam, suctaswirs and assigns of the <br />pn7.,tiE 4ueto, ' <br />N tY;T#f$13$.WH~Ntit3F, said tsar ~,.$.~.. ha _ve._. tae(wnw set._.. t~teiE' -. hand s...... the dsy and year:first atwve <br />_ . <br />• ~' <br />S+~IMRQN li, X,4~Y~I.A __~ E. SM1TH <br />