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83--- t)~iU~r~> _ <br />{i}month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />National Housing Act, as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder; or <br />(II) If-and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge (in Ilea of a mortgage insurance premium) which shall be in an <br />amount equal to one•twelfth (1/12) of one-half (1 /2) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments; <br />(b) A sum equal to [he ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next became due and payable on <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />an the mortgaged property (alt as estimated by the Mortgagee] less all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />assessments will become delinquent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre- <br />miums, taxes and special assessments; and <br />(c} All payments mentioned in the fwo preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the note secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a single payment to be applied by the Mortgagee to the fallowing items in the order set forth: <br />(1} premiwn charges under the contract of insurance with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, <br />or monthly charge (in lfeu of mortgage 6rsurance premiwn:/, as the case may be; <br />(tI) .ground rants, taxes, assessments, fire and other hazard insurance premiums; <br />(HI) interest an dte note secured hereby; and <br />(IV) amortization of the principal of said note. <br />Any deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate monthly payment shall, unless made good by the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the due dart of the next such payment, constitute an event of default under this mortgage. The <br />Mortgagee may collect a "late charge" mr, to exceed four cents (3a) for each dollar (SI) of each payment more <br />than fifteen (I~l days in arrears m cover the extra expense involved in handling delinquent payments. <br />3. 'That. if the total of the payments made by rho Mortgagor under I h i of paragraph `? preceding shall exceed <br />the amount of payments actually made by the Mortgagee for around rents. taxes and assessments or insurance pre- <br />mium, as the case may be, such excess, if the lawn is current, at the option of the Mortgagor, shall be credited b} <br />the tortgagee on subsequent payments to 6e made by the Mortgagor, or refunded to the Mortgagor. If, however, the <br />monthly payments made by the Mortgagor under {hJ of paragraph 2 preceding shall not be sufficient to pay ground <br />rent, taxes and assessments or insurance premiums, a= the case ma} be. when the same shall hecomt: due and pay- <br />able, then the Mortgagor shall pay to the Morgagee any amount necessary to make up the deficiency, on or before <br />the date when payment of such ground rents, lases, assessments or insurance premiums shall be due. If at any <br />time the 1lortgagor shall tender to the Mortgagee, in accordance with the provisions of the note secured hereby, <br />full payment of the enf.ire indebtedness represented themby, the Aorgagee shall, in computing the amount of such <br />indebtedness, credit to the account ut the Mortgagor all payments made under the provisions of /aJ of paragreph <br />hereof which the )lorigagee has not became obligated to pay ur the secretary of Housing :nd Orbwt Development <br />and any balance remaining in the funds accumulated under dtc pnn•isiom of (b; of paragraph 17 hereof. If there <br />shall be a default under any of the procision~ of this mortgage resulting in a public salt: of the premises covered <br />hereby, or iC the !Mortgagee acquin~s the propertg otherwise after default, the Mortgagee :;hall apply, at the time of <br />the commencement of such proceedings, or at the time the property is otherwise acquired, the balance then remain- <br />ing in the funds accumulated under i %~1 of paragraph '? preceding, a~ a credit against the amvunt of principal then <br />remaining unpaid under said non, and shall properh adjust any pat ment.~ which shall have been made under (aJ <br />of paragraph '?. <br />d. "That the Mortgagor will pay ground rent.,. macs, assessments, water rates, and other governmental or municipal <br />charges, hoes, or impositions-fur which provision has nut been made hereinhefure, and in default [hereof the Mortgagee may <br />pay [he same: and that the Mortgagor w iii promptly dtlivrr the official rectipts therefor to [he Mortgagee. <br />5. "the Mortgagor will pay all taxes which may be Itvied upon the tortgagee's interest in said real estate and impr~ve- <br />ments, and which may be levied upon this mortgage or the debt secured hereby that only to the extent that such is not prohibit- <br />ed by law and only to the extent that such will not make this I.utn usurious), but excluding any income tax, State or Federal, <br />imposed un ittortgagee, and will fill the official receipt showing such payment with the :ttortgagte. L'pon violation u[ [his under- <br />taking, or if the Mortgagor is prohibited by any law now or hereafter existing [ram paying the whole or any portion of the afore- <br />said taxes, or upon the rendering of any court decree prohibiting the payment by the ~tor[gagor or any such taxes, ur it such law <br />ur decree provides that any anwunt su paid by the Mortgagor shall he credited un the murtgagt debt, the Mortgagee shall have <br />the right to give ninety Jays' written notice to the owner of the mortgaged premises, requiring the payment of the mortgage <br />debt. !f such notice be given, the said debt shall become dot, payable and collectibtt at the expiration of said ninety days. <br />6. Thai should he fail to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this Lhvtgage, then the Mortgagee, at its op- <br />tion, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made sh:dl be added to the principal sum owing on [he above note, <br />shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest at the rate set forth in the said note, until paid. <br />'. 'that he hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the Mortgagee, m he applied toward the payment of the note and all <br />sums secured hereby in casr of a default in the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Mortgage ur the said <br />note, all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebted- <br />ness shall remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee shall have power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of <br />repairing said premises and of renting the same and collecting the rents. revenues and income, and it may pay out of said in- <br />comes all expenses of repairing said premises and necessary commissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the <br />same and of col}ecting rentals therefrom: the balance remaining, if ary, to be applied toward the discharge of said mortgage <br />indebiedness- <br />8. That he will keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the mortgaged property, insured as may be <br />required from time to time by the Mortgagee against lass by fire and other hazards, casualties and contingencies in such <br />amounts and fur such periods as may be required by the Mortgagee and will pay promptly, when due, any premiums un such <br />insurance provision for payment of which has nut t+etn made hereinbefore..41I insurance shall be curried in companies ap- <br />proved by the Mortgagee and the policies an3 renewals thereof shaft be held by the 13urtgaget and have attached thereto loss <br />payable clauses in favor of and in farm act~ptable to the Mortgagee. In event of loss Mortgagor wib' give immediate notice by <br />matt to the Murtga$et, who may make proof of Toss if not made promptly by Mortgagor, and each imurance company cum <br />cemtd is hereby authuriztd and dirocteti to make payment for such lass directly to the Mortgagee instead of to the Mortgagor <br />alai Life 4fottgagte jointfy, amt the insurance pro.:eeds, or any part thereof, may he applied by the Mortgagee at its option either <br />to rho reduction of the indebtedness htrtby secured or to the restaraticon ur repair of the property damaged. Ire event of foreda• <br />surd of this mortgage ur other transfer of title to the mortgaged property in txtinguishmcnt of the indebtedness secured hereby, <br />a#1 right, titke and interest of the Mortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in facet shaft pass tv the purchaser or grantee. <br />4, That as additianaf and ttdiateral stcutity for the payment of the note described, and all sums to become due under this <br />martgtgr, the Mottgagcrr htrtby assigns to the t{urtgagee all pru6ts, rtvenue3, ri>yaltits, rigfits and hentfits accruing to the <br />Murigagw uttdor any and aft nit and gas feasts vn said premises, with the right h+ receive mid rrctipt for the same :,nd apply <br />them to ?.aid indebtedness az well before an after default in the candiduas of chic mortgage, and the '4fixt$agtt may demand, sue <br />foe and rttoctr aryy such paptnsnr. wfitn dot and payat+lt, btrt that( net fx reyeuced sr> t+, da This assignmpm ra to terminate <br />atnd fre~c-rmc nut! and void +rpnnt tekas~• -+f thin mortgage. <br />r+vtJ ~B?ta7M 19•'791 <br />